Zinegata wrote:PainRack wrote:Guess what? I don't disagree that the Inquisition isn't a monolithic bloc of heresy,burn them.
Then your post was a complete waste of time. Because the
only point of the post was to say it's not a monolithic bloc
Right. So, if I used Mara Jade VSD hyperdrive example to say SW starships travel faster than WH40k, is that an acceptable example?
Your post content DOESN"T support your point.
Are you on fucking crack? I have already shown several examples that Marines do in fact generally deploy at company strength or Chapter strength, as opposed to squad level. Including:
* The first Taros battle (an "assassination mission")
* The Red Scorpion deployment at Vraks.
Not to mention that it's the case in the vast majority of the fluff. Seriously:
How on earth are THESE counter-examples?
WTF?Are you seriously delusional? Counter-examples would be showing that Space Marines "can't" fight squad level actions and achieve the same missions the Deathwatch does.
The word "squad" does not appear even once in the whole fucking timeline for M41. By contrast, there are numerous instances of "Chapters" and "Companies" being deployed.
And I already SHOWN you how misleading your line of reasoning is. Even when the Blood Angels deployed companies to Armaggadeon, they were ABLE to fight at squad level to fend off Ork Hordes. AGAIN, two-4 squads of Blood Angels held off an entire Ork Tribe assault on the bridges. This was one of the pivotal moments of Armaggadeon.
This is even if we IGNORED the Salamanders at 3rd War of Armaggadeon. They also deployed multiple companies, but they fought at squad level to defend convoys and etc. Black Templars? AGAIN. Fought in squad level to engage enemy warships.
Again, people have been telling you this over and over: Deathwatch specialize in small units. Space Marine Chapters may be good at this too (and may sometimes be even better than the DW), but they don't necessarily specialize in it.
Except that Deathwatch being specialised in small units was NEVER the fucking contention you dipshit. AGAIN, I quote your statement, you argued that the Deathwatch is an entirely different war fighting machine, comparing them as Green Berets to Space Marines Rangers. Do you FUCKING acknowledge that?
Again, really, the fucking Gaunt's Ghosts - a bunch of regular humans - conducted at least three high-level assassination missions during the SWC. Should we therefore conclude that Marines should be abolished and Guardsmen are superior assassins? Because this is precisely the argument you're making when you're citing individual examples, but make no move to actually show a comprehensive body of evidence proving that squad-level deployments are the norm for Space Marines. As the timeline demonstrates, there isn't even one fucking squad-level SM deployment that was worth noting.
Admit you're fucking wrong and move on.
...... That WASN"T my argument. Seriously. Quote me where I claimed that the Deathwatch DOESN"T specialise at small unit tactics and they should be abolished.
The CLOSEST I came was when in my OP, I pointed out that the Deathwatch missions could be replicated by a normal chapter and I suggested that we look for answers why the Inquisition doesn't simply create their OWN chapter. Or draft one in as their Ordos militant.
Zinegata wrote:
Yeah, because again if you'd look at the M41 timeline you see not a single mention of a single squad deployment by the Space Marines. What you do see are company level or even Chapter level deployments. You can cover your ears and go LALALALA, but that ironclad evidence hasn't been refuted at all.
You mean, the MULTIPLE incidents of me posting examples where squads were deployed is now ignored, because Blood Ravens, Ultramarines and etc are now "special"?
And as Black Admiral already demonstrated in Taros, moving up to a company-level assault is an entirely different thing. A squad of marines might have assassinated the governor, but it wouldn't have been able to crush any rebel elements or intimidated the populace into surrender. A company-level deployment can, because it's not a mere SpecOp job. It's a full-scale assault.
You argue tactics, I argue roles.
In short, stop fucking mistaking "squad level actions" with "squad level deployments". The former happens all of the time as part of a larger deployment, but it's completely different from dropping just one squad all alone on a hostile planet. Pretending there's no difference is just rank dishonesty.
Sigh. I pointed this before. When you argued that the Deathwatch is a totally different warfighting machine, I pointed out that their MISSION roles were the same. You were the one who dragged this into a "Space Marines can't fight at small squad unit level" tactical discussion, which I then rebutted accordingly.
I'm not the one pretending there's no difference. I'm simply trying to post and rebut what your piss poor attempt at communication is.
Again, in the entire M41 timeline, the word "squad" is not mentioned a single time. And this is a composite timeline that joins together the timeline from multiple codexes, as noted in the source. This isn't up for debate. Unless you can show evidence that squad-level deployments are the norm - refuting the ironclad evidence from the timeline that company-level deployments are the norm - insisting that Marines deployed at the squad level routinely is delusional.
This is fucking absurd . Your argument is that lack of evidence= proof that no squads units were deployed. When I actually post FLUFF and proof that such units were deployed.... you ignored them by claiming novel bias. When I used a fucking CODEX FLUFF, you....... ignored it.
By chance, are you a creationist? This is on the same fucking level of no genetic information has ever evolved bullshit.
That's an incredibly dumb argument. You're saying the Deathwatch isn't that good because they're actually "stealing" the skills off other Chapters? Do you realize that modern-day special forces often do recruit their manpower from other elite units? Or that they cross-train because they recognize some recruits may be better at somethings than others?
Fuck, that's half of the point of recruiting from existing Space Marine chapters - if you want a badass squad, you have to get Marines from badass units.
There's a fucking difference, which I already echoed with the Royal Tree Corp of climbers. The fucking Space Marine chapters are ALREADY supposed to fight and contain the xenos threat. Their mission scopes are actually similar. Note that Imperial Overlord contribution was that the Deathwatch formation is POLITICAL. In that the Inquisition wanted a marine chapter to call their own, and they built on such expertise.
Its not the equivalent of recruiting from the Paras to get a SAS trooper. Its the equivalent of recruiting from the SAS to get a SBS trooper.
Moreover, you again completely ignore that there are things Deathwatch operators can do that they cannot in their home chapters. Another example: Say you need a piece of Xenos flesh analyzed. The fastest way to do it is to have a Marine taste the flesh. Back in his home Chapter, an Ultramarine may get sanctioned for doing something that could be mistaken as the act of a cannibal or heretic. But in the Deathwatch, that's a completely valid tactical move that he won't suffer sanctions from.
You keep fucking posting shit that says that the Chapters won't do things such as capture xenos, yet you fucking IGNORE MY FUCKING CODEX FLUFF THAT STATES THAT THE FUCKING ULTRAMARINES CAPTURED HIVE CREATURES.
It gets even MORE fucking annoying because this piece? Actually FUCKING SHOW THAT THE CODEX FORBIDS IT.
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner