Once again an incomplete analysis of the situation.Lord Zentei wrote:So: the only thing these people could think of doing was to burn down down buildings and steal property. I'm sure all those missing DVD players are going to send a strong message to Parliament.![]()
Never mind the fact that many of those stores had apartments directly above them. Frankly, it's a marvel more people weren't killed by these stupidities.
If you want to protest, fine. If you want an aggressive protest, go right ahead if you think that's the only way to get your point across (hint: it's not). But if you endanger people's lives and destroy your neighbour's homes and workplaces, you're nothing but a fucktard, regardless of what your grievances are.
What has been the First World doing to any and all organized labour opposition in the recent 50 years? Systematic decimation of radicals, systematic coopting of moderates to become effectively collaborationists. Where are labour organizations? Demolished. Where are united wide-scale movements? Destroyed.
Cultural propaganda of the recent years centered on atomization and individualization of the society. You're unique, whispered the television, you're individual, look out only for yourself. Nationalism creepingly swept through the nation; the TV spoke on how "Muslims" are "different", they are a threat to society, further disuniting the workless youth (and "workless youth" is not some god damn euphemism, youth unemployment rose to over 20% in Britain!). Meanwhile any and all mass protest organizations were discredited on a fundamental level, using government infiltrators, provocations, blacklisting, pressure and a multitude of other tactics.
The whole system created a class of destitute, but disunited, disparaged people. Who can lead the poor if non-clandestine mass organizations are discredited? Clandestine organizations. Of which crime is the most successful one. Crime operates clandestinely for decades. Centuries even. Enormous experience.
So the unemployed youth did not turn to a socialist party - a discredited and toothless protest venue, but to crime. Foistering of individualism leads to inability of realizing their own interest. Really, was it in the interest of workless youth to burn down houses in their OWN districts? Burn down SMALL BOURGEOIS shops? Was it really a protest where people realized their interests and defended them? No.
And guess why - because they forgot. They only see their individual, short-term interest. Which can be realize through looting most immediately.
If people think that "senseless" riots are somehow not determined by the cultural circumstances of Britain, by cultural conditioning of these youths and the entire society, by the ever widening rich-poor gap (look at Britain's GINI from 1980 to now) and ever-rising youth unemployment (it was ca. 8%, now it's over 20!), he's deeply mistaken. The lesson will not be learned, however.