Pirate party enters state parliament, Libertarians fail to

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Pirate party enters state parliament, Libertarians fail to

Post by Skgoa »

So the german state of Berlin had it's election today. Its best if you just read those articles first:

Pirate party snatches seats in Berlin state election

Irreverent campaign that initially focused on filesharing, data protection and censorship draws 8.5% of vote, exit polls indicate

An upstart band of internet freedom activists are to enter Berlin's state parliament, ousting the Free Democrats, Angela Merkel's junior partner in the unpopular national government. It marks a remarkable success for the small Pirate party, which attracted 8.5% of the vote, winning its first ever seats in a state parliament, according to the first exit polls on Sunday.

Their irreverent campaign captured the imagination of young voters as the party expanded its platform from an original focus on filesharing, censorship and data protection, to include social issues and citizens' rights. The party, which was founded in 2006, was "in tune with the Berlin vibe with their relaxed campaign", Holger Liljeberg of the Info polling institute, told Reuters. "They focus a lot on liberalism, freedom and self-determination."

Once opinion pollsters began to predict that they might overcome the crucial 5% hurdle to get into parliament, the momentum behind the Pirates began to grow, with supporters no longer worrying that a vote for them would be wasted.

The result is not the first European success for the Pirates. The original Swedish version of the party won a seat in the European parliament in 2009 after capturing just over 7% of the vote. Support for the party had soared after the jailing of the four founders of the Pirate Bay filesharing site.

While the Pirates were the surprise success story of the Berlin elections, the centre-left Social Democrats are also celebrating after topping the polls with 29.5% of the vote. Popular mayor Klaus Wowereit, who has run Berlin for 10 years, will form a new coalition with one of the smaller parties.

For the FDP, meanwhile, the Berlin vote was the latest in a series of humiliating defeats, marking the fifth ejection from a state parliament this year. Despite a last-ditch attempt to tap into public resentment at the bailouts for other eurozone countries, it only managed to attract 2% of the vote, down from 7.6% in 2006.
source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/se ... n-election

Social Democrats win Berlin elections, Pirate Party enters legislature

Klaus Wowereit is set to remain in office for a third term
According to exit polls, Social Democrats in Berlin have held on to power in the regional government, while the Free Democrats fail to gain representation at all. Instead, Berlin welcomes the Pirate Party to parliament.

Exit polls from regional elections in Berlin indicate the Social Democrats (SPD) are on course to retain power in the state's government.
Early results indicate the SPD brining in 28.5 percent of the vote in the country's capital, which is also one of Germany's 16 states. This represents a slight drop in the SPD's popularity from the previous election in 2006.
Chancellor Angela Merkel's party, the Christian Democrats (CDU), improved by about 2.5 percent on their last showing in 2006 but still came in second to the SPD, polling 23.2 percent. It is the sixth of seven regional votes that the ruling party in the national government has lost or failed to gain power this year.
The chancellor's coalition partner, the Free Democrats (FDP), polled even worse and failed to bring in the required 5 percent of votes needed to be represented in the state government. The exit polls indicate the FDP polled just 1.8 percent, marking the fifth time this year the FDP has failed to enter a state parliament. In the previous election, the FDP won 7.6 percent of the vote.

Pirates enter parliament

Pirate Party election posterThe Pirate Party is the biggest winner of the Berlin voteThe Pirate Party, however, did clear the 5-percent hurdle and will be represented for the first time in a state parliament in Germany. The Pirate Party, which campaigns for copyright reform, free wireless Internet service for all and greater internet privacy, brought in 9 percent of the vote.
"This is all very new for us," said Andreas Baum, the party's top candidate, on German public television after the election. "We will need to prepare, get into the swing of things, but you will be hearing from us. You can be sure of that."
Estimates indicate around 59 percent of Berlin's approximately 2.5 million eligible voters cast their ballots, an increase of about one percent since 2006.

Mayor Wowereit re-elected

The success of the SPD means that Berlin's mayor, Klaus Wowereit, will remain in office for a third term.
Wowereit, who became the first openly gay leader of a German state in 2001, is known for his popular touch and distinctive Berlin accent.
He has ruled in alliance with the Left Party for ten years but could switch allegiance to the Greens, who made gains of just over 5 percent and polled 17.5 percent. The Left Party secured 11.6 percent of the vote. A coalition with the CDU would also be possible.
Wowereit indirectly laid out conditions for a partnership with the Greens on Sunday evening, saying it was "important that they come out in favor of politics that favor development, progress, and change rather than a stalemate."
The victory could boost Wowereit's credentials within the SPD and even make him a contender for the SPD's candidate for the chancellery in 2013.
source: http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,15397392,00.html

Now, why do I find election results of a gemran state's election worthy of posting here?
Because I feel it beautifully highlights a very important fact: political landscapes and public oppinion can change rapidly and people CAN influence the way things are through hard work and dedication. We are witnessing democracy in action.
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This is pre-WWII. You can sort of tell from the sketch style, from thee way it refers to Japan (Japan in the 1950s was still rebuilding from WWII), the spelling of Tokyo, lots of details. Nothing obvious... except that the upper right hand corner of the page reads "November 1931." --- Simon_Jester
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Re: Pirate party enters state parliament, Libertarians fail

Post by Lord Zentei »

Libertarians fail to... what? Get into state parliament? Your title got cut off.
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Re: Pirate party enters state parliament, Libertarians fail

Post by Skgoa »

Damn. Yes, the libertarians failed to clear the 5% hurdle. I.e. they aren't represented in the state parliament anymore.
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This is pre-WWII. You can sort of tell from the sketch style, from thee way it refers to Japan (Japan in the 1950s was still rebuilding from WWII), the spelling of Tokyo, lots of details. Nothing obvious... except that the upper right hand corner of the page reads "November 1931." --- Simon_Jester
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Re: Pirate party enters state parliament, Libertarians fail

Post by Zaune »

Economic or social libertarians?
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Re: Pirate party enters state parliament, Libertarians fail

Post by Skgoa »

The FDP are economic libertarians, thats why I spelled them with a capital L. Now that I think of it, the Pirates are social libertarians, so there might even be some direct corelation.
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This is pre-WWII. You can sort of tell from the sketch style, from thee way it refers to Japan (Japan in the 1950s was still rebuilding from WWII), the spelling of Tokyo, lots of details. Nothing obvious... except that the upper right hand corner of the page reads "November 1931." --- Simon_Jester
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Re: Pirate party enters state parliament, Libertarians fail

Post by Thanas »

How are the FDP libertarians? Last I checked they have no interest in dismantling the police, social securtiy or any other "big state" program. It is best to call them what they are - classic liberals.

That said, I was surprised at how bad the left performed. They are going to lose power and go into opposition mode. Maybe they'll finally learn that idolizing the communist dictatorship will not gain you many votes.
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Re: Pirate party enters state parliament, Libertarians fail

Post by K. A. Pital »

Old-style left will tend to get marginalized as a political force. You said it yourself, Thanas, so I don't see why you'd be surprised. And seriously, it seems that the Linke votes just went over to the Greens (the percentage of loss and gain seems to be exactly fitting).

But all in all - go Pirates! :)
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Re: Pirate party enters state parliament, Libertarians fail

Post by Thanas »

Stas Bush wrote:Old-style left will tend to get marginalized as a political force. You said it yourself, Thanas, so I don't see why you'd be surprised.
I am surprised because Berlin was one of their bastions and they managed to avoid any major scandals while in power. Usually it is a combination of incompetence and scandals that brings the left down in Germany, but they avoided both for the most part. And they have been in power a long time.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
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Re: Pirate party enters state parliament, Libertarians fail

Post by Skgoa »

Thanas wrote:How are the FDP libertarians? Last I checked they have no interest in dismantling the police, social securtiy or any other "big state" program. It is best to call them what they are - classic liberals.
They are against taxes and civil liberties. How exactly are they liberal and not libertarian?

Thanas wrote:That said, I was surprised at how bad the left performed. They are going to lose power and go into opposition mode. Maybe they'll finally learn that idolizing the communist dictatorship will not gain you many votes.
As I had said in another thread: they just don't get it. It has been obvious for a while now that they aren't offering something fundamentally different from the SPD. (other than dogmatic platitudes) They could have gotten votes that went to Greens and Pirates, but they didn't. Because those parties promise change and progress, while both SPD and the Left don't. Plus, I know quite a lot of people (anectodes aren't data, I know...) who are dissatisfied with Berlin's state Left party. They had not voted for the Left to get a coalition of SPD and SPD 2.0, so they didn't vote for the Left again.
Economic Left/Right: -7.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.74

This is pre-WWII. You can sort of tell from the sketch style, from thee way it refers to Japan (Japan in the 1950s was still rebuilding from WWII), the spelling of Tokyo, lots of details. Nothing obvious... except that the upper right hand corner of the page reads "November 1931." --- Simon_Jester
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