Natassi Daala assesment:
Of course, the main problem w/ Daala was that she was created by K.J.Anderson. the guy who created the absurd nerdwank sun crusher. According to him, she was some gifted ingenue, who was passed over for promotion solely due to gender bias... Then she supposedly came to the attention of Tarkin cause she hacked into imperial wargaming simulations & made an impression (my own experience w/ online game hackers suggests she godmodded rather than having legit skillz). So in a REAL battle, she plainly sucks. She let a brainwashed scientist spend considerable time alone w/ a rebel prisoner (Han) w/out even having a guard watch for suspicious actions (ie, Han broke Qwi's conditioning, leading her to free him & Kyp)
Then after losing a ship to (Sun Crusher ramming!) She hits upon the bright idea to ambush rebel shipping. (actually her smartest brainstorm) After destroying ONE Corvette, she goes to the colony it was headed to & massacres less than a hundred refugees. (actually sending several AT-ATs to waste fuel) After recieving a signal sent from a long dormant probe droid (reactivated, then deactivated by Ackbar), she galivants to raid the Mon Cal shipyards...
This has to be her most retarded action of her career. Instead of targeting the shipyard outright, wasting it in a quick hit-n-run, she attacks the civillian cities instead, wasting crucial minutes as well as TIE Bomber ordnance. She hid her third ISD behind a moon, copying a tactic ol Tarkin thought up more than 10 years ago... Which he bragged to Ackbar who was his slave then... Ackbar, realizing what was about to happen, pilots the unfinished Star Cruiser
Startide remotely, ramming the ISD & destroying it w/ all hands. (can an incomplete cruiser REALLY destroy a fully shielded ISD by ramming?) Her reaction is to continue bombarding civillians, rather than finish off the shipyard, only fleeing when a Republic fleet arrives.
She flees to the Cauldron Nebula, where she orders the crew of her more badly damaged ISD to ram Coruscant
in a suicide mission, rather than return to commerce raiding. (Despite the success Leonia Tavira had w/ a single ISD in similar tactics) Kyp Durron & the Sun Crusher interfere w/ those plans.
The criticallly wounded flagship limps bact to the Maw, only to meet a few mere Corvettes & Nebulon-B. Yet she fails to destroy any of them. Instead, she blows up the facility, damaging her ship further & barely escaping w/ the
weapons data she downloaded (WHICH STRANGELY IS NEVER REFERENCED AGAIN!)
That was in the Jedi Academy /Sith Kyp /Qwi Xux /Daala /Praexum Trilogy. At least the MT-ATs & Lando (he arrests a fugitive hacker
) were cool.
In Darksaber, she loses her flagship & personnel (the weapons data never referenced despite it being possible leverage) She wastes time talking to warlords, though she could've gotten results if she chose a warlord to be the mistress of.
Her #2, Kratas (Brezhnev Brows) dies when Fat Warlord's (teradoc?) VSDs blow up the
Later she actually pulls a brilliant gambit which gets Pellaeon on her side, which is followed by the legendary assassination (by NERVE gas, despite the symptoms clearly being Blood Agent) Then she frees aliens & women to serve whever their abilities best aid the Remnant. (This allows Dorsk 81 to infiltrate her rally & Callista to board the KNight Hammer. Ironically justifying the Empire's racism & sexism! What is KJ Anderson trying to prove?!)
Her plan is rushed forward. For the most part it makes good sense. Basically large scale hit-n-run. Her only faults are attacking civillian targets, Khomm (which had cloning facilities she might've made use of) & the bulk of her force was sent to Yavin. (How 20 VSD & a SSD can't kill ONE MonCal Cruiser, I can't fathom)
But she gets bonus points for surviving a run-in w/ a Jedi who was bent on killing her. She even gets a badass one liner. (before giving her command to Pellaeon & resigning)
She's last seen (for over a decade) in Barbara Hambly's Planet of Twilight, where she basically Lawful Neutral & helps the Republic against a warlord spreading the Death Seed Plague. Where she's reunited w/ her old flame. Happy close to her career?
No... the Essential Chronology decided to make her bad again & go missing in a blind hyperspace jump.
Maybe she's bipolar or is a Dr Jekyl/ Ms Hyde? going from competent, to insane stupidity at the flip of a switch.
Or she was the victim of incompetent authors? She was just fine in Hambly's hands.
Thrawn otoh was written by Zahn, the master. (thank God his was the fisrt EU novels I read!)
I wonder how good daala would be if Zahn, Stackpole or Allston wrote her instead.
I haven't read past the NJO yet, so I don't know how much more crazy or stupid Daala has become. Frankly, the EU has failed hard since "StarByStar". It's now painful to read.
I'd have to say Thrawn wins it. He makes mistakes but doesn't fly into blind, Hitler-like rages. (Seriously read how Daala loses her shit at the warlord meating. The warlords & Pellaeon are like
Then she sets off teh gas. She reminds me of Rachel from Big Brother 12 & 13