Whiny conservative crybabies begin crusade against ice cream

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Whiny conservative crybabies begin crusade against ice cream

Post by Dalton »

Over an SNL-themed flavor of Ben & Jerry's. They also had problems with Hubby Hubby.
Schweddy Balls ice cream is the latest in frozen threats facing your children, at least according to One Million Moms. The conservative organization, an offshoot of American Family Association, has called for a boycott of the newest Ben & Jerry’s flavor because they find it offensive.

“The vulgar new flavor has turned something as innocent as ice cream into something repulsive,” the group posted on its website. “Not exactly what you want a child asking for at the supermarket.”
Naturally, they have ties to an organization that has "Family" (codeword for Conservative Evangelical Christian) in its name.
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Re: Whiny conservative crybabies begin crusade against ice c

Post by Lord Zentei »

I had to check to see that this wasn't an Onion article.

Apparently it isn't.

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Re: Whiny conservative crybabies begin crusade against ice c

Post by Broomstick »

Same people who get upset at penis popsicles and boob ice cubes, I presume.

If you don't want your kids eating ice cream you find offensive don't buy it and don't serve - and leave the rest of us the fuck alone.
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Re: Whiny conservative crybabies begin crusade against ice c

Post by Lord Baal »

Oh no!

Then how do you think they can show how much they do care about their children?

Actually spending time with their children to you know, be a real parent and explain them why this is a stupid name for a product IS NOT AN OPTION!!!

Spending time and energy into boycotting a stupid named ice cream flavor is the most logical option of course.

IF I could I would print this pictures and rub them at their faces:

This girl actually looks a lot like my gf.. ummm.... :lol:

This one would be nice to show too

More public phallus...

Now children riding them!

This one is priceless...!

NO, this one IS PRICELESS!!!
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Re: Whiny conservative crybabies begin crusade against ice c

Post by Civil War Man »

My family has bought 4 pints of Schweddy Balls over the past week.

The first one was because of the funny name. The next 3 were because of the funny name and the fact that it is a good flavor.

Yes. I am openly declaring that I like the taste of Schweddy Balls.
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Re: Whiny conservative crybabies begin crusade against ice c

Post by Lord Baal »

And there's nothing wrong with that! Pride your self on liking on one of those tasty schweddy balls!

If it's good then why bother about the name? Besides it's not like it's called Satan Semen, and even then, who the fuck cares about what other people want to buy if it's only ice cream? It's not a build your own nuke at home set now with pieces included!
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Re: Whiny conservative crybabies begin crusade against ice c

Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

Back in 2003 when the founders of Ben and Jerry's opposed the invasion of Iraq, a group of conservatives actually created a real "Patriotic icecream company" selling premium ice cream. I believe it folded after a few years. So, this isn't new at all. There was also W Ketchup (Yes, seriously) and "Contra Coffee", yes, so you could buy coffee grown by former anti-communist guerrillas. It was called "Star Spangled Ice Cream". The W Ketchup was because Kerry's wife is a member of the Heinz Family. I'm not sure what the Contra Coffee was for, but since they're the one that's still around that's probably correlated. There was also a Minuteman Salsa in 2006, "Deport bad taste".
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Re: Whiny conservative crybabies begin crusade against ice c

Post by Lord Baal »

Good Zeus! And here I was! Believing my country was politicized to the bare bones!!!

We have much to learn from you!

Of course, here we don't get a fancy coffee cultivated by guerrillas, but I'm pretty sure that the farmers that cultivate the coffee are being actively terrorized by guerrillas... that will be kind of outsourcing? :(
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Re: Whiny conservative crybabies begin crusade against ice c

Post by Simon_Jester »

You must remember, LB, that we've got three hundred million people here. You can find a few million wingnuts willing to refuse to buy products out of political spite easily enough in America- but then, you can find a few million schizophrenics too.
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Re: Whiny conservative crybabies begin crusade against ice c

Post by Frank Hipper »

Sadly, some of your pics are password protected, Baal...
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Re: Whiny conservative crybabies begin crusade against ice c

Post by Lord Baal »

And I can't edit the post! Sorry, I work mostly on opera with only text, with no flash or images for two things: I'm at work and the bandwidth.

Anyway those are about the Shinto kaamara maturi or something along those lines, which translate to the festival of the phallus of steel. Is a Japanese costume.
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Re: Whiny conservative crybabies begin crusade against ice c

Post by Number Theoretic »

The Duchess of Zeon wrote:Back in 2003 when the founders of Ben and Jerry's opposed the invasion of Iraq, a group of conservatives actually created a real "Patriotic icecream company" selling premium ice cream. I believe it folded after a few years. So, this isn't new at all. There was also W Ketchup (Yes, seriously) and "Contra Coffee", yes, so you could buy coffee grown by former anti-communist guerrillas. It was called "Star Spangled Ice Cream". The W Ketchup was because Kerry's wife is a member of the Heinz Family. I'm not sure what the Contra Coffee was for, but since they're the one that's still around that's probably correlated. There was also a Minuteman Salsa in 2006, "Deport bad taste".
And don't forget "Freedom Fries" ;)

and OT: WTF is wrong with these people? What stupendous amount of boredom and sexual anxiety gives birth to such useless protests?
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Re: Whiny conservative crybabies begin crusade against ice c

Post by Metahive »

Because whining and complaining with other people in unison about something becomes addictive really fast. Conservatives in the US take that to extremes because they mostly define themselves by what they're against. What they're for tends to be vague, badly defined and nebulous ("Family", "God", "Country", "Justice") in contrast. You see, professing support for something concrete does require a modicum of sincere self-awareness and independent assessment that a lot of those people are just not willing to bring up. So they rather just scream bloody murder about the latest outrage instead.
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Re: Whiny conservative crybabies begin crusade against ice c

Post by FSTargetDrone »

American Family Association is a fun bunch and has many positions on other matters and social issues that are a lot more troubling. On the other hand, if this is the sort of nonsense they are complaining about now, maybe it is a good thing.
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Re: Whiny conservative crybabies begin crusade against ice c

Post by Pint0 Xtreme »

Actually, the American Family Association is considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Suffice to say, the AFA weren't very happy when they were given that designation. They were really whining then!
*American Family Association

Methodist minister Donald E. Wildmon formed the National Federation for Decency in 1977, changing its name to the American Family Association (AFA) in 1988. Today, the group, which was taken over by Tim Wildmon after his father’s 2010 retirement, claims a remarkable 2 million online supporters and 180,000 subscribers to its AFA Journal. It also broadcasts over nearly 200 radio stations.

The AFA seeks to support “traditional moral values,” but in recent years it has seemed to specialize in “combating the homosexual agenda.” In 2009, it hired Bryan Fischer, the former executive director of the Idaho Values Alliance, as its director of analysis for government and policy. Taking a page from the anti-gay fabulist Scott Lively (see Abiding Truth Ministries, above), Fischer claimed in a blog post last May 27 that “[h]omosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler, and homosexuals in the military gave us the Brown Shirts, the Nazi war machine and 6 million dead Jews.” (Ironically, the elder Wildmon was widely denounced as an anti-Semite after suggesting that Jews control the media, which the AFA says “shows a genuine hostility towards Christians.”) Fischer has described Hitler as “an active homosexual” who sought out gays “because he could not get straight soldiers to be savage and brutal and vicious enough.” He proposed criminalizing homosexual behavior in another 2010 blog post and has advocated forcing gays into “reparative” therapy. In a 2010 “action alert,” the AFA warned that if homosexuals are allowed to openly serve in the military, “your son or daughter may be forced to share military showers and barracks with active and open homosexuals.”

Gays aren’t the AFA’s only enemies. In late 2009, Fischer suggested that all Muslims should be banned from joining the U.S. military. “Islam is a totalitarian political ideology,” Fischer added in August 2010. “It is as racist as the KKK. ... Allowing a mosque to be built in town is fundamentally no different that granting a building permit to a KKK cultural center built in honor of some King Kleagle.” A little later, according to the Huffington Post, Fischer said that whatever the government does to "to make it unthinkable for America's youth to join a white supremacist group," it should also do "to make it as unthinkable for a resident of America to embrace Islam." Around the same time, the Huffington Post said, he blogged that Muslim values are "grossly incompatible with American values," and therefore no place in America should allow a mosque to be built.

And then there are the promiscuous. On his May 26, 2010, radio show, Fischer recounted the biblical story of Phineas, who used a spear to kill a man and a woman who were having sex. Citing the nation’s “rampant sexual immorality,” Fischer said, “God is obviously looking for more Phineases in our day.”
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Re: Whiny conservative crybabies begin crusade against ice c

Post by FSTargetDrone »

Pint0 Xtreme wrote:Actually, the American Family Association is considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Suffice to say, the AFA weren't very happy when they were given that designation. They were really whining then!
Yes, my comment was perhaps a bit too understated. This nonsense with the ice cream just seems like small potatoes compared to everything else they hate.
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Re: Whiny conservative crybabies begin crusade against ice c

Post by BrooklynRedLeg »

Broomstick wrote:If you don't want your kids eating ice cream you find offensive don't buy it and don't serve - and leave the rest of us the fuck alone.
Yea, I'm personally sick of the whole 'Think of the poor children' meme that gets trotted out every time someone gets offended by something.
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Re: Whiny conservative crybabies begin crusade against ice c

Post by Molyneux »

The Duchess of Zeon wrote:Back in 2003 when the founders of Ben and Jerry's opposed the invasion of Iraq, a group of conservatives actually created a real "Patriotic icecream company" selling premium ice cream. I believe it folded after a few years. So, this isn't new at all. There was also W Ketchup (Yes, seriously) and "Contra Coffee", yes, so you could buy coffee grown by former anti-communist guerrillas. It was called "Star Spangled Ice Cream". The W Ketchup was because Kerry's wife is a member of the Heinz Family. I'm not sure what the Contra Coffee was for, but since they're the one that's still around that's probably correlated. There was also a Minuteman Salsa in 2006, "Deport bad taste".
It's not like Ben and Jerry's don't produce patriotic flavors, too. Americone Dream was quite tasty. :P
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Re: Whiny conservative crybabies begin crusade against ice c

Post by Lord Zentei »

Lord Baal wrote:And I can't edit the post! Sorry, I work mostly on opera with only text, with no flash or images for two things: I'm at work and the bandwidth.

Anyway those are about the Shinto kaamara maturi or something along those lines, which translate to the festival of the phallus of steel. Is a Japanese costume.
Well, you can repost. :wink:
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Re: Whiny conservative crybabies begin crusade against ice c

Post by Civil War Man »

BrooklynRedLeg wrote:Yea, I'm personally sick of the whole 'Think of the poor children' meme that gets trotted out every time someone gets offended by something.
I haven't run into anyone protesting Schweddy Balls since my family likes it, and New England tends to take Ben and Jerry's side on things since they are a New England-based company.

But my own response for "think of the children" is "why are you letting your children eat ice cream that contains rum?"
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Re: Whiny conservative crybabies begin crusade against ice c

Post by Molyneux »

Civil War Man wrote:
BrooklynRedLeg wrote:Yea, I'm personally sick of the whole 'Think of the poor children' meme that gets trotted out every time someone gets offended by something.
I haven't run into anyone protesting Schweddy Balls since my family likes it, and New England tends to take Ben and Jerry's side on things since they are a New England-based company.

But my own response for "think of the children" is "why are you letting your children eat ice cream that contains rum?"
I may be mistaken, but I'm fairly certain that rum ice cream does not actually contain alcohol. At least, I've never gotten tipsy from rum raisin.
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