Depends on the installation in question. If it has proper safety measures and equipment in place, the nasty stuff will be protected/segmented enough that your flying bomblet couldn't get close enough to close a large enough fire. Also, you still has to collect proper intel, because it'll be rather embarrassing when your RC plane get caught by some wires you hadn't noticed earlier ...Sky Captain wrote:How feasible it would be to fit rc plane with incendiary device and use it to set some high value industrial installation on fire? There are plenty of industrial plants that process large amounts of higly flammable/explosive stuff and might be too well guarded for typical car bombing attack.
Also please define a typical car bomb attack. Does it means simply trying to break through security with your rigged truck, hoping that it'll be in good enough shape to reach your destination(aka any dumbass can try to pull it off, but it won't work after security gets beefed up after the first time) or a more sophisticated method involving many things like getting valid licenses to access your target?
Also to add to what Broomstick said:
Cars are more numerous and less likely attract unwanted attention(hint: don't use a Ferrari