Samuel wrote:What is different is this time, if someone is curious, this gives them a chance to email the site and ask how they will deal with the legal issues people brought up here. We should make a list although I doubt they would respond.
Well I can at least start the list:
-This places all pregnant women at risk of automatically becoming murderers, regardless of how they became pregnant or whether anyone even knows a miscarriage happened, mother included. This includes rape victims, who may very well want to abort yet another product of the evil act and a reminder of the monster who inflicted said evil act. This also includes women who miscarry without realizing it, as an embryo can look very much like the blood and refuse normal periods yield.
-This criminalizes all pregnant women who miscarry through no fault of their own, due to factors outside of their control and of which no reasonable person could predict would happen.
-This places yet more burden on an already subpar, extortionate healthcare system as expecting mothers now have to go to extreme measures to make sure they don't miscarry. Due to the predatory nature of the American "healthcare" system, this means even more money is spent out of pocket, and families become more poor.
-Poor mothers are overall more likely to miscarry, thus this measure needlessly punishes the poor.
-This creates more criminals, with all the problems and consequences thereof. Economy suffers as nobody wants to hire a murderer (even though the crime was outright false and unjust), prison populations swell (with accompanying expenses), and the legal system is bogged down with ridiculous cases of so-called "homicide".
-This law is inherently misogynist, although the father can be imprisoned as well for being an accessory to murder, if he does something to make the miscarriage or stillbirth more likely (such as giving wrong advice, for instance).
-Deformed babies are unfortunate, but this law doesn't stop at murder; if a baby needs surgery the mother could be charged with (for example) assault. Such a thing is clearly absurd.
-This leads to lots of acts of civil disobedience, with more unreported, as good people will not punish a mother for miscarrying and police, judges, attorneys, and jurors cannot in good conscience lock up a traumatized woman for an event that she has no control over and occurs not rarely. Those who do punish the mother risk retaliation from the family and friends of the mother, and from society if (or rather, when) word gets out.
-Evil people can try to get the mother to miscarry and thus get her charged with murder.
-This measure creates contempt for the law, as no sane person can ever respect such a measure and anyone who supports said measure.
"A word of advice: next time you post, try not to inadvertently reveal why you've had no success with real women." Darth Wong to Bubble Boy
"I see you do not understand objectivity," said Tom Carder, a fundie fucknut to Darth Wong