I think it's mentioned somewhere that the bomb woke up the huge worm-thing the Locust used to fuck up human cities and that you kill in Gears 2, so that may count.Stark wrote:Tbh I think they were angling for the bomb accelerating some stuff, but yeah, the migration pressure on Locust was the lambent. It was only portrayed to the humans above by the government as a war of genocide to justify their ridiculous mass-murder businesses and keep everyone in line.
It's also not QUITE government propaganda that the Locust were genociding humans, really. The irony of the whole thing, of course, is that humanity fought over energy resources (ie. greed) for a long time, and that created the perception amongst the Locust that the ground-dwellers couldn't be dealt with diplomatically.
In they didn't fuck the story up in Gears 3 there could've also been added irony in that the abusive research at New Hope created the Queen and her desire for revenge or something to that effect.
Yeah, origin of the locust was one of the most interesting mysteries in the series, but it was ignored. God...Stark wrote:In G3 they actually say IT JUMPED THE SPECIES BARRIER AGAIN, so apparently we're supposed to think lambency is a disease and not some kind of super toxicity. And man, we all know what the Locust are, it's really heavily implied in Gears 2, but doesn't get a look-in in Gears 3. Who cares anymore, after all?
It's terrible, because Gears 1 managed to make a complex multi-faceted character out of Marcus with just a few lines of dialogue here and there, so the guys who wrote it and Gears 2 should've been able to handle complex issues. You really see the writer for Gears 3 is different than 1 and 2.Stark wrote:Man, in Gears 3 the Queen is basically human; she doesn't even have her wierd tenatcles anymore; she's just a slut in a bodysuit. But then she follows you for no reason (never sticking around long enough to kill you, and showing up late at the one place she knows Marcus is going) and then falls over. Man, imagine if there'd been a whole act around just what the government had been doing underground all that time, and if the first game had suggested Professor Fenix had some kind of detailed knowledge of the situation before he disappeared!
Maybe the Locust were grateful the humans were draining Imulsion from the hollows?Stark wrote:The funny part is that imulsion is pumped out of underground drilling rigs. But apparently underground is absolutely wall-to-wall locust. I was expected a bunch of stuff about how imulsion was in the groundwater now and how the environment was even more fucked etc, but all you really get is 'zombays'.

Ah, whatever. I don't actually have a problem with Imulsion being dangerous via zombies. It's cliche and leaves a massive plot hole but not really all that terrible compared to the rest.