Oni Koneko Damien wrote:
I piss flaming napalm on your strawman of my position. Feel free to show where I did any of the above.
LoL, nerd rage.
You have a problem with taxes and rage about other peoples analysis of fiction as if it's objective science.
Except that in TPM there isn't 'vague information through vague sources'. There's NO information given by NO sources. No one tells us who specifically is getting taxed, if the taxes are too high or too low, if Naboo's on the giving or receiving end of the taxes,
Yes there is, it's the fucking crawl at the beginning of the fucking movie. I swear to Christ we're watching different movies sometimes.
if the Trade Feds chose Naboo because they had a problem with that planet specifically or if it was a random 'hostage' in their nonsensical and unexplained plan,
See, subjective again. I thought it was pretty plain that Sidious picked the planet because, after all, he was the Senator of the fucking place and was using the invasion to gain sympathy votes in the Senate for a run at the big job.
what Darth Palpable did to get the Trade Feds eating out of his hand, what Darth Timefiller's deal is... the list goes on.
Most people don't care anymore than they care the back story of knuckles the thug, or McIrish the beat cop, random Bond henchmen #14, or cute chick in the apartment down the hall. If you can't buy that greedy corrupt businessmen probably did it for money, vain assholes did it for glory, and psycho's did it just for the fun of it, I can't help you. However, I do know that in story telling, it is OK to let the readers imagination, or in this case the watcher, fill in some gaps. Now, you can say in your opinion those gaps were not filled, but if it isn't it doesn't automatically equate to bad story telling. It's a personal preference thing.
I don't have a complete education regarding this. All I have are a couple semesters' worth as an English-Writing major and about five written novels under my belt. Yet I can still see some of the fundamental reasons why TPM is just such a crap story.
If you just want to say that, I would agree with you. This silliness about taxes though, is asinine.
I'll echo D13: Feel free to point out the powerful 'symbolism' and 'themes' in TPM. Fuck, me, D13 and others have actually been going out of our way to show how to give the movies some really well done themes and symbolism. Just go back a few pages to see the ideas being tossed back and forth on how to make Darth Timefiller, General Emphysema and Count Dracula come across as potent symbolism for different aspects of Anakin's fall, in ways the movies never did. D13 is worse at literary theory than I am, and even he came up with better ideas than the movie.
Actually, if you noticed, I agreed with a couple of them. I'm not defending TPM as some perfect example of story telling. It's the rage and stupidity of the 'cause' of that hate that prompts my posting. Out of all the problems in the movie the little bit about Taxes, as if that is the reason it was good/bad is asinine.
So... you're interested in the evil genius' 'Ultimate Power Plan'... but you're not interested in the various parts that show it to be a work of evil genius?
Meh, not any more than I was worried about how Ming the Merciless got his power. Palpy struck a deal with patsies to invade a planet and garner sympathy for him to seize power. I don't care how many diner meetings and how many hookers he burned through to get the deal. You obviously are.
I'm serious: Exactly what part of Emperor Palpable's rise to plan show him to be an evil genius, and how? All I saw was either him asking people to do really stupid shit and them complying... or people just doing stupid shit for his benefit without his manipulation. It would be a hell of a lot easier to believe he was an evil mastermind if we knew exactly what he did to get the Jedi, the Trade Feds, the Senate, etc to act like complete morons around him. But we don't. They just do. Here, I'll do your homework for you and list the various parts of Palpable's plan:
Oh for Christs sake, all the Bond Villans who plotted stupid shit over the years, all the mobsters who had to take down the bank with the super vault over the years and you're hung up on the guy who can mind rape and jedi mind trick people, making them do shit to get him elected President of the Galaxy?
- Get control of the Trade Feds: Okay... we see that he's got them eating out of his hand, how the hell did he pull that off?
Greedy corrupt businessmen after he's shown he has major pull in the Senate and can make the Senate do what he wants? Yeah, no real world equivalence there: PS don't go into News and Politics, there are often threads about greedy businessmen getting control over government functions through even bigger greedier but darker and shadier political powers.
- Get elected chancellor: Okay, he asked one single person to cast a single vote and she complied after the most token of protests with seemingly no compelling reason to do so (Really, what did Palpable getting elected Chancellor do to help with the re-taking of Naboo? Nothing, so why the hell did Oobadooba even bother with the no-confidence vote since her sole purpose on Coruscant was to help Naboo?). What acts of evil genius did he do to cause this? Umm... he asked her to?
Actually it shows more complexity than simplicity. Palpatine is able to roll with the punches and adapt situations to his needs. All he wanted was the Trade Fed to invade and make a big brew ha in the Senate for sympathy votes. What he got was way better. Good for him, story wise.
- Create a civil war in the Republic: So the secessionists do so because... umm... he asked them to? We're still never told what they stand to gain from seceding. They say they have 'demands', but there is never any hint given as to what those demands are, or why they felt they had to go to war to have them met.
Really? Sidious is shown to control the Trade Fed, his new apprentice becomes the leader of the CIS, all the while Sidious is the leader of the Republic. Really? You're having problems with this? It isn't made clear to you? Evil genius indeed, played everyone against the other.
- Get himself 'emergency powers': This one's just hilarious. Alright, so the Senate would never agree to authorizing a clone army, right? So what he does is gets them to authorize him 'emergency powers' so that he can authorize the clone army himself. In other words since the Senate was against this, he got them to pass a measure to circumvent themselves. And how did he do that? He asked them to.
Yeah, and without September 11th and doing it piecemeal, the Patriot act would have been laughed out of congress. I at least hope so. Perhaps I'm an idealist.
- Get himself an army to take out the Jedi: So he goes and uses a fallen Jedi to put in an order for a clone army without authorization, they comply because... he asked them to. The Jedi find out that not only was there an army created with their powers of authority, but without their permission, not only did they find out said army is created by someone working for the secessionists and based off the DNA template of someone else working for the secessionists, but they are explicitly told by Count Dracula that it was done by a fallen Jedi who wants to see them destroyed and is somewhere in the Senate. And they... allow this army of known sleeper agents right into their power structure with no further attempts to examine them or follow up on why they were created. He didn't even ask them to do that, they just did of their own accord.
I can't argue against that one, it is stupid.
So let's apply Occam's Razor here: Either Palpable's a genius beyond compare who's putting in 72 hour workdays behind the scenes to set everything up so that otherwise intelligent people merely look like complete fucking idiots on screen, and we never see any of this intricate plotting, hard work, or evil genius displayed... or everyone's a complete fucking idiot and Palpable's just a smarter-than-average asshole putting forward the minimum effort to take advantage of that. Which one requires less unexplained variables?
The prequals have less in common with the OT than they do with Spaceballs: Evil will always triumph because Good is dumb.
Fucking prequationists.
Lol, I actually think TPM is the weakest of the 6 films but what ever.