'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

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'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by wautd »

Holy crap
Five arrests made after 24 men released from caravan site, some held in virtual captivity for up to 15 years

Twenty-four modern day slaves were released from bondage on Sunday after a pre-dawn police raid found them emaciated, hungry and living in "filthy and cramped" conditions on a caravan site in Leighton Buzzard.

The men – Poles, Romanians and Russians as well as British – had been forced to survive in a "state of virtual slavery" at the Green Acres caravan site, according to Bedfordshire police.

The men varied in age from about 20 to 50 years old; all vulnerable men who had been recruited from homeless shelters and dole queues. Some are believed to have been in virtual captivity for up to 15 years.

Five people – four men and a woman – were arrested in the swoop on the mainly Traveller site at 5.30am on Sunday. The raid, involving 200 officers including armed police, dog units and a police helicopter, followed a long-running undercover operation. When police arrived at the site, which is estimated to have around 10-12 family sized plots, they discovered men they believe had been coerced into forced labour.

One had dog excrement on his clothes, and many were starving, said Detective Chief Inspector Sean O'Neil, of the Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire major crime unit, which was aided by officers from the UK Human Trafficking Centre.

He explained that the men had not received payment for physically demanding labouring jobs, were hardly fed and were given no clothes. If they complained they faced beatings.

"The men we found at the site were in a poor state of physical health and the conditions they were living in were shockingly filthy and cramped.

"We believe that some of them had been living and working there in a state of virtual slavery, some for just a few weeks and others for up to 15 years."

They have now been taken to a medical centre where their health is being assessed.

Police said some of the men will have to be carefully re-introduced to a proper diet; giving them a large amount to eat immediately could prove dangerous, as their bodies have existed on meagre rations for such a long period of time.

"This was a recruitment centre where people down on their luck were brought to," said O'Neil. "They had been found in soup kitchens and benefit offices and told they would be given work, clothing, a home and food.

These were people who might be alcoholics or have no family support, which made them easy prey.

"We heard in one case a man had been sitting on the parapet of a bridge ready to commit suicide when he was spotted by this gang and brought here to the site after being promised paid work and a roof over his head. It was all lies."

When new recruits arrived at the site they would have their mobile phones confiscated and their heads shaved, he added.

"They were told by the people who had brought them here 'you have no family now, we are your family'. If they wanted to leave they were threatened."

The men lived in unsanitary conditions, said Jo Hobbs, a spokeswoman for Bedfordshire police.

"There were up to four men living in tiny and filthy caravans which were unheated, and old. They had no access to running water, no toilet and no washing facilities," she said.

The men were thought to have worked from 7am until 7pm most days, performing a range of gruelling manual jobs including asphalting.

It was likely that they had been threatened to keep them working, said Paul Donohoe, a spokesman for the charity and lobby group Anti-Slavery. "People in this situation find they are not able to leave because, particularly if their immigration status is irregular, their gangmaster threatens to inform the police and they could be arrested.

"They could have also been threatened with violence against themselves or their family."

The five arrests were made under the slavery and servitude provisions of the Coroners and Justice Act, after police launched an undercover operation in April this year, following tip-offs from several other alleged victims.

Weapons, drugs and money were also found at the private site, which is thought to have been occupied by a mostly Traveller community for about 10 years.

The suspects were being held at police stations in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire. Once the victims have been questioned, further arrests may be made.

If found guilty of forcing the men into labour, the gangmaster could face up to seven years in prison, said Donohoe. "If these people arrested are found guilty they must feel the full force of the law. Courts needs to send out the message that there is no place in Britain for slavery."

The law on slavery
Since the Coroners and Justice Act became law in early 2010, holding a person in servitude has become a criminal offence punishable by up to 14 years in prison. Exacting forced labour is punishable by up to seven years.

The act followed a change of heart by the government, which had argued that existing legislation outlawing slavery gave adequate protection.

The new offences were introduced after intense lobbying by campaigners, including Liberty and Anti-Slavery. They argued that too many loopholes existed because of the difficulty of proving the crime of people trafficking or the intent of a person profiting from forced labour.

The campaign intensified after at least 21 Chinese cockle pickers drowned in Morecambe Bay.

However, Paul Donohoe, a spokesman for Anti-Slavery, pointed out that the sentences handed down in recent cases had been as short as six months. "The campaign goes on," he said.
Coincidentally, just a week ago other day I saw a documentary about slavery in the Ukraine and United States. Ukranian men were given a "job" on a Russian crab fishing boat (the job being emprisoned on a rusty barge, getting no pay and no food - they had to head their fishing bait) or Ukranian woman sold as sex slaves in the US. It kinda makes me loose faith in our species.
It's sickening that slavery still exists in this day and age, and I'm afraid it will get worse because it gets any better.
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

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If found guilty of forcing the men into labour, the gangmaster could face up to seven years in prison, said Donohoe. "If these people arrested are found guilty they must feel the full force of the law. Courts needs to send out the message that there is no place in Britain for slavery."
I really don't wanna come off like an internet tough guy here, but does that seem a little low to anybody else? Hold people in virtual slavery for 15 years, get 7 in prison?
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by Adam Reynolds »

wautd wrote:It's sickening that slavery still exists in this day and age, and I'm afraid it will get worse because it gets any better.
Unfortunately modern slavery is as prevalent as it ever has been. As many as 27 million are currently in some form of slavery.
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by Erik von Nein »

Speaking of fishing and enslavement, fishing companies in Thailand like enslaving Cambodians.

Slavery is not something that's going to go away in our world, at least not for a very long time. I'm not sure exactly what kind of punishment would serve to keep slavery down, nor what kind of enforcement would better serve discovering who's running these operations. But I do know consumer choices can help prevent the kinds of slavery you see in Thailand and Russian. At least the more blatant forms can go economically punished.
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by K. A. Pital »

Consumer choices never stopped anything big. Boycotts only had local success and in general, products made with the use of forced labour enjoyed and continued to enjoy wide use simply because the theory of "little deeds" is feeble.

People stopped using the Suez channel because it was built with the hands of Egyptian serfs? :lol: Call me when that happens.

In the face of profit and benefit greedy apes such as humans would stop at nothing. Morality concerns the consumer the least when he goes to the store; he likes to pretend he is concerned, by buying "green" stuff and trying to ignore stuff like "conflict minerals", but he cannot, by and large, abide by the boycotts initiated against whatever companies or whatever nations for moral reasons. In the end, he would simply rationalize it away as "bad things would happen anyway, so it does not matter if I'm buying the product which these bad things directly relate to".

Sure as hell Dow Chemicals was "punished" for the Bhopal disaster and sure as hell nobody punished Coke for buying products from companies that use child labour - via "middlemen" of course, how else would a good company maintain face? Just like Union Carbide's ugly face was saved when it was devoured by the Dow.

So - did you stop buying your Coke today, Erik von Nein? Did you stop wearing Nike sportswear - they were fucking notorious for using child and slave labour?

I see Nike and Coke are still doing well. *sigh* God-fucking-damn it, just when will people realize that "consumerism" is a big fat whore which can't punish its fuckers, numerous and wealthy as they are?
Wikipoodia wrote:Campaigns have been taken up by many colleges and universities, especially anti-globalisation groups as well as several anti-sweatshop groups such as the United Students Against Sweatshops. Despite these campaigns, however, Nike's annual revenues have increased from US$6.4 billion in 1996 to nearly US$17 billion in 2007, according to the company's annual reports.
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by Zaune »

Silver Jedi wrote:I really don't wanna come off like an internet tough guy here, but does that seem a little low to anybody else? Hold people in virtual slavery for 15 years, get 7 in prison?
It does to me as well, though judges do have some leeway in the sentencing rules. The sticking point will be proving conclusively that there was actual false imprisonment and coercion going on; the police can easily prosecute the perpetrators for making the victims work over 48 hours a week and/or for below minimum wage, but the rest will probably come down to one person's word against another's.
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by K. A. Pital »

When a militsia team uncovered four malnourished, diseased men locked up in a concrete basement underneath one of the food supermarkets in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, who were locked up for years and were fed with cat food, did people suddenly start buying less from the "dreadful store"? No. Invisible slavery, its modern form, just like clean torture, is perfectly acceptable to the fat philistine fucktards that overwhelm society with their desire for a mind not disturbed in the least by the suffering of others.

Nobody was even punished for the incident. Because... the slavers took great care to hide faces from the victims. What of the store managers? Uh... they "didn't know". Like, at all.

Liberal punishment for slavers only betrays a complete lack of interest to make a case of them before the rest of society. It means "Yes, we will not disturb your barely-functioning brains by sentencing these guys to life without parole, in the name of justice because of the act they did was hideous". Carry on, consumer. Carry on.
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by PeZook »

Actually I strongly disagree slavery should be punishable by death or life in prison. Why? Because then slavers would just murder all their victims at the first sight of police sirens.
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by weemadando »

I've repeatedly posted on here about how slavery is more prolific now than throughout most of history.

We just pretend that Bangladeshi workers in Dubai and the like aren't really slaves.
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by K. A. Pital »

I think life in prison is a good punishment for slavery. It is a lifetime of isolation and, well, possibly slavery. I oppose death penalty for slavers for the exact reasons you outlined, but lets not pretend life without parole would make slavers more murderous than they already are. On the other hand, a lot less people would be willing to put their entire life on the line as opposed to mere 7 years or whatever. But that is my personal view, which may not be correct.
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by Erik von Nein »

Stas Bush wrote:So - did you stop buying your Coke today, Erik von Nein? Did you stop wearing Nike sportswear - they were fucking notorious for using child and slave labour?
Since I've not bought either product in ever, yes.
Stas Bush wrote:I see Nike and Coke are still doing well. *sigh* God-fucking-damn it, just when will people realize that "consumerism" is a big fat whore which can't punish its fuckers, numerous and wealthy as they are?
So, what do you suggest?
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by PhilosopherOfSorts »

So, what do you suggest?
I was wondering this myself. Which government building or corporate headquaters should we set fire to? Since peaceful and legal methods will apearantly never work.
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by Stofsk »

PeZook wrote:Actually I strongly disagree slavery should be punishable by death or life in prison. Why? Because then slavers would just murder all their victims at the first sight of police sirens.
Uh what? Then they'd be guilty of mass murder, not just slavery. In any jurisdiction where the death penalty is in effect, it would have to be in effect for murder as well considering it's the most serious charge on the books.

I don't actually disagree with you, but that's because I'm opposed to the death penalty anyway. Your logic doesn't really make any sense.
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by montypython »

PhilosopherOfSorts wrote:
So, what do you suggest?
I was wondering this myself. Which government building or corporate headquaters should we set fire to? Since peaceful and legal methods will apearantly never work.
I'd like to see corporations replaced by community-owned production bodies, but until then nationalization/confiscations/embargoes are probably the only direct means of crippling/eliminating such organizations.
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by Losonti Tokash »

Stofsk wrote:
PeZook wrote:Actually I strongly disagree slavery should be punishable by death or life in prison. Why? Because then slavers would just murder all their victims at the first sight of police sirens.
Uh what? Then they'd be guilty of mass murder, not just slavery. In any jurisdiction where the death penalty is in effect, it would have to be in effect for murder as well considering it's the most serious charge on the books.

I don't actually disagree with you, but that's because I'm opposed to the death penalty anyway. Your logic doesn't really make any sense.
The idea is that they might as well just kill all their slaves, because if slavery is a capital offense, it isn't like they're going to get punished any worse for murdering the poor bastards to cover up evidence.
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by Stofsk »

Losonti Tokash wrote:
Stofsk wrote:
PeZook wrote:Actually I strongly disagree slavery should be punishable by death or life in prison. Why? Because then slavers would just murder all their victims at the first sight of police sirens.
Uh what? Then they'd be guilty of mass murder, not just slavery. In any jurisdiction where the death penalty is in effect, it would have to be in effect for murder as well considering it's the most serious charge on the books.

I don't actually disagree with you, but that's because I'm opposed to the death penalty anyway. Your logic doesn't really make any sense.
The idea is that they might as well just kill all their slaves, because if slavery is a capital offense, it isn't like they're going to get punished any worse for murdering the poor bastards to cover up evidence.
Where I'm coming from is that the logic depends on escalation on the part of the criminals who are guilty of slavery who now want to also be guilty of mass murder, because the sentencing for both crimes are equivalent. This is tied to the concept that harsh sentencing acts as a deterrent.

Where I have a problem is that if a slaver is going to murder his slaves I doubt it would be because 'welp if i don't kill you i still get the chair when i get found out'. After all, I am pretty sure many people who are already and have been enslaved end up murdered for various reasons, and the motivation wouldn't be to cover up the fact they had been slaves, but for other things. Saying that the escalation is tied to the deterrence effect of capital punishment is pretty spurious, as most criminals don't employ that kind of consequential thinking (and of course, there is the greater argument that the penalty doesn't have the deterrence effect its proponents usually argue it does anyway).
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by PeZook »

Stofsk wrote: Where I'm coming from is that the logic depends on escalation on the part of the criminals who are guilty of slavery who now want to also be guilty of mass murder, because the sentencing for both crimes are equivalent. This is tied to the concept that harsh sentencing acts as a deterrent.

Where I have a problem is that if a slaver is going to murder his slaves I doubt it would be because 'welp if i don't kill you i still get the chair when i get found out'. After all, I am pretty sure many people who are already and have been enslaved end up murdered for various reasons, and the motivation wouldn't be to cover up the fact they had been slaves, but for other things. Saying that the escalation is tied to the deterrence effect of capital punishment is pretty spurious, as most criminals don't employ that kind of consequential thinking (and of course, there is the greater argument that the penalty doesn't have the deterrence effect its proponents usually argue it does anyway).
They would tend to murder (more of) their slaves and get rid of the bodies because then it becomes harder to charge them with anything, since there are no witnesses. The motivation of the slaver will be simple: he can't be punished more than with death/life in prison anyways, so he'll reduce the chances of him being convicted of slavery at all.

It actually was a huge problem back in the days where half of all crimes were punishable by imprisonment in inhumane conditions, torture, death plus torture, horrific torture then death or many creative combinations of the above: it meant that say highway robbers murdered all their victims to make sure they weren't caught, because they'd be hanged for highway robbery anyways - so it's not just some pie-in-the sky model, it was actually the case. That's why in the XIXth century criminal codes started getting more lenient.

Now, obviously it doesn't work that way in the diamond mines of Africa, but we're not talking about the diamond mines of Africa, but slavery in developed countries with some semblance of an actual justice system in place.

And yes Stas, I agree 7 years is terribly low for such a vile crime. That's without question.
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by Stofsk »

Does that hold true in today's modern world? In ages past, it would have been impossible to convict somebody of murder if there were no witnesses. Nowadays, you can be convicted when there isn't even a body.
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by PeZook »

Stofsk wrote:Does that hold true in today's modern world? In ages past, it would have been impossible to convict somebody of murder if there were no witnesses. Nowadays, you can be convicted when there isn't even a body.
You can convict based on forensic and/or circumstantial evidence alone, but it's much harder than if you have witnesses. So if the punishment is the same for slavery and murder, yet there's a better chance of avoiding a murder charge than a slavery charge, the slaver will tend to kill his victims because it gives him a better chance.

And not just by shooting them in the head and dissolving the bodies in acid ; We're also talking dumping shipping containers full of people into the sea, leaving locked trucks out in the desert etc - where the authorities would be hard pressed to even know there's human trafficking going on if there's no actual humans. Hell, the goddamn coyotes sometimes leave their passengers to die despite the fact they face pretty lenient punishment for aiding illegal immigration, compared to murder.
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by MKSheppard »

PeZook wrote:Actually I strongly disagree slavery should be punishable by death or life in prison. Why? Because then slavers would just murder all their victims at the first sight of police sirens.
Then there's even more evidence linking them to another capital crime.
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by K. A. Pital »

Erik von Nein wrote:Since I've not bought either product in ever, yes.
You didn't buy either product and that did not make any impact on Coke or Nike. Or a multitude of other companies who used modern slavery to their ends.
Erik von Nein wrote:So, what do you suggest?
Throwing the asses of people who have been implicated in assisting slavery into jail as the very least one can do. Stop being rosy-eyed and drooling over the market's capability to punish morally bad actions - it never had such a capability in the first place, the people who invented the idea of the market punishing evil acts did so to make the public complacent and to make them feel less guilty about their choices. If anything, Slavoi Zizek was so right when he criticized this crap, recalling Oscar Wilde's arguments.

P.S. I won't be arguing this point any further (as if it needs any arguing!), at least in this thread. If the discussion shall continue, I can split it.
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by Zaune »

MKSheppard wrote:
PeZook wrote:Actually I strongly disagree slavery should be punishable by death or life in prison. Why? Because then slavers would just murder all their victims at the first sight of police sirens.
Then there's even more evidence linking them to another capital crime.
It's not insurmountably difficult to dispose of a body with a bit of forethought and planning, or at least create reasonable doubt if and when the remains do turn up. I'd rather have the slavers plea-bargain their way out of a long sentence while their victims go on to make a full recovery.
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by His Divine Shadow »

Losonti Tokash wrote:
Stofsk wrote:
PeZook wrote:Actually I strongly disagree slavery should be punishable by death or life in prison. Why? Because then slavers would just murder all their victims at the first sight of police sirens.
Uh what? Then they'd be guilty of mass murder, not just slavery. In any jurisdiction where the death penalty is in effect, it would have to be in effect for murder as well considering it's the most serious charge on the books.

I don't actually disagree with you, but that's because I'm opposed to the death penalty anyway. Your logic doesn't really make any sense.
The idea is that they might as well just kill all their slaves, because if slavery is a capital offense, it isn't like they're going to get punished any worse for murdering the poor bastards to cover up evidence.
That assumes they will coldly calculate and act like some kind of james bond villain. I doubt even twisted people like slavers will just commit mass murder that easily. Its not like comitting murder gets them anything, it doesn't even get them out of the slavery charges, it just adds murder to the list.
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by Erik von Nein »

Stas Bush wrote:You didn't buy either product and that did not make any impact on Coke or Nike. Or a multitude of other companies who used modern slavery to their ends.
Not alone, no.

Informed consumerism is still something people should practice, regardless of this current problem. Along with a healthy dose of government restrictions.
Stas Bush wrote:Throwing the asses of people who have been implicated in assisting slavery into jail as the very least one can do. Stop being rosy-eyed and drooling over the market's capability to punish morally bad actions - it never had such a capability in the first place, the people who invented the idea of the market punishing evil acts did so to make the public complacent and to make them feel less guilty about their choices. If anything, Slavoi Zizek was so right when he criticized this crap, recalling Oscar Wilde's arguments.

P.S. I won't be arguing this point any further (as if it needs any arguing!), at least in this thread. If the discussion shall continue, I can split it.
Do you mean the tangent related to market power or the one related to effectively fighting slavery?


Well, I wasn't suggesting informed consumerism as the only choice or even the best, just one that people have better control over. Thus the whole "I'm not sure what would effectively stop it, but this is a start" comment. I don't believe in an all-powerful market. If it isn't as effective as you say, then of course it's not a solution.

Wouldn't arresting people be incredibly difficult? Unless you're restricting it to people directly enslaving people and those directly assisting them acquire slaves. Does knowingly purchasing goods from slavers count, or would corporations like Nike be held liable? That's a substantial amount of people to arrest, either way, and slavery usually occurs in countries that either don't care to stop the slavery or don't have the resources to effectively fight it.

I'm honestly curious, as I said before I don't know what the best solution is. "Arrest them all" sounds rather simplistic. I know fine detail is something that we can't discuss because it's beyond our capability, but I'd like to know what you meant.
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K. A. Pital
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Re: 'slave' empire uncovered in major police raid

Post by K. A. Pital »

Yes, if the CEO of Nike was thrown behind bars for contracting a slave labour company, that would clearly send a message to other Western corporations. Which would be "don't contract slavers".
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