Not the first time this civilized "leader" does this either: during riots... ... rvice.html
...and well before then.Yesterday he said: 'The truth is, the interpretation of human rights legislation has exerted a chilling effect on public-sector organisations, leading them to act in ways that fly in the face of common sense, offend our sense of right and wrong, and undermine responsibility.' ... s-Act.html
In the end:In his most explicit remarks on the legislation, Mr Cameron said: "It has to go. Abolish the Human Rights Act and replace it with a British Bill of Rights, which sets out rights and responsibilities. The fact that the murderer of Philip Lawrence cannot be deported flies in the face of common sense. ... man-rightsDavid Cameron has been encouraged to challenge Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin about Russia's human rights record during his trip to Moscow this week.