[23:21] <Benedict_> i REALLY dont think i am playing deus ex as the designers intended
[23:21] <Benedict_> as i am on the hardest difficulty and have all the things. all of them
[23:22] <Benedict_> like there was this whole like high tension build up to the first boss fight, who is this super heavily augmented cyber super soldier, dude who quite literally rips through like entire squads of security personel. I walk in the room and hes like "ima give my short pre battle mono-" and then i fired three rockets into his face
[23:24] <Benedict_> then i spent the next ten minutes picking up all the goodies littering the arena you are supposed to fight him in
[23:54] <JonB> Surely you didn't spend 10 minutes? I mean, was the boss-fight supposed to take that long?
[23:55] <Benedict_> well i like looped through the room probably more times than i should have
[23:55] <Benedict_> i was def overthinking parts of it
[23:55] <Benedict_> but there was a ton of shit in that room
[23:55] <Benedict_> my point was more that there was this long build up to an epic boss fight that i finished in about 10 seconds total
[23:56] <Benedict_> on the hardest difficulty
[23:58] <JonB> But you actually shot him, and didn't use some sort of self-destruct code on him, like "Liliputan Woman"?
[23:59] <Benedict_> yeah
[23:59] <Benedict_> i pulled out a rocket launcher
[23:59] <Benedict_> and was like "kerpow"
[23:59] <Benedict_> and he was all "grr that hurt"
[23:59] <Benedict_> and i was like "kapow"
[23:59] <Benedict_> and he was like "aug ble splrtttt"
[00:00] <JonB> Soooooo..... not buying this game when it came out was a good idea?
[00:00] <Benedict_> naw its a fantastic game
[00:00] <Benedict_> i just dont think im playing it as intended is all
[00:00] <Benedict_> i sort of have a tendency to break games tbh
[00:01] <Benedict_> its the dev in me
[00:01] <JonB> I know how you feel. I've done playtesting.
[00:01] <JonB> When I don't find anything wrong, I feel like I'm the one doing something wrong.
[00:03] <Benedict_> ok so like, here right?
[00:03] <Benedict_> first mission of the game, like the first real mission
[00:04] <Benedict_> is that some anti augmentation terrorists have taken over a plant of your bosses, and taken hostages
[00:04] <Benedict_> you are supposed to go in, neutralize them, and get the hostages out, IF POSSIBLE
[00:04] <Benedict_> you dont even have to get them out, its a bonus objective
[00:04] <JonB> Makes sense.
[00:04] <Benedict_> so i get in there right, work through the level, find the hostages
[00:04] <Benedict_> now throughout the game, you have this takedown system
[00:05] <JonB> I saw the beta of it. It would target civvies too.
[00:05] <Benedict_> you have like energy icons, you start with two and can upgrade to more, only the first one ever refills on its own
[00:05] <Benedict_> every takedown takes an energy icon
[00:05] <Benedict_> you can like snarfle power bars to fill them back up though
[00:05] <Benedict_> and your takedowns, you have two options. tap the button for a quick, nearly silent, non lethal takedown
[00:06] <Benedict_> or hold for a not so silent lethal takedown
[00:06] <Benedict_> so i go into the hostage room and theres this big bomb. i walk up, defuse it, as i am mr. hacker mc hackerson
[00:07] <JonB> So far it sounds like DX.
[00:07] <Benedict_> i immediately hop on the radio "frank, i found the hostages" "hope you have good news" -slides his foot long razor chisels through a hostages rib cage- "yeah they are just fine" -dumps her body on the couch and slices the throat of another- "im going after the leader, let sarif know the hostages are safe" -jams chisel into the calf of a running hostage and takes his head off- "im moving on to the leader now"
[00:08] <Benedict_> because i had saved them, they became non entities
[00:08] <Benedict_> no penalties for killing them
[00:08] <Benedict_> and most of them had 100+ credits on them
[00:08] <Benedict_> so i wander on through the level, killing and maiming things
[00:08] <JonB> ...
[00:08] <JonB> They lost their 'Civilian' tag?
[00:08] <JonB> Seriously?
[00:09] <Benedict_> and if you do a non lethal takedown you get like massive bonus xp
[00:09] <Benedict_> there are no real civilains in dxhr
[00:09] <Benedict_> there are like people that are not hostile to you until you attack them
[00:09] <Benedict_> but pretty much anyone is fair game
[00:09] <Benedict_> so anyways, im going through the level non lethal take downing everyone
[00:10] <Benedict_> and when an area is clear i wander back through and put a single round in each of their heads. bam tons of xp, tons of ammo from their weapons, zero damage to me, just needed some stealth / finesse
[00:10] <JonB> ...
[00:11] <Benedict_> then i get to the end guy right, and its the terrorist leader and hes holding a hostage. i have three options. fight him, where he immediately blows the hostages brains out, try and talk him down, which is this long conversation tree, or threaten him which is shorter but you dont get a followup with him
[00:11] <Benedict_> so im like "fight time" and immediately headshot him, so the hostage survives
[00:11] <Benedict_> she thanks me, gives me a bunch of shit and some free xp and is like "im going to see my husband" -chisel time-
[00:12] <Benedict_> now as shes leaving, since the leader is now dead the swat team breaches the building, so they are just coming in as i chisel her, but they didnt see me actively do it
[00:12] <Benedict_> so they all go running over to her corpse and i walk up behind one of them
[00:12] <Benedict_> and im like "pardon me, have you seen the end of my chisel?"
[00:12] <Benedict_> then headshot the other one
[00:12] <JonB> ...
[00:13] <JonB> You're killing everyone and everyone thinks you're a saint?
[00:13] <Benedict_> then i notice something. there are like seriously 30 green dots on my radar. so i start going backwards through the level, and sure enough swat is all over the building
[00:13] <Benedict_> so i can usually find one alone, knock him out, leave him in the path of one of the others. they see him and come running over, knock them out
[00:13] <Benedict_> ad nauseam till they are all knocked out, headshots all around
[00:14] <Benedict_> so the mission, which im guessing should be about 90 minutes or so? 180 minutes easy since i ran it backwards again
[00:14] <Benedict_> but i come out of it with like 3 levels, a couple hundred rounds of assault rifle ammo, and more weapons than i can carry
[00:14] <Benedict_> so i have my chopper pilot fly me back to the city, and immediately run to the nearest merchant and sell EVERYTHING i mean everything
[00:14] <Benedict_> and have enough credits to buy 2 additional levels using these expensive instalevel packs at the clinic
[00:15] <Benedict_> so now i am at like hacker level 5, have some chisel buffs, and am super stealthy
[00:15] <Benedict_> so i go roaming the city before reporting in to the boss, and find all sorts of areas i am sure will be important later on. i chisel every single non named person, steal all their shit, hack everything
[00:16] <Benedict_> everything i hack gives me xp, and passwords or codes, but i always hack to always get the xp
[00:16] <Benedict_> then i go back home having decimated the city
[00:16] <Benedict_> and my boss is like "go roam around a bit, find some sidequests"
[00:16] <Benedict_> so i go out and find like 4-5 sidequests
01[00:16] <JonB> It sounds to me like you left more than 1/10 dead.
[00:16] <Benedict_> most of which requires me to go a.) kill a named dude after battling through his thugs b.) break or hack into somewhere and get something c.) clear an area
[00:17] <Benedict_> so every side quest is basically alread done
[00:17] <Benedict_> bam tons more xp, free ammo, free weapons, free augs
[00:17] <Benedict_> then im like "ok, mission two"
[00:17] <Benedict_> oh hey look its a courtyard with dozens of soldiers that i can either gunblaze or stealth k....CHISEL
[00:18] <Benedict_> then i got a sniper rifle from one and a rocket launcher from another
<Redacted due to other stuff>
[00:19] <Benedict_> but yeah like future detroit? it no longer has a gang problem
[00:19] <Benedict_> or a police department
[00:19] <Benedict_> or hobos
[00:19] <Benedict_> or hookers
<Redacted due to other stuff>
[00:19] <Benedict_> like i said, the game is amazing
[00:20] <Benedict_> i just seem to be playing it in a way the devs did not intend
[00:20] <Benedict_> i am on the third main story mission, only the second city in the game, and i have completely maxed my hacking
[00:23] <JonB> Hey Bene, you mind if I c/p this into a thread that's talking about this game?
[00:23] <JonB> See if anyone else has the same comments / issues?
[00:24] <Benedict_> edit out the bit about the <Redacted> and sur