I am reminded of a letter I sent to the editor, which naturally didn't get publish. I guess the list of sources scared them, in favour of publishing things like "carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, its required for plants to grow."Gillard, Rudd celebrate as carbon bills pass
Jeremy Thompson
Updated October 12, 2011 14:07:47
Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd savoured a moment of victory as the government's far-reaching emissions trading legislation passed the House of Representatives this morning, sparking jubilation and relief on the Government benches.
Labor and independent MPs broke into applause as the hotly-contested bills passed the Lower House by 74 votes to 72 after weeks of debate.
Amid the celebrations, there was a show of public solidarity as Mr Rudd planted a kiss on the cheek of Ms Gillard, the person who took his job and, by some reports, the person whose job he wants back.
While the government celebrated Coalition MPs sat stony-faced on the opposition benches, only becoming animated during the Gillard-Rudd embrace.
Opposition families spokesman Kevin Andrews was apparently not impressed, later tweeting: "Kevin Rudd kissed Julia Gillard after the carbon tax vote - reminds me of a bloke called Judas!"
The bills will now go to the Senate next month. They will pass with the support of the Greens, and the legislation will come into force on July 1 next year.
Earlier Ms Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott traded barbs about each other's honesty in bitter exchanges during media appearances.
Mr Abbott "pledged in blood" to repeal the carbon tax laws if he forms government, despite the certainty of any such move being blocked in the Greens-controlled Senate.
The climate bills had majority support anyway, but the Government's position was boosted last night when Opposition frontbencher Sophie Mirabella was thrown out of the House for 24 hours for defying the speaker.
Audio: Abbott promises to repeal carbon tax (AM)
Hitting the airwaves ahead of the vote, Mr Abbott again raised Ms Gillard's promise before the last election not to introduce a carbon tax, accusing her of betraying the Australian people.
"We have a Prime Minister who is the great betrayer of the Australian people. She was absolutely crystal-clear before the last election - 'There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead,'" Mr Abbott told AM.
But Ms Gillard hit back on the honesty question, bringing up a "cast iron" promise Mr Abbott made before the 2004 election not to raise the Medicare safety net threshold.
Mr Abbott's promise that "That is an absolutely rock solid, ironclad commitment" was broken in 2005.
Ms Gillard this morning questioned the reliability of Mr Abbott's word: "Guess what, immediately after being elected he changed the Medicare safety net."
On AM, reporter Sabra Lane asked Mr Abbott if he would put his pledge to repeal the legislation in writing.
"We can repeal the tax, we will repeal the tax, we must repeal the tax," Mr Abbott said.
Audio: Julia Gillard welcomes historic day (AM)
"I am giving you the most definite commitment any politician can give that this tax will go. This is a pledge in blood. This tax will go.
"No parliament can bind its successor. It's a fundamental principle of Westminster democracy that no parliament can bind its successor."
But with the Greens holding the balance of power in the Senate, the legislation will not be repealed unless Mr Abbott, if he wins government, calls a double dissolution election and wins a majority of Senate seats.
That would give the government the potent strategy of campaigning on "a vote for the Coalition means a vote for two elections".
But Mr Abbott insisted the climate legislation will be repealed: "We will repeal this tax. We will dismantle the bureaucracy associated with it."
Meanwhile Ms Gillard has given the strongest indication yet that the Government will not take advantage of the absence of Ms Mirabella to bring forward the vote of the controversial Malaysian solution legislation.
The government is still lobbying WA independent Tony Crook in an effort to shore up the numbers to negate the High Court decision that banned offshore asylum seeker processing.
"I anticipate the Migration legislation will be dealt with tomorrow," Ms Gillard said this morning.

Here is my original letter put up for critique by the board. It answers numerous complaints about it, and unlike Lord Monckton, I actually sourced all (not just some) of my claims.
http://bbs.stardestroyer.net/viewtopic. ... 2&t=148416