New Series thought.

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Re: New Series thought.

Post by Laird »

No one wants to see an "alternate" time line Federation series with "Humanity FUCK YEAH!"?
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Re: New Series thought.

Post by Col. Crackpot »

Laird wrote:No one wants to see an "alternate" time line Federation series with "Humanity FUCK YEAH!"?
We have that. It's called "Star Wars", perhaps you've heard of it? :mrgreen:
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Re: New Series thought.

Post by StarSword »

Laird wrote:No one wants to see an "alternate" time line Federation series with "Humanity FUCK YEAH!"?
As in "make a series out of the mirror universe"? That eventually runs into continuity problems: by the latest date we know of, "Humanity FUCK YEAH!" has become, well, fucked, what with the Klingons and Cardassians conquering the Terran Empire.

If you work around the continuity issue, you then have the issue of characterization. Are your main characters antiheroes, staunch supporters of the Terran Empire? That's extremely difficult to write in a way that you can sell.
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Re: New Series thought.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Yeah, I want heros I can sympathize with. Not murderous tyrants. In any case, Star Trek has always been quite idealistic, bits and pieces (especially of Deep Space Nine and Enterprise) notwithstanding.
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Re: New Series thought.

Post by VF5SS »

StarSword wrote: That eventually runs into continuity problems:
Yeah it's not like then spent several million dollars rebooting the Star Trek universe of anything.
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Re: New Series thought.

Post by StarSword »

VF5SS wrote:
StarSword wrote: That eventually runs into continuity problems:
Yeah it's not like then spent several million dollars rebooting the Star Trek universe of anything.
An mirror universe for the alternate timeline? I think my brain just blew a fuse.
Star Carrier by Ian Douglas: Analysis and Talkback

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Re: New Series thought.

Post by VF5SS »

Consider the following

Since Stark Trek has already established there are an infinite number of alternate time lines for all the important junctures where Picard may or may not have stubbed his toe on the way to the bridge, there must also exist and infinite number of mirror universes which are evil reflections on all the existing time lines.

Thus, if new Trek is one of these alternate time lines then there must be an separate but evil version of the time line where goatee Spock travels back in time to meet young evil Kirk and save him from certain doom so he can go on to found the Terran Federation.

Or to put it another way, i herd u liek alternate time lines so we put universes in your universes so you can Trek while you Trek :3
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Re: New Series thought.

Post by StarSword »

VF5SS wrote:Thus, if new Trek is one of these alternate time lines then there must be an separate but evil version of the time line where goatee Spock travels back in time to meet young evil Kirk and save him from certain doom so he can go on to found the Terran Federation.
It's not a bad idea, but consider the following. As I recall, the ST11 timeline was actually created by Spock and Nero's traveling back in time from 2387 to the 23rd century. By 2387 in the mirror universe, the Terran Empire no longer exists, making the development of red matter questionable at best. (The only extant Terran power as of DS9 is the Terran Rebellion, which is a little too busy fighting the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance to develop something as weird as red matter.)

Even if we assume red matter was developed, and that mirror Spock survived the fall of the Empire (doubtful, given that his reforms led to its fall), mirror Spock would have little reason to fly red matter out to Romulan space, for the simple reason of "why would he care?".

All told, I somehow doubt that the fork-in-the-road which created the ST11 timeline would have occurred in the mirror universe. (I'm sure the writers could come up with some convoluted reason for it, but it wouldn't make sense.)
Star Carrier by Ian Douglas: Analysis and Talkback

The Vortex Empire: I think the real question is obviously how a supervolcano eruption wiping out vast swathes of the country would affect the 2016 election.
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Re: New Series thought.

Post by VF5SS »

maybe i wasn't clear in my original post

what i'm saying is there's enough alternate universes to go around :3

You keep trying to say, "BUT THE CONTINUITY"

what I'm saying is that there's for every Yin there is a Yang Wen Li

so with the creation of this new time line, they may already be an evil version of it that came about through some other means (but it still has goatee Spock because so the audience can still geeeeeeeeeeeet it)

can you dig it?
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Re: New Series thought.

Post by StarSword »

I see what you're saying, but the problem is how do you sell it to the audience (my "it wouldn't make sense" remark at the end of my last post).

Yes, the "many worlds" theory is true in Star Trek. I know it, and you know it, but the casual viewer may or may not know it. If you just watch the show and don't analyze things to the extent we do, you may not have realized this. Alternate timelines typically get closed by plot intervention (like the accidental mundicide in VOY: "Time and Again", a timeline erased by Janeway resetting the entire episode with her phaser), meaning there are only two known long-term alternate timelines: the mirror universe and the ST11 timeline.*

Adding a mirror ST11 timeline just seems to add too many layers of complexity, particularly when you add the crossovers with the prime reality. (I'm having trouble wrapping my head around it just to post this. :mrgreen:)

* Actually, the main timeline after TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise" is itself the result of a time-travel-related fork, when you consider TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise". Later events ("Redemption" and "Unification") indicate Picard's efforts to avoid a fork were in vain.
Star Carrier by Ian Douglas: Analysis and Talkback

The Vortex Empire: I think the real question is obviously how a supervolcano eruption wiping out vast swathes of the country would affect the 2016 election.
Borgholio: The GOP would blame Obama and use the subsequent nuclear winter to debunk global warming.
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Re: New Series thought.

Post by VF5SS »



just cover it up in a line of dialog. that's what all the cool kids do.

although honestly i thought the time travel shenanigans in Star Trek Open Bracket 2009 End Bracket were kind of lame because they only existed to let Leonard Nemoy have a bigger part of the plot where he could interact with the new cast.
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Re: New Series thought.

Post by StarSword »

@VF5SS: I think what we have here is a basic conflict of opinion. I don't think it would be a good idea, you obviously do, and I say we drop it.
Star Carrier by Ian Douglas: Analysis and Talkback

The Vortex Empire: I think the real question is obviously how a supervolcano eruption wiping out vast swathes of the country would affect the 2016 election.
Borgholio: The GOP would blame Obama and use the subsequent nuclear winter to debunk global warming.
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Re: New Series thought.

Post by VF5SS »

it's ok mang, we're not on youtube so you don't have to @ me :3

ok we can agree to disagree

but how about an army of evil clones?

JJ Abrams, make it work
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