Glenn Beck: Hurricane Irene is a 'blessing'

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Glenn Beck: Hurricane Irene is a 'blessing'

Post by Night_stalker »

09:44 PM ET
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Glenn Beck: Hurricane Irene is a 'blessing'
By Dan Gilgoff, Religion Editor

Conservative radio host Glenn Beck told listeners Friday that Hurricane Irene, the Category 1 storm that’s working its deadly way up the Eastern Seaboard, is “a blessing from God.”

Beck has long urged his fans to stockpile food in their homes in anticipation of a global food disruption. He said Irene should be construed as a divine warning for those who have ignored that advice.

Here’s Beck on his show Friday:

How many warnings do you think you’re going to get, and how many warnings do you deserve? This hurricane that is coming thorough the East Coast, for anyone who’s in the East Coast and has been listening to me say ‘Food storage!’ ‘Be prepared!’

… If you’ve waited, this hurricane is a blessing. It is a blessing. It is God reminding you — as was the earthquake last week — it’s God reminding you you’re not in control. Things can happen. Be prepared and be someone who can help others so when disaster strikes, God forbid, you’re not panicking.

The Washington Post reports that in encouraging home stockpiling, Beck, a convert to Mormonism, is echoing Mormon church teaching. The church encourages members to build home storehouses of food that could last for at least three months.

According to a website run by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the official name of the Mormon church:

Our Heavenly Father created this beautiful earth, with all its abundance, for our benefit and use. His purpose is to provide for our needs as we walk in faith and obedience. He has lovingly commanded us to “prepare every needful thing”… so that, should adversity come, we can care for ourselves and our neighbors and support bishops as they care for others.

The site includes a food storage calculator. To build a three-month supply of food for a family of four, the calculator recommends 300 pounds of “wheat, white rice, corn and other grains” and 60 pounds of “dry beans and other legumes.”

The Post notes that food storage is one pillar of the Mormon emphasis on self-reliance. ... ?hpt=hp_c2

Speaking as someone who will be hit by Irene in under a few hours, I have to say, the sheer audacity of this idiot astounds me.

Calling one of Nature's most destructive forces a blessing is not earning yourself any friends, just for the record.
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Re: Glenn Beck: Hurricane Irene is a 'blessing'

Post by FaxModem1 »

You know, I came into this thread thinking he might be talking about areas getting much needed inches of rainfall. I'm in the Metroplex in Texas, and it's still a drought down here. And instead, I find this. Of course, this is Glenn Beck, so what was I thinking?
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Re: Glenn Beck: Hurricane Irene is a 'blessing'

Post by K. A. Pital »

God Bless America has received a sinister meaning.
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Re: Glenn Beck: Hurricane Irene is a 'blessing'

Post by Surlethe »

Anything, properly interpreted, is a blessing.
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Re: Glenn Beck: Hurricane Irene is a 'blessing'

Post by Metahive »

If Beck ever contracts some nasty disease, suffers a crippling accident or any sort of cruel fate I already know which line to throw back in his face. Fucking vulture.
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Re: Glenn Beck: Hurricane Irene is a 'blessing'

Post by Kanastrous »

...and of course it's coincidental - purely coincidental - that a proportion of Beck's advertising time is purchased by outfits hawking storable food and other 'preparedness'-type items.
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Re: Glenn Beck: Hurricane Irene is a 'blessing'

Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Kanastrous wrote:...and of course it's coincidental - purely coincidental - that a proportion of Beck's advertising time is purchased by outfits hawking storable food and other 'preparedness'-type items.
He is a mormon. That is no coincidence at all. His house probably has a wall of water in 2 liter bottles, a large closet full of canned food and MREs etc
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Re: Glenn Beck: Hurricane Irene is a 'blessing'

Post by Lord Relvenous »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:
Kanastrous wrote:...and of course it's coincidental - purely coincidental - that a proportion of Beck's advertising time is purchased by outfits hawking storable food and other 'preparedness'-type items.
He is a mormon. That is no coincidence at all. His house probably has a wall of water in 2 liter bottles, a large closet full of canned food and MREs etc
When my parents built their shop addition for their house, they devoted a lot of area for food storage including closets and under the stairs. Your description is spot on.
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Re: Glenn Beck: Hurricane Irene is a 'blessing'

Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Lord Relvenous wrote:
Alyrium Denryle wrote:
Kanastrous wrote:...and of course it's coincidental - purely coincidental - that a proportion of Beck's advertising time is purchased by outfits hawking storable food and other 'preparedness'-type items.
He is a mormon. That is no coincidence at all. His house probably has a wall of water in 2 liter bottles, a large closet full of canned food and MREs etc
When my parents built their shop addition for their house, they devoted a lot of area for food storage including closets and under the stairs. Your description is spot on.
You should see my grandmother's basement. In addition to the Kiln, pottery and porcelain dolls (mormons and their arts and crafts...) half of it is devoted to a year's worth of preserved fruits, vegetables, flour, dried meats...
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Re: Glenn Beck: Hurricane Irene is a 'blessing'

Post by Kanastrous »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:
Kanastrous wrote:...and of course it's coincidental - purely coincidental - that a proportion of Beck's advertising time is purchased by outfits hawking storable food and other 'preparedness'-type items.
He is a mormon. That is no coincidence at all. His house probably has a wall of water in 2 liter bottles, a large closet full of canned food and MREs etc
His devotion to LDS is relatively new. His devotion to the $$$ is long-standing, and pimping the whole "you need to be stocked up on storables" line fits very nicely with pushing the merchandise sold by buyers of ad time on his show. That's the 'coincidence' to which I was referring.
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Re: Glenn Beck: Hurricane Irene is a 'blessing'

Post by Kanastrous »

^ ghetto edit - and, while being sincere about that nonsense is probably not really any better or worse than being insincere about it, I don't see any reason to assume that Beck's religious mania isn't a put-on, since it's clearly a means to retaining an audience and sources of revenue.
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Re: Glenn Beck: Hurricane Irene is a 'blessing'

Post by D.Turtle »

I think you guys are overthinking this.

The reason that a lot of survivalist, shelter-building, gold-selling, etc companies would advertise on his show is the simple reason that the demographics of people watching his show is heavily slanted towards people who are willing to spend a lot of money for survival homes, shelters, hoarding gold, etc.

It doesn't need a sinister plot of tit-for-tat stuff of his.
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Re: Glenn Beck: Hurricane Irene is a 'blessing'

Post by Kanastrous »

I didn't mean to suggest it's sinister, but deliberately playing upon and doing everything possible to instill and promote the kind of fears and paranoia that impels people to buy your advertisers' products seems a bit sleazy. Sleazier than most of the usual advertising, anyway.

Speaking of Beck's (and righty radio in general) demographic - seeing as most of the ads are for weight-loss products, hair-restoration nostrums, Christian debt counseling, anti-foreclosure schemes and impotence remedies, apparently the network and stations carrying Beck's show have concluded that his audience is composed primarily of fat balding Christian men in foreclosure, who can't get it up.

Far be it from me, to argue.
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Re: Glenn Beck: Hurricane Irene is a 'blessing'

Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Metahive wrote:If Beck ever contracts some nasty disease, suffers a crippling accident or any sort of cruel fate I already know which line to throw back in his face. Fucking vulture.
he's already going blind, hell he asks crazy enough that one could mistake him for having alzheimers related scitzophrenia, or syphillus....

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