STRIKE because “shock and awe” means that an estimated 500,000 civilian casualties in the first 2 days of war alone (“There will not be a safe place in Baghdad…rather like Hiroshima”- H. Ullman, U.S. military planner) STRIKE because what would you have done if you’d know about Hiroshima before it happened? STRIKE because lives are worth it STRIKE because they’re sending young people to die in the desert while they sit in comfort of their offices and mansions STRIKE because CUNY/SUNY tuition hikes of 50% and doing away with student aid is an attempt to force you into the military to fight for their oil. STRIKE In memory of the 3,000 on Sept. 11 STRIKE for our generation STRIKE to become more human STRIKE to end imperialism in our lifetime STRIKE because blood is more important than oil STRIKEbecause they’re trying to squeeze the life out of you STRIKE!
That pissed me off incredibly. First of all, any student who walks out from our school will be in all kinds of trouble with our fascist administration. Those fucktards who "distributed" the leaflets knew that, but they didn't care. Second of all, the way in which the leaflet was spread was the RL analog of spam. In addition to being a pile of steaming bullshit, those leaflets were actually a safety hazard, since people could slip on them while running down the stairs.
Finall, there were TWO RALLIES IN THE SAME DAY! What does that mean? It means that they don't care about the students, they only want media attention. The only reason why they want high school students is so the protests look like the Vietnam wa protests.
Fuck the organizers of the fucking protest. I'm against the war, but this pisses me off incredibly.

Have a very nice day.