Worst Injury
Moderator: Edi
- Anarchist Bunny
- Foul, Cruel, and Bad-Tempered Rodent
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After over 17 and a half years in this "exsistance" I have yet to break a single bone in my body. I've kinda twisted my wrist and it hurt for a couple of months, but nothing really serious, despite lots of blows to the head(metal pipes from my friend in a pole fight, large tree branches, lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lost... whoops sorry... uh... oh yeah soccer balls)
I guess the most serious was when I was four my dad let me play with a cup in the bathtub and I broke it, i almost lost my right pinky, got 11 stitches.
I guess the most serious was when I was four my dad let me play with a cup in the bathtub and I broke it, i almost lost my right pinky, got 11 stitches.
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Ornithology Subdirector: SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences

Ornithology Subdirector: SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences

- ArmorPierce
- Rabid Monkey
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- Joined: 2002-07-04 09:54pm
- Location: Born and raised in Brooklyn, unfornately presently in Jersey
I broke my pinky toe while running. It deformed a bit but you wouldn't probably know that it was deformed by looking at it. I also got pretty badly mangled once when I was about 9 or 10 and was being chased by a pitbul while I was on my bike. I came up to my friend's house and made the decision to jump out of my bike while my bike was going full speed. Not the smartest decision I've ever made.
Brotherhood of the Monkey @( !.! )@
To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. ~Steve Prefontaine
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. ~Steve Prefontaine
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
- Posts: 19195
- Joined: 2002-07-28 12:30pm
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- Posts: 19195
- Joined: 2002-07-28 12:30pm
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Umm, probably when I banged my head on a wall at school during the second grade, requiring 4 stitches to close the wound. Sucked; I couldn't watch TV, do anything athletic, or use the comp for 3 months
There was another time when I jumped off the swings, and landed flat on my face... Nearly broke my right arm.

There was another time when I jumped off the swings, and landed flat on my face... Nearly broke my right arm.
Most of my injuries have been limited to minor burns, cuts, etc. I've never broken or sprained anything. I generally stay out of situations where there is risk of getting seriously injured.
The worst I can think of are the time when I was about 6 or so when the little shit from across the street hit me in the back of the head with a rock. I had to get 12 stitches, IIRC. The other happened a year or so later; I was at the neighbour's being stupid. Me and this other kid there were jumping off a saw horse and grabbing onto a big clothesline Tbar, pulling the saw horse back a bit each time. The next actual memory I have is of being held by my father in our car at the hospital. I think the next memory after that is waking up a day or two later in my bed. Presumably, I fell off the Tbar and hit my head on the concrete below, but there's really no way to be sure. Got a concussion, whatever happened. My dad saw me coming back into our yard and came to check on me, and when he asked me what happened, I apparently said I had fallen off the slide at the school nearby.
Funny story, when I was in the hospital, I woke up at one point and said "what the hell is that" referring to my IV.
The worst I can think of are the time when I was about 6 or so when the little shit from across the street hit me in the back of the head with a rock. I had to get 12 stitches, IIRC. The other happened a year or so later; I was at the neighbour's being stupid. Me and this other kid there were jumping off a saw horse and grabbing onto a big clothesline Tbar, pulling the saw horse back a bit each time. The next actual memory I have is of being held by my father in our car at the hospital. I think the next memory after that is waking up a day or two later in my bed. Presumably, I fell off the Tbar and hit my head on the concrete below, but there's really no way to be sure. Got a concussion, whatever happened. My dad saw me coming back into our yard and came to check on me, and when he asked me what happened, I apparently said I had fallen off the slide at the school nearby.
Funny story, when I was in the hospital, I woke up at one point and said "what the hell is that" referring to my IV.
Let's see, the long list or the short list.... I'll go with the short list... (btw, a lot of mine may be nasty, but nothing on a lot of people here, however I do have the quantity and WTF parts I think...
2nd grade: got my lower back broken, that one sucked real bad, I just got lucky that it realigned before more damage was done, and I still have problems to this day, but they're more of a lack of muscle strength not countering the damage problem. (btw, losing use of the lower body even for about 45 minutes, especially when no one will help you, really sucks, I ended up walking out of school under my own power that afternoon, but it was a bit of work, I did find out later that the spine effectively dislocated and pinched the spinal cord causing interferance and loss of control below the damage point, where I got lucky was that on it's own and with my dragging myself around in the back room of the classroom (yes, I got locked up when I got broken, friggin' fuckheads in that school) it somehow realigned and took the pressure off and over the next few hours it recovered enough that I regained nearly all the control by the time school was over, but I was nicely fucked up for life from it. The doctor said that another hit down there is likely to take me down for good.)
3rd grade: broke left wrist the first time while getting too excited over some older friends pulling a trashed TV out of a dumpster for me, the concrete debris next to said dumpster that I was jumping on shifted and down I went, missing an 8-inch piece of rebar that would have easially gutted me if I hadn't put down the left arm, so I guess it was the lesser of 2 evils.
Other: broke left thumb (was double jointed) when it slipped off of the pushbutton door handle thing on the van.
Fell off the goose coop and chipped the right shin, I now have a noticable hooked bump since the chip reformed into the rest of the shin, but protrudes.
Broke left wrist again, this time it wasn't set since I didn't want to deal with the cast, same went for the right wrist which also has been broken twice now, both periodically need to be realigned to use them right.
Gored out my right wrist fixing my bike and the part broke, which caused my hand to slip (was putting most of my strength to it when this occurred) and hit the sharp broken edge.
Tried to put out burning detcord by waving it around when my mom came out so she wouldn't see, ended up with nice black burn marks on both wrists from that which scarred real bad.
Phillips #2 thru the left forearm, right between the bones and I do mean literally thru the arm, the blade was out one side, and the handle was against the skin on the other, I had been prying a computer case with it since I was too lazy to get the right tools and I was just scrapping it anyway, it slipped and went in, I felt something wierd, tried to recover the screwdriver, couldn't, then looked at the arm and went "aww, well, shit..." and walked inside, no pain, but I was dripping blood, and me being the freak I am sometimes, I went and showed it off to the locals down the street, just hopped on the bike with the screwdriver still in my arm and blood oozing out and rode down there, really freaked'em out. (it's a good thing the nerves on my left side are pretty much non-op)
Knife of some kind thru the webbing between the thumb and forefinger on my left hand, nice scar still.
Numerous other knife and screwdriver stabbing related scars.
Scar on the upper left side of my chest from where I stabbed myself with a knife trying to commit suicide about 18 months ago in front of my parents.
Heavy scarring on both wrists and on my right palm from literally bashing my way thru several doors and a couple walls during a number of emotional breakdowns/meltdowns over the years. (most of which ended with me trying unsuccessfully to kill myself)
Scar of unknown origin about 2" straight below my right nipple (1/16" diameter darkened scoop type crater thing), really wierd, first time I noticed it was about 10 years ago when I woke up in a lot of pain on that side and in a pool of blood in my bed, the blood had been coming out of a hole which later turned into that wierd scar.
Extensive nerve damage on the left side from ramming and literally going thru an MDF-cored steel-clad door (broke the cladding down the center on the outside when I hit it, and obviously broke the MDF the same way) in 7th grade.
Still more nerve damage from getting lit off by a 440v 3ph AC shorepower training panel, fuckwit I was working with hit the wrong breaker, sending 440 AC into my left arm and me flying about 8 feet back into a pile of desks, the panel caught fire and the prof was more intent on putting the panel out than worrying about me who was up and walking around, albeit with a very non-responsive and twitchy left arm with a nasty case of flashburns on the hand, ironically I was the one who hit the emergency off button on the wall when they couldn't figure out how to kill power to the fuzed breakers. (it is suspected by my parents and I that the possible heart problems I have may be a result of this incedent)
Broken right ankle, never got it set and it's giving me unholy hell for that (I don't have a good story to go with this one, I stepped off the bed after setting one my models back on the top bunk, something went wrong and down I went with a sick crunch, I made the mistake of trying to counter the fall with my left leg, which was still planted firmly on the ground, and only succeeded in taking out the already bad knee on that side. Even with my rather good pain control, I was still on the ground in agony about 5 minutes before I got control of it...)
4 cracked/broken ribs on lower right side (lowest was 2 up from the "bottom" of the rib cage) these healed into a boney plate in the area.
3 cracked/broken ribs over the heart, got this in a fight that I won, but the fucker managed to land an elbow right into that area thru my defenses. At least I was defending as he could bench 275# at the time, which meant he could bench 2 of me no sweat, I couldn't bench the damn bar. (I only won it because speed, intelligence and agilty will ALWAYS win against stupidity, rage, and blind smashing.
Deep cut and scar over my left eye from a staff duel, other guy got a hit on me when he panicked, I won it though, half blind due to blood over the left eye. And yes, it was a legit duel, it was being used to solve a dispute.
Lower right side of my face is paralyzed from being knocked onto a rock or treestump by my family's old dog, the object went thru my mouth and severed a lot of tendons and nerves removing the use of a good share of the muscles there, hence I smile lopsided, if at all. Nice scar there too, and at the time you could see my teeth thru the extra hole.
Got a baldspot on the back of my head from some fuckerhead at a summercamp hitting me with a rock for no reason while I was sleeping, woke up in a pool of blood. Mind you I was a defenseless target even if I hadn't been sleeping, at that point I had been running a 107F fever for nearly a week and was pretty much out of it, except when someone helped me get to the river to cool down enough that I could think and actually have fun. (spending 3 weeks like this sucks BTW)
2 1/2" scar under left armpit from abcess I acquired as previously mentioned summercamp, suspected cause was an infected yellowjacket sting on my left leg (inside side of knee).
2 good dents in the head which required stitches, one which caused a rift in my family for nearly 5 years actually, and still causes some animosity from my parents and I towards my surviving grandparents. (socks+ 5 year old + hardwood floors + end table + running = hospital visit) Second one probably involved me going after the damn dog and forgetting the overhang of the deck and knocking myself colder than a cucumber with a handfull of rocks scattered over me when I fell.
And a WTF, my sternum is not cartilidge, it's a ridged plate of bone, this does make my chest stronger, but it definately interferes with breathing on occasion, though it allows me to carry a MUCH heavier back pack than others can without even feeling it (nothing to pull apart like on most people)
And a good deal of others I can't really recall right now.
Oh, and I get sick about once a year, however the colds tend to go right into the lungs and cause a sinus infection as well, so getting a cold for me sucks hard, however the strength of my immune system limits that to about once a year and kills the damn thing within 2 weeks tops.

2nd grade: got my lower back broken, that one sucked real bad, I just got lucky that it realigned before more damage was done, and I still have problems to this day, but they're more of a lack of muscle strength not countering the damage problem. (btw, losing use of the lower body even for about 45 minutes, especially when no one will help you, really sucks, I ended up walking out of school under my own power that afternoon, but it was a bit of work, I did find out later that the spine effectively dislocated and pinched the spinal cord causing interferance and loss of control below the damage point, where I got lucky was that on it's own and with my dragging myself around in the back room of the classroom (yes, I got locked up when I got broken, friggin' fuckheads in that school) it somehow realigned and took the pressure off and over the next few hours it recovered enough that I regained nearly all the control by the time school was over, but I was nicely fucked up for life from it. The doctor said that another hit down there is likely to take me down for good.)
3rd grade: broke left wrist the first time while getting too excited over some older friends pulling a trashed TV out of a dumpster for me, the concrete debris next to said dumpster that I was jumping on shifted and down I went, missing an 8-inch piece of rebar that would have easially gutted me if I hadn't put down the left arm, so I guess it was the lesser of 2 evils.
Other: broke left thumb (was double jointed) when it slipped off of the pushbutton door handle thing on the van.
Fell off the goose coop and chipped the right shin, I now have a noticable hooked bump since the chip reformed into the rest of the shin, but protrudes.
Broke left wrist again, this time it wasn't set since I didn't want to deal with the cast, same went for the right wrist which also has been broken twice now, both periodically need to be realigned to use them right.
Gored out my right wrist fixing my bike and the part broke, which caused my hand to slip (was putting most of my strength to it when this occurred) and hit the sharp broken edge.
Tried to put out burning detcord by waving it around when my mom came out so she wouldn't see, ended up with nice black burn marks on both wrists from that which scarred real bad.
Phillips #2 thru the left forearm, right between the bones and I do mean literally thru the arm, the blade was out one side, and the handle was against the skin on the other, I had been prying a computer case with it since I was too lazy to get the right tools and I was just scrapping it anyway, it slipped and went in, I felt something wierd, tried to recover the screwdriver, couldn't, then looked at the arm and went "aww, well, shit..." and walked inside, no pain, but I was dripping blood, and me being the freak I am sometimes, I went and showed it off to the locals down the street, just hopped on the bike with the screwdriver still in my arm and blood oozing out and rode down there, really freaked'em out. (it's a good thing the nerves on my left side are pretty much non-op)
Knife of some kind thru the webbing between the thumb and forefinger on my left hand, nice scar still.
Numerous other knife and screwdriver stabbing related scars.
Scar on the upper left side of my chest from where I stabbed myself with a knife trying to commit suicide about 18 months ago in front of my parents.
Heavy scarring on both wrists and on my right palm from literally bashing my way thru several doors and a couple walls during a number of emotional breakdowns/meltdowns over the years. (most of which ended with me trying unsuccessfully to kill myself)
Scar of unknown origin about 2" straight below my right nipple (1/16" diameter darkened scoop type crater thing), really wierd, first time I noticed it was about 10 years ago when I woke up in a lot of pain on that side and in a pool of blood in my bed, the blood had been coming out of a hole which later turned into that wierd scar.
Extensive nerve damage on the left side from ramming and literally going thru an MDF-cored steel-clad door (broke the cladding down the center on the outside when I hit it, and obviously broke the MDF the same way) in 7th grade.
Still more nerve damage from getting lit off by a 440v 3ph AC shorepower training panel, fuckwit I was working with hit the wrong breaker, sending 440 AC into my left arm and me flying about 8 feet back into a pile of desks, the panel caught fire and the prof was more intent on putting the panel out than worrying about me who was up and walking around, albeit with a very non-responsive and twitchy left arm with a nasty case of flashburns on the hand, ironically I was the one who hit the emergency off button on the wall when they couldn't figure out how to kill power to the fuzed breakers. (it is suspected by my parents and I that the possible heart problems I have may be a result of this incedent)
Broken right ankle, never got it set and it's giving me unholy hell for that (I don't have a good story to go with this one, I stepped off the bed after setting one my models back on the top bunk, something went wrong and down I went with a sick crunch, I made the mistake of trying to counter the fall with my left leg, which was still planted firmly on the ground, and only succeeded in taking out the already bad knee on that side. Even with my rather good pain control, I was still on the ground in agony about 5 minutes before I got control of it...)
4 cracked/broken ribs on lower right side (lowest was 2 up from the "bottom" of the rib cage) these healed into a boney plate in the area.
3 cracked/broken ribs over the heart, got this in a fight that I won, but the fucker managed to land an elbow right into that area thru my defenses. At least I was defending as he could bench 275# at the time, which meant he could bench 2 of me no sweat, I couldn't bench the damn bar. (I only won it because speed, intelligence and agilty will ALWAYS win against stupidity, rage, and blind smashing.
Deep cut and scar over my left eye from a staff duel, other guy got a hit on me when he panicked, I won it though, half blind due to blood over the left eye. And yes, it was a legit duel, it was being used to solve a dispute.
Lower right side of my face is paralyzed from being knocked onto a rock or treestump by my family's old dog, the object went thru my mouth and severed a lot of tendons and nerves removing the use of a good share of the muscles there, hence I smile lopsided, if at all. Nice scar there too, and at the time you could see my teeth thru the extra hole.
Got a baldspot on the back of my head from some fuckerhead at a summercamp hitting me with a rock for no reason while I was sleeping, woke up in a pool of blood. Mind you I was a defenseless target even if I hadn't been sleeping, at that point I had been running a 107F fever for nearly a week and was pretty much out of it, except when someone helped me get to the river to cool down enough that I could think and actually have fun. (spending 3 weeks like this sucks BTW)
2 1/2" scar under left armpit from abcess I acquired as previously mentioned summercamp, suspected cause was an infected yellowjacket sting on my left leg (inside side of knee).
2 good dents in the head which required stitches, one which caused a rift in my family for nearly 5 years actually, and still causes some animosity from my parents and I towards my surviving grandparents. (socks+ 5 year old + hardwood floors + end table + running = hospital visit) Second one probably involved me going after the damn dog and forgetting the overhang of the deck and knocking myself colder than a cucumber with a handfull of rocks scattered over me when I fell.
And a WTF, my sternum is not cartilidge, it's a ridged plate of bone, this does make my chest stronger, but it definately interferes with breathing on occasion, though it allows me to carry a MUCH heavier back pack than others can without even feeling it (nothing to pull apart like on most people)
And a good deal of others I can't really recall right now.
Oh, and I get sick about once a year, however the colds tend to go right into the lungs and cause a sinus infection as well, so getting a cold for me sucks hard, however the strength of my immune system limits that to about once a year and kills the damn thing within 2 weeks tops.
"Freak on a leash! Freak on a leash!"
- Posts: 19195
- Joined: 2002-07-28 12:30pm
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- Fucking Awesome
- Posts: 13834
- Joined: 2002-07-04 03:21pm
Cracked a rib playing baseball a year or two ago. Fucking pitcher whipped it right into my side. Walked to first base and then collapsed.
In my first house, I was at a neighbors, running at full sprint, then smashed into a pole. I was 3- had to get a bunch of stitches and I still have a faded scar. Two years later, I was spinning around and I fell down, cracked my head on a radiator, and had to get more stitches. Quite painful. I think they had to strap me to a metal board before shooting up me with anesthetics, I was so wild.
Rather funny this one- I stepped on a shard of glass and noticed it sticking out of my foot. Didn't pierce the skin, but when I tried to pull it out I recieved a nice, long gash down my finger and hand.
Whilst in Britian, a friend was not looking when he tossed a rugby ball. Hard. Right into my crotch. Owie.
And then there's the Cat Incident, but I don't think that one needs to be repeated at all.
Cracked a rib playing baseball a year or two ago. Fucking pitcher whipped it right into my side. Walked to first base and then collapsed.
In my first house, I was at a neighbors, running at full sprint, then smashed into a pole. I was 3- had to get a bunch of stitches and I still have a faded scar. Two years later, I was spinning around and I fell down, cracked my head on a radiator, and had to get more stitches. Quite painful. I think they had to strap me to a metal board before shooting up me with anesthetics, I was so wild.
Rather funny this one- I stepped on a shard of glass and noticed it sticking out of my foot. Didn't pierce the skin, but when I tried to pull it out I recieved a nice, long gash down my finger and hand.
Whilst in Britian, a friend was not looking when he tossed a rugby ball. Hard. Right into my crotch. Owie.
And then there's the Cat Incident, but I don't think that one needs to be repeated at all.
The End of Suburbia
"If more cars are inevitable, must there not be roads for them to run on?"
-Robert Moses
"The Wire" is the best show in the history of television. Watch it today.
"If more cars are inevitable, must there not be roads for them to run on?"
-Robert Moses
"The Wire" is the best show in the history of television. Watch it today.
- Rob Wilson
- Sith Apprentice
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- Joined: 2002-07-03 08:29pm
- Location: N.E. Lincs - UK
They are when they fuck with my ankle!Ted wrote:Oi!Rob Wilson wrote:(fuckwit PropForwards)
Props are NOT fuckwits!
"Do you know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I get and beat you with, until you understand whose in f***ing command here!" Jayne : Firefly
"The officers can stay in the admin building and read the latest Tom Clancy novel thinking up new OOBs based on it." Coyote

HAB Tankspotter - like trainspotting but with the thrill of 125mm retaliation if they spot you back
"The officers can stay in the admin building and read the latest Tom Clancy novel thinking up new OOBs based on it." Coyote

HAB Tankspotter - like trainspotting but with the thrill of 125mm retaliation if they spot you back
- Rob Wilson
- Sith Apprentice
- Posts: 7004
- Joined: 2002-07-03 08:29pm
- Location: N.E. Lincs - UK
Damn. Never played Field Hockey, but I've seen enough of it while watching a friend play to know it can get evil out there. Those girls are viscious!weemadando wrote:Yes, field hockey, playing as a fullback trying to stop shots on goal etc, put the stick down, fingers happen to be in the right place and WHAM.
"Do you know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I get and beat you with, until you understand whose in f***ing command here!" Jayne : Firefly
"The officers can stay in the admin building and read the latest Tom Clancy novel thinking up new OOBs based on it." Coyote

HAB Tankspotter - like trainspotting but with the thrill of 125mm retaliation if they spot you back
"The officers can stay in the admin building and read the latest Tom Clancy novel thinking up new OOBs based on it." Coyote

HAB Tankspotter - like trainspotting but with the thrill of 125mm retaliation if they spot you back
I've never had serious injuries, but I do have one permanent one that I got in the army. Fell while running up stairs, and hit both my knees really hard on the edge of the step above me, it was painful to even walk for several days. Of course they wouldn't hand out an exception from normal training at that point, so the damage to my ligaments never had a chance to heal, and the additional strain on them damaged the ligaments on my right knee permanently, resulting in what is called an Osgood-Schlatter Syndrome. It means that if I put strain on the ligaments and tendons that attach the shin to the femur (by e.g. repeatedly squatting and standing up), it starts to hurt like hell as the microfractures where the tendon is attached to the shinbone widen, and if I were to insist, it'd take a major operation and 6+ weeks (or was it months?) with a hip-to-toes cast to fix. And it'll never heal anyway, which rules out a lot of sports and have to be careful even with things like jogging and running.
Other than that, I've had nothing bad happen to me. My brother had his left arm broken above the elbow though (in a judo match, the other guy threw him and then fucked up and fell on top of him), the bone snapped clean in two and thrust out through his arm right at the place where there are the most blood vessels and nerves running through the arm. Miraculously, none of those got damaged, so the only damage he had was the muscle that controls twisting movement in that arm, so he can't lift or support any great weight with it.
My dad has managed to almost chop his thumb off with an axe, and he didn't even go to see a doctor (a doctor friend of his who saw the wound two days later told him he could lose the thumb). It still healed completely, which was lucky for him. He also managed to cut himself in the arm with a hand-held circular saw, tried to saw a too-short piece of oaken parquet floor wood and lost control of the thing. Again, luck was with him, no major damage, just impressive scars. He's also had his eyes nearly clawed out by an owl (1 mm more and that'd have been it, the glasses saved his vision, though they broke) and had one eyelid hanging just by a thread of skin, but no damage. He looked fucking scary with half his face swelled up though (1 kg owl, at about 60 km/h hitting you claws first in the face from the side does not make for pretty results...).
Other than that, I've had nothing bad happen to me. My brother had his left arm broken above the elbow though (in a judo match, the other guy threw him and then fucked up and fell on top of him), the bone snapped clean in two and thrust out through his arm right at the place where there are the most blood vessels and nerves running through the arm. Miraculously, none of those got damaged, so the only damage he had was the muscle that controls twisting movement in that arm, so he can't lift or support any great weight with it.
My dad has managed to almost chop his thumb off with an axe, and he didn't even go to see a doctor (a doctor friend of his who saw the wound two days later told him he could lose the thumb). It still healed completely, which was lucky for him. He also managed to cut himself in the arm with a hand-held circular saw, tried to saw a too-short piece of oaken parquet floor wood and lost control of the thing. Again, luck was with him, no major damage, just impressive scars. He's also had his eyes nearly clawed out by an owl (1 mm more and that'd have been it, the glasses saved his vision, though they broke) and had one eyelid hanging just by a thread of skin, but no damage. He looked fucking scary with half his face swelled up though (1 kg owl, at about 60 km/h hitting you claws first in the face from the side does not make for pretty results...).
- Rob Wilson
- Sith Apprentice
- Posts: 7004
- Joined: 2002-07-03 08:29pm
- Location: N.E. Lincs - UK
In the dictionary under Accident prone, is there a picture of your father?Edi wrote: My dad has managed to almost chop his thumb off with an axe, and he didn't even go to see a doctor (a doctor friend of his who saw the wound two days later told him he could lose the thumb). It still healed completely, which was lucky for him. He also managed to cut himself in the arm with a hand-held circular saw, tried to saw a too-short piece of oaken parquet floor wood and lost control of the thing. Again, luck was with him, no major damage, just impressive scars. He's also had his eyes nearly clawed out by an owl (1 mm more and that'd have been it, the glasses saved his vision, though they broke) and had one eyelid hanging just by a thread of skin, but no damage. He looked fucking scary with half his face swelled up though (1 kg owl, at about 60 km/h hitting you claws first in the face from the side does not make for pretty results...).

Damn but that guys had some serious accidents.
"Do you know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I get and beat you with, until you understand whose in f***ing command here!" Jayne : Firefly
"The officers can stay in the admin building and read the latest Tom Clancy novel thinking up new OOBs based on it." Coyote

HAB Tankspotter - like trainspotting but with the thrill of 125mm retaliation if they spot you back
"The officers can stay in the admin building and read the latest Tom Clancy novel thinking up new OOBs based on it." Coyote

HAB Tankspotter - like trainspotting but with the thrill of 125mm retaliation if they spot you back