The Romulan Republic wrote:Fuck, we do not need a Left wing Tea Party. Is this really the best we can come up with? "We hate the Republicans so let's be just like them." Really?
No. You dont have to be Insane (the tea party is insane), but god damn, if a tactic works, use it.
You want to stop the democratic party from shifting to the right? Terrify the politicians with primary challenges, recalls, and threats to their election funds.
And most importantly:
Be Willing To Take Your Vote Elsewhere.
The republicans did a very good job of co-opting elderly christ-pseudolibertarians into their party. They harnessed racism, bigotry, fear of change, greed, and wishful thinking into a political sword. I fail to see why positive virtues cannot be forged into a similar sword, using similar methods.
If the Tea Party faction actually managed to take over then you could reasonably consider them extreme
What? You mean the faction that has the speaker of the house answering to them? The one who's preferred policies have held the nation hostage? Get that through your head. Holding. The. Nation. Hostage. How is that not, in effect, taking over? They are well on their way to doing it, if we are not to consider them having done so. Additionally: here is a comparison. German CDU vs GOP (page is translatable via google)
Take a look. Remember, the CDU is Germany's center right party and I think fairly representative of what an average center right party looks like, as opposed to our "center right" party.
Also: generally, when one posts links to things, there is supposed to be a god damn source link. But, in general response, I am certainly glad that actual responsibility has tempered raving batshit lunacy into simple batshit lunacy.
Come on, this is a guy so stupid he thinks he can arrest cultural shift by TERRIFYING HIS SUPPORTERS. That'll teach them to disagree with me!
What supporters do I have in government exactly? In terms of my non-minority-focused political priorities, I dont really have any, not who have any real power in any case.
Environment: Neither party by and large (there are exceptions, but again, not as a whole party) is willing to push to clean up the department of the interior, deal with climate change, protect endangered species, protect imperiled watersheds etc
Human Rights: Both parties are willing to condone and shield torture, indefinite detention and massive privacy intrusions. Very few stood up to Obama declaring the authority to unconstitutionally assassinate US citizens.
Distributive Justice: Bush Tax cuts, current debt deal.
Science: Guess what is on the chopping block in these cuts?
The only supporters I have are members of the progressive caucus, who the party leadership has marginalized.
Oh and how DARE I propose actually voting against politicians who do not perform as I expect them to. How DARE I propose that the left wing of the US do what they should have done ages ago: grow a fucking spine, and vote in accordance with their conscience in a manner sufficiently organized as to force politicians to stop taking them for granted.
The reason why we are in the straits we are in, is because the Dems do not fear their base. The GOP does. That is why they win.