Well, I've gotten the game patched to 1.2, and played through the campaign for about 12 missions total. Damn, it is really hard to get shots in, even when lined up exactly. I have to move in under a distance of .3 (is that .3km, or some other unit?) and fire very brief bursts. I've racked up only 5 planes killed so far, but considering my wingmen are kill-stealing pig, I guess it's not too bad.
Oh, and I made pics, 'cause that's what I do!

Yes, those are of the same plane in the same quick mission. There was a second bomber that I Managed to take out after this one.

That's a recon plane from one of the campaign missions. I just softened him up with some machine gun fire, then plugged him with one shot (I and I think *only* one. He was in good shape a second before) from my 15mm cannon and the son of a bitch just blew up like a firecracker. This pic was taken right on the explosion; half a second later his bits were flying out everywhere.
My pilot name is 'Todritter' d'Armand,
Todritter meaning 'Death knight', and the last name is an older variation of my name; I thought I needed something more European to defect to the Father Land with (though I might change it to 'von Armand' if I feel like it). It's probably one of those pilot callsigns that only the pilot himself uses.
Speaking of which, I made a cutsom skin for myself, those are always fun. I only wish I could use it in the campaign.

This is a Bf109-E7, a long-range variation if I recall, as I prefer it's weapons layout over the F2's.

This one's of the F2, complete with dashing young pilot.