Mitch McConnell Admits That Republicans Took America Hostage

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Mitch McConnell Admits That Republicans Took America Hostage

Post by bobalot »

Much to the shock of the Washington Post, Mitch McConnell admitted that his party took the debt ceiling hostage and by extension, America. He even admitted that many of his Republican colleagues were willing to kill the hostage.

“I think some of our members may have thought the default issue was a hostage you might take a chance at shooting,” he said. “Most of us didn’t think that. What we did learn is this — it’s a hostage that’s worth ransoming. And it focuses the Congress on something that must be done.”

McConnell also stated that he “could imagine doing this again.” In other words, expect the Republican Party to play the part of hostage taking terrorists every time the debt ceiling needs to be raised. And every time the future of America is at stake. This shows how little the Republican Party cares about America and the American people. So next time the right-wing proclaims their love for America, remember that they were willing and are always willing to shoot America in the head for political gain.

Straight from the horses mouth.
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Re: Mitch McConnell Admits That Republicans Took America Hos

Post by The Romulan Republic »

This should be made a main talking point for the Democrats in the 2012 campaign.
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Re: Mitch McConnell Admits That Republicans Took America Hos

Post by wautd »

The Romulan Republic wrote:This should be made a main talking point for the Democrats in the 2012 campaign.
Yeah, like that is going to happen..
Much to the shock of the Washington Post, Mitch McConnell admitted that his party took the debt ceiling hostage and by extension, America
And by extension, the world economy.
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Re: Mitch McConnell Admits That Republicans Took America Hos

Post by White Haven »

...That was a point I was hoping for a Democratic firebrand to make. To hear it coming from the other side of the aisle is more than mildly surreal.
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Re: Mitch McConnell Admits That Republicans Took America Hos

Post by Stravo »

White Haven wrote:...That was a point I was hoping for a Democratic firebrand to make. To hear it coming from the other side of the aisle is more than mildly surreal.
Because there is little chance of blowback on them for admitting this. They found yet another issue the Dems and especially Obama are weak on, They know that Obama did not get anywhere near the deal he wanted and that he has a weak chin so to speak in terms of negotiating. In many ways Obama is like William Shatner the Priceline negotiator - name your price and I'll give it to you.

Who's going to hold them accountable? Their base wants this. The Tea Party wants even more than what they fought for. They don't have to appeal to the voters who are on Obama's side right now and when the presidential elections start American voters have a nortoriously short memory. Democrats don't have the spine to beat on this admission either.

This was a low risk admission for them and a rallying call for their base.
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Re: Mitch McConnell Admits That Republicans Took America Hos

Post by Slacker »

Sure, it's a rallying cry for their base, but it's going to piss off everyone else in the country. If the Dems were competent, the Republicans would be absolutely slaughtered in 2012 with this quote alone. But they're not, so we're fucked.
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Re: Mitch McConnell Admits That Republicans Took America Hos

Post by Erik von Nein »

Who? Who is this going to piss off? People like Jon Stewart, who're impartial enough to listen to the other side but still won't side with these people? They're constituents, who have voted for these people for decades? Seriously, anyone who'll give a shit already doesn't like them and won't vote for them. You got some numbers showing otherwise?
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Re: Mitch McConnell Admits That Republicans Took America Hos

Post by Surlethe »

Slacker wrote:Sure, it's a rallying cry for their base, but it's going to piss off everyone else in the country.
Yeah, there's a pretty mad left-wing grassroots going down, ain't there? This is just throwing gasoline on the fire. I know last week there was that two thousand-strong demonstration at the Capitol demanding universal health insurance and a minimum income floor of 1/3 per-capita GDP. Now that McConnell has admitted this, why, I can see next week's demonstration jumping to ten or even fifty thousand people, flooding into the Mall to demand nationalization of the auto and steel industries, social justice, and higher taxes on the rich.

Man, wow, I can't believe McConnell is this clueless. I was sure that he would spin this as a victory for the people, but this admission about the debt ceiling - this is just going to piss the Left off further. And if there's one thing Obama is afraid of, it's a progressive in next spring's primary. I'm hearing noise about a charismatic demagogue running on a populist platform, with a good chance of unseating him and sending Washington even further left than it is.

I was reading some alt-history fiction the other day that posited a right-wing grassroots movement made up of angry older white people who wanted lower taxes and thought that health insurance was tantamount to "death panels". Can you imagine what this country would be like if Johnson hadn't beaten Nixon in '68?
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Re: Mitch McConnell Admits That Republicans Took America Hos

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Slacker wrote:Sure, it's a rallying cry for their base, but it's going to piss off everyone else in the country. If the Dems were competent, the Republicans would be absolutely slaughtered in 2012 with this quote alone. But they're not, so we're fucked.
You know, its way too early to predict the election results. And we are not nessissarily "fucked" because we have yet to see weather the GOP is capable of selecting a semi-competant candidate or what might happen between now and the election to change public opinion.

But I doubt any of this will stop you and others from smugly asserting that defeat is inevitable.
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Re: Mitch McConnell Admits That Republicans Took America Hos

Post by Zaune »

Destructionator XIII wrote:How dare a congressperson use leverage to do what they think is best for their constituants!
Even allowing that the majority of Republicans genuinely and sincerely believe that their policies will benefit everyone, if Obama hadn't folded then people would have died. When 1 in 6 people in the US are currently in need of government assistance to buy food, a government shutdown alone would have been bad enough. Factor in what a default would have done to the US economy, and quite frankly another Great Depression would have been a middle-case scenario.
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Re: Mitch McConnell Admits That Republicans Took America Hos

Post by Flagg »

Destructionator XIII wrote:People aren't attacking the ends. They're attacking the means themselves.

Suppose the tables were turned. What if a great man and coalition seized this opportunity to "ransom the hostage" for Medicare for all. They dig in and say "no, we'll let the country default unless you take care of the 1 in 6 Americans who are uninsured and millions more who are underinsured". Those people die too, and America's health care bullshit actually is a national financial problem and solving it would help fix the long term problem.

So, if the ransom was Medicare for all instead of cuts, would it still be wrong to take the hostage? Do these good ends justify the means, or is it only bad ends that make it unjustified?

If ends justify the means, does it make any sense to attack the means themselves? We should just focus on the ends, right? Senator McConnell's statement is thus irrelevant. He was trying for good ends; he weighed the damage that would be done by failing to pass the bill against the good done by passing his version and figured his version is "something that must be done."

The failure to produce positive ends is what needs to be attacked, not the way he tried to do it.

If the ends can't justify the means, attacking the hostage quote now makes sense, but your defense of it falls apart. Taking the issue hostage would be considered unacceptable regardless of what's at stake.
I'd say that in this situation the ends don't justify the means simply because a default makes an already bad situation much much worse.

And the reason a lot of people have such a huge problem with the hostage taking is because it hadn't been done before. People scored political points by voting "no" on the debt ceiling every time it came up (including Obama) but they always made goddamned sure it would pass because not to do it would be a calamity. And the fact is that a clean debt ceiling bill could easily have passed this congress without a single Tea Party vote, but instead the Republicans held it hostage to try and get their radical agenda passed.
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Re: Mitch McConnell Admits That Republicans Took America Hos

Post by bobalot »

Destructionator XIII wrote:How dare a congressperson use leverage to do what they think is best for their constituants!
Crashing the world economy is what's best for their "constituants"? Or proposing massive budget cuts (with no closing of loop holes or tax rises) which the vast majority of their "constituants" oppose is what's "best" for them?

I'm not sure I can think of any first world country other than America, where this is considered responsible or even sane behaviour.
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Re: Mitch McConnell Admits That Republicans Took America Hos

Post by blahface »

Stravo wrote: In many ways Obama is like William Shatner the Priceline negotiator - name your price and I'll give it to you.
Lol. So true.
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Re: Mitch McConnell Admits That Republicans Took America Hos

Post by Starglider »

Destructionator XIII wrote:So, if the ransom was Medicare for all instead of cuts, would it still be wrong to take the hostage? Do these good ends justify the means, or is it only bad ends that make it unjustified?
It doesn't really work in reverse, because a party that actively wants to shrink government cares less about a default. You'd have to threaten them with massive, immediate military cuts, e.g. 'expand medicare or we cut three carrier groups up for scrap'.
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Re: Mitch McConnell Admits That Republicans Took America Hos

Post by Patrick Degan »

Surlethe wrote:Man, wow, I can't believe McConnell is this clueless. I was sure that he would spin this as a victory for the people, but this admission about the debt ceiling - this is just going to piss the Left off further. And if there's one thing Obama is afraid of, it's a progressive in next spring's primary. I'm hearing noise about a charismatic demagogue running on a populist platform, with a good chance of unseating him and sending Washington even further left than it is.
I don't think it's cluelessness as much as it is outright contempt. The GOP are becoming more naked about their real agenda and increasingly they figure they can say and do whatever they want and never face any consequences for it from the people.
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Re: Mitch McConnell Admits That Republicans Took America Hos

Post by Simon_Jester »

Destructionator XIII wrote:How dare a congressperson use leverage to do what they think is best for their constituants!
It occurs to me that the people who didn't vote for him are, strictly speaking, still part of his constituency.

This is often forgotten in modern politics, but it's still true- they have an responsibility to the American people, many of whom would not be well served by a debt default, even if any of them would have been.

Seriously, D-XIII, I get that you're being sarcastic for the sake of trolling the thread. But there's trolling and then there's being nakedly stupid, in ways that reflect badly on the speaker even if he "doesn't mean it."
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Re: Mitch McConnell Admits That Republicans Took America Hos

Post by Ryan Thunder »

Destructionator XIII wrote:Wrong. They do care and believe they're doing the right thing.
But if they cared they'd be doing what we think they should. :3
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Re: Mitch McConnell Admits That Republicans Took America Hos

Post by The Yosemite Bear »

can we use the RICO act against the TEA party & FAUX newz then?

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Re: Mitch McConnell Admits That Republicans Took America Hos

Post by Simon_Jester »

Destructionator XIII wrote:
Seriously, D-XIII, I get that you're being sarcastic for the sake of trolling the thread. But there's trolling and then there's being nakedly stupid, in ways that reflect badly on the speaker even if he "doesn't mean it."
Do you have a consistent ethical system? If so, what is it?

You keep talking about the consequences of actions, which makes me think it's some kind of variant of utilitarianism. But, in utilitarianism, the means themselves are neither good nor bad. Only the consequences matter.

There is nothing wrong with taking an issue hostage, even an important issue that can give you big leverage. Indeed, if doing so can lead to some greater good - like Senator McConnell and a lot of other people believed - it is the right thing to do.
In the strawman-strict form of utilitarianism you describe, getting your math wrong is a sin.

It really is that simple. If all ethics boils down to points scored, assuming that something is worth 10000 points when it is in fact worth 10 points is not really forgivable, not if it leads you to cause -9000 points of harm.

This is important to understand. It's also one of the reasons why real philosophers have mostly advanced beyond the simplistic core of utilitarianism. Because the only ways to avoid the unforgivable sin of miscalculating when lives are at stake involve coming up with guidelines for action that secure you against a miscalculation.

As applied to politics, this is not a new idea- the idea that yes, important people should act in ways that, if they are mistaken, will minimize the harm caused by their actions. It's the linchpin of true conservatism, arguably, in the Burkean sense and not the right-wing-Jacobin sense.

This is the test that McConnell most blatantly failed. His actions can only be justified if he is absolutely right in his political views. There is no room for hedging his bets, for misinterpretation, for going back and fixing things if he turns out to be wrong and this kind of tactics really does lead to a US debt default. Moreover, his behavior, even if he is right, shakes confidence in the US's good faith when it comes to the national debt- because he actively courted a default, by all signs being quite happy to let it happen. We're already seeing consequences of this.
To call it wrong, you've got to believe any one of these:

a) that refusing to vote for important legislation until you get what you want is wrong in and of itself. I'm sure you'd not be consistent on this though the moment someone tacks on pork for your district, or some rider on a defense bill for an issue you like or whatever.
I think that there has to be a limit to the use of this tactic.

If you use it for limited aims, as a way of forcing a majority to compromise on small issues, so that your 40% of the legislature can get 40% of what it wants while the other 60% gets 60% of what it wants, that is not so bad. Especially not if, you really are willing to give in and let the bill pass rather than hold out until things fall off a cliff.

If you use it for unlimited aims, if you are trying for revolutionary and radical shifts in government policy, then yes, there is something deeply wrong with the tactic. Because you're not allowing a real public debate, you're not allowing for real compromise, you're essentially trying to shut down or bypass the democratic process- "screw my inability to convince the system that I should get what I want, if I don't get it I'll blow the place up!"

This is, in the long run, tremendously damaging- and I don't think McConnell weighed that damage into the "costs" side of his cost/benefit analysis.

That's the fundamental problem with "ends justify means." If the means are bad enough, they can have much worse consequences than the man on the spot is likely to realize... and they will not allow the moral agent to take back his bad deeds if the ends turn out not to be as good as he'd hoped.

Which is why rule utilitarianism and its descendants were invented. There are things you simply should not do, because on average they turn out this way. Breaking the rule is usually a bad idea even when it seems like a really good idea.

"Yes, it may seem safe to ignore the worker's safety regulations because only an idiot would stumble into this particular pit of chemicals... oh look, there goes Bob. Yes, it may seem like it's more important that I get this money now than that the bank get to keep it for next month... robbery ahoy!"

And so on.

Mitch McConnell and the House Republicans broke rule utilitarianism in July 2011, and broke it hard.
Again, he believed he was working toward a greater good. If you were simply saying that you disagree with him as to if it's worth the risk or what is actually good or bad, you'd have a point. But, no, people in this thread are being outraged over the means and attacking their motives over it.
What I am saying is that it is not enough to think the ends are good, you have to have some kind of a procedure that offers you "I fucked up my calculations" insurance. Calculation alone is not enough, naive-simple utilitarianism is not enough, to provide a set of guidelines for ethical conduct. Especially not in positions of power, where the long term consequences of a decision can unfold and blow out of control so easily.
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