Personally I think that's just a cover for Captain Shrike having him shot and dumped in an unmarked grave for being either the dumbest fucker ever to wear the Raven Guard 10th Captain's heraldry or actively a traitor, but that's just me.

Moderator: NecronLord
Oh, it's worse than that. When the time comes and the High Lords order a Founding, a suitable gene-seed is found from one of the existing chapters' tithes. This gene-seed is injected into a vat-grown slave who spends his entire life inside a giant test-tube. His entire life meaning exactly long enough for him to grow mature progenoids, then he will be executed, the two gene-seed extracted from him and implanted into two more slaves, and so on until they have a thousand. WIth multiple tests for purity, if there are any strange mutations the whole batch gets thrown out and they start from scratch. This whole process IIRC takes between fifty and sixty years, provided everything runs smoothly.Dayum, hoss, creating a chapter is simple!!!! All you have to do is get this thing called Geneseed, find some young tykes , inject them and there you have it then! A Chapter of Spessh Muhreens!!!!
Correct me if im wrong but there's nothing "simple" about creating even your Standard SM, it takes years to create even a Scout not to mention a Captain.... long story short: SM already need to send ships willy nilly around the galaxy to find even one or two candidates and it then takes several additional years to train said candidate and if anything goes wrong you... dont get even a Scout for all your trouble
Multiply it by several thousand ....
But anyway its not gonna matter because we're shifting the goalposts and we're all dipshits according to TS's opinion
The RPG states that the Chapter don't send inferior warriors to the Deathwatch. However, it clearly isn't above sending warriors on a penitant crusade into the Deathwatch.Black Admiral wrote:The "Deathwatch secondment as punishment" has happened before; Shadow-Captain Moron - sorry, Korvydae - from IA8 gets sent (or, more accurately, sends himself) on a two-year penitent secondment to the Deathwatch after fucking up (major understatement) the Kastorel-Novem raid.
Personally I think that's just a cover for Captain Shrike having him shot and dumped in an unmarked grave for being either the dumbest fucker ever to wear the Raven Guard 10th Captain's heraldry or actively a traitor, but that's just me.
Here we go again.... one more time from the top:PainRack wrote: .
Deathwatch is special ops? The missions profiles are the same. Even the way they execute the mission can be the same.
Sargaent Tarkus, DoW II novelisation.Here we go again.... one more time from the top:
Missions profiles and ways of execution can be the same but the objectives, location and everything else is not the same. Within the SM themselves there are several levels of specialists running the gamut from biker to close combat specialist to WHATEVER.
If standard SM could do the jobs the DW and Grey Knights do, there wouldnt be a need for them in the first place, innit?
We've already flogged the horse several times over on this: why not show us at least one instance where a non-DW squad accomplish a mission against a similar objective in similar circumstances???
Maybe you "might" try reading the posts instead. Deathwatch RPG, which I quoted states that Deathwatch members are traditionally deployed for one mission. However, the mission definition may be considered to be one vigil, one campaign or years or etc.Index Astartes III DW Section: Once in the employ of the DW, there is no set length of service and it's members will remain together as long s its commander deems neccessary
Hot diggity damn, seems that Pain rack's concerns over "ANOTHER problem vis a vis Vietnam" doesnt exist and he didn't read that source material
Also... Would you STOP distorting my statements? I claimed that collecting recruits singly means that the manpower flow is unreliable, when compared to direct recruitment of your own. The two situations are simply not comparable. I didn't even CLAIM that the Deathwatch uses the Gladius to transport marines regularly. I used it to point out that your fucking objections isn't internally consistent..Moreover, it puts to shame your own argument about the DW's inefficiency. You claim that the DW is inefficient. You claim they use Gladius frigates to carry DW teams around regularly (even if it might not necessarily be commonplace). But hey, the Space Marines are just as inefficient too - because they seriously don't have any other fucking ship to truck around invidual squads bu the Gladius either.
Do yourself a favor and shut up.
Yes, I'm aware of this. However, given Korvydae's demonstrated and completely indefensible incompetence in the execution of/deliberate sabotage of his mission on Kastorel-Novem, in the first place I'm not convinced the Deathwatch would take him, and in the second I am fairly sure that the Raven Guard would kill him on sight for wasting nearly a hundred of their brethren thanks to being a completely useless fuckup (incidentally, most stupid statement the IA books have ever contained: the idea that the Raven Guard needed to learn the lesson "Don't give an utterly useless & incompetent moron command responsibilities").PainRack wrote:The RPG states that the Chapter don't send inferior warriors to the Deathwatch. However, it clearly isn't above sending warriors on a penitant crusade into the Deathwatch.Black Admiral wrote:The "Deathwatch secondment as punishment" has happened before; Shadow-Captain Moron - sorry, Korvydae - from IA8 gets sent (or, more accurately, sends himself) on a two-year penitent secondment to the Deathwatch after fucking up (major understatement) the Kastorel-Novem raid.
Personally I think that's just a cover for Captain Shrike having him shot and dumped in an unmarked grave for being either the dumbest fucker ever to wear the Raven Guard 10th Captain's heraldry or actively a traitor, but that's just me.
Ah, but "can lead his way out of a wet paper bag" is not.Connor MacLeod wrote:That said "Plays well with others" is a prime requirement for Deathwatch duty...
IA 8.Squad by squad, team by team, the black-clad Scouts of the Raven Guard scattered themselves across the Forsarr sector, using their well-honed skills in concealment and observation to infiltrate Ork-held worlds. Secretly, they set up observation posts and surveillance equipment and then vanished before the Orks knew they had ever arrived.