Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims across US

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Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims across US

Post by wautd »

A gang accused of holding four mentally disabled adults captive in a dungeon and allegedly stealing their benefit cheques may have had up to 50 victims across the United States, police said.

Following the discovery of the malnourished adults in Philadelphia at the weekend 10 children and teenagers were taken into protective custody after being found at another location in the city.

Police said identity documents belonging to a total of 50 potential victims were found and those people were being sought.

A fourth alleged member of the gang Jean McIntosh, 32, was charged with counts including unlawful restraint, false imprisonment and aggravated assault.

Her mother Linda Ann Weston, 51, has already been charged with criminal conspiracy, aggravated assault and kidnapping, along with two alleged accomplices Gregory Thomas, 47, and Eddie Wright, 50.

More than 30 years ago Weston was convicted of starving to death a 25-year-old man at her home in Philadelphia and served eight years in prison.

The 10 children and teenagers taken into protective custody, who were aged between two and 19, were found at an undisclosed location in Philadeplia, police said.

One of the older victims told detectives he had met Weston through an online dating service.

The victims included Beatrice Weston, 19, a niece of Weston who was reported missing in 2009.

Police said the youngsters were being examined for signs of abuse or malnutrition and some appeared to be underweight.

The original four victims were found in squalor in a 15ft by 15ft basement cell too low to stand up in and one of them was chained to a boiler.

They had only recently arrived in Philadelphia and may previously have been held in Florida and Texas.

A police spokesman said: "They moved them around. Whenever it looked like people knew what was going on, they moved."

The victims were identified as Derwin McLemire, 41, of North Carolina, Herbert Knowles, 40 of Virginia, and Tamara Breeden, 29, and Edwin Sanabria, 31, both of Philadelphia.

Ella Davis, Mr Knowles' grandmother, said he was an easy target because of his mental disability.

She said: "He was a trusting person. You know if you told him something, he would believe it. I tried to get him to not have that kind of confidence in people.

"He thought everyone was his friend. That's the way he was."

The FBI has joined the investigation and said it may be the first case prosecuted under a new 2009 hate crime law.
article linked in first one
Four malnourished mentally disabled adults have been found in what police described as a "dungeon" in Philadelphia.
Two of them may have been held captive in various locations around the United States for as long as 11 years, police said.

The victims, who all had the mental capacity of 10-year-olds, were discovered chained to a boiler in a tiny 15ft by 15ft basement room behind a steel door that was chained shut.

Philadelphia police Sergeant Joseph Green said: "This is just a horror story. They were abused physically and emotionally."

Three people have been charged with holding the victims as part of what is believed to have been an extended social security fraud.

Linda Westen, 50, a convicted murderer, allegedly posed as their caregiver while cashing their disability benefit cheques.

She and two alleged accomplices, Eddie Wright, 51, and Gregory Thomas, 48, were charged with kidnapping, aggravated assault and false imprisonment.

Police said two of the captives were held for 11 years and referred to Westen as "Mom."

They travelled with her as she moved from city to city, including stops in Texas and Florida.

The other two had been with Westen since February, and all of them arrived in Philadelphia earlier this month.

Sgt Green said the basement cell had contained "a couple water bottles but no food or anything. There was a bucket they used to urinate in."

The room looked like a Cold War-era bomb shelter and the ceiling was too low for an adult to stand up.

It contained a mattress with some bedding and a flat board with a pillow.

Officers were investigating a report of squatters in an apartment building when they found the victims.

They were taken for "much needed medical attention" at hospitals and were "doing well," police said.

The victims were a 29-year-old woman and three men aged 31, 35, and 41.

Philadelphia police spokesman Ray Evers said interviewing them had proved difficult and officers were trying to establish their identities.

He said: "We have no idea who some of these people are."
My faith in humanity hits another low. What kind of sadistic, greedy fuck do you have to be to come up with something like this?

couple of pics from of the dungeon
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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by Todeswind »

... things like this make me so angry that I cannot speak coherently. If there is a hell men like these are destined for a special place in it.
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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by TheFeniX »

More than 30 years ago Weston was convicted of starving to death a 25-year-old man at her home in Philadelphia and served eight years in prison.
I don't understand shit like this. Maybe the evidence wasn't enough to prove 1st degree murder or kidnapping (I have no idea why), but starving someone to death shows so much about a murderer's state of mind. It takes weeks to accomplish this, much longer if you feed them just enough to stay alive. Life without parole should be the minimum sentence you can get for that. 8 years is fucking pathetic.
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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by Iroscato »

This is sickening, the very idea that monsters like these exist makes me feel physically ill. To be so commited to such horrifying abuse of vulnerable people shows these fuckers must be caged for the rest of their miserable lives.
Yeah, I've always taken the subtext of the Birther movement to be, "The rules don't count here! This is different! HE'S BLACK! BLACK, I SAY! ARE YOU ALL BLIND!?

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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by Kinyo »

Must be one hell of a welfare cheque for them to go through all that...
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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by Rahvin »

TheFeniX wrote:
More than 30 years ago Weston was convicted of starving to death a 25-year-old man at her home in Philadelphia and served eight years in prison.
I don't understand shit like this. Maybe the evidence wasn't enough to prove 1st degree murder or kidnapping (I have no idea why), but starving someone to death shows so much about a murderer's state of mind. It takes weeks to accomplish this, much longer if you feed them just enough to stay alive. Life without parole should be the minimum sentence you can get for that. 8 years is fucking pathetic.
It means we're missing some important information, which is to be somewhat expected when our only information comes from a single-sentence side comment in a related news article. "Starving someone to death" could have been charged as criminally negligent homicide as opposed to actual murder, there could have been a plea bargain, the individual may not have been the main party to the abuse, etc.

In this case, some Google searching turned up that the 30-years-ago victim was Bernardo Ramos. From what the stories say the charge was "murder," but they don't say what degree or any other details. I couldn't find anything else.
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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by Rahvin »

Ghetto edit:
Bernardo Ramos, father of Venus Weston’s child. In 1981, Linda Ann Weston beat Ramos with a hammer and left him to die in a closet.
From here.

That doesn't sound much like starving someone to death. Starvation usually doesn't involve blunt force trauma. Still no idea how a person convicted of a crime like that managed to serve only 8 years.
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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by Sute »

As for the guy one of them starved/beat, apparently she beat him with a hammer, tied him in a closet, and fed him only three times over two months, occasionally beating him with a broomstick while he was there. I can't understand how she only got eight years for that kind of prolonged murder.
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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by Eulogy »

I hope they also get sued in addition to whatever rightful ...fate prison has in store for them. They deserve to be destitute, for they have clearly shown that they do not merit, nor should manage, money.
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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

This is the kind of shit the death penalty should be for.
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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

Kinyo wrote:Must be one hell of a welfare cheque for them to go through all that...

If they're collecting, say, $400.00 a month, a not atypical level for disability, from each person, and they have a cumulative total of 65 victims they're conducting this fraud on (alive or dead), they'd be getting a payout of $26,000.00 a month, which is a typical yearly salary for those lucky employed people in the kinds of ghettoes where they've lived. This means that each of the four would be collecting around $80,000.00 a year in untaxed income and wouldn't need to do any work except distributing crackers and beatings to their prisoners to make sure they stay barely alive and compliant enough to sign the authorization slips so the cheques can continue to be collected.
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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by Mr. Coffee »

In better times we'd just take every last one of these shitbags out back of the courthouse and beat them with a rubber hose until they understood why what they did was wrong or they stopped breathing. Seriously, I'm not seeing why we should waste the money rehabilitating these motherfuckers at tax payer expense when it's pretty goddamn obvious they will never make a positive contribution to society and are obviously to fucked in the head to be able to become safe with in society. Just take them out back, put a bullet in their heads, and try to heal and rehabilitate their victims.
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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by Stofsk »

It is pretty difficult to countenance the notion that the criminals responsible for this could even be rehabilitated. It strikes me that they should be sentenced according to the severity of the crime, deterrence and to protect the community since their prospects for rehabilitation are so low.
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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by Mr. Coffee »

Stofsk wrote:It is pretty difficult to countenance the notion that the criminals responsible for this could even be rehabilitated. It strikes me that they should be sentenced according to the severity of the crime, deterrence and to protect the community since their prospects for rehabilitation are so low.
The severity of their crimes includes starving other humans and beating people with a goddamn hammer before leaving them to die. I'd say a .45 bullet to the head is a perfectly reasonable response to that. Questions?
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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by ComradeClaus »

I agree that these bastards are beyond all redemption.

Unfortunately, the death penalty is something on the way out in the U.S. (outside of special circumstances like terrorists/ treason) so we'll see our taxes going to taking better care of them then they took care of their charges.

Not the first time & sadly won't be the last.
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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by Alkaloid »

Unfortunately, the death penalty is something on the way out in the U.S. (outside of special circumstances like terrorists/ treason) so we'll see our taxes going to taking better care of them then they took care of their charges.
You do realise that treating them like they treated their charges would make you just as much a monster as they are, right? Ignoring the oft repeated execution ultimately costs more than life in prison argument.
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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by ComradeClaus »

Alkaloid wrote:
Unfortunately, the death penalty is something on the way out in the U.S. (outside of special circumstances like terrorists/ treason) so we'll see our taxes going to taking better care of them then they took care of their charges.
You do realise that treating them like they treated their charges would make you just as much a monster as they are, right? Ignoring the oft repeated execution ultimately costs more than life in prison argument.

I wasn't advocating that we beat them w/ hammers or starve them, but commenting on the sheer injustness of paying for their upkeep.
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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by Thanas »

The death penalty costs way more than life imprisonment, so I don't know what you are prattlig on about.
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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by NecronLord »

Alkaloid wrote: You do realise that treating them like they treated their charges would make you just as much a monster as they are, right?
That is a fallacy. They would be beating upon the guilty these criminals beat upon the innocent that is a fundamental difference.

If the state puts a criminal in prison, for unlawful imprisonment, it does not turn the prison guards into criminals who unjustly imprison people.
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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by Alkaloid »

That is a fallacy. They would be beating upon the guilty these criminals beat upon the innocent that is a fundamental difference.

If the state puts a criminal in prison, for unlawful imprisonment, it does not turn the prison guards into criminals who unjustly imprison people.
It does not. But you'll excuse me if I find any and all instances of people being imprisoned, starved and beaten to death by cogent fully functioning human beings equally monstrous, regardless of why its being done or how lawful it is? Because I don't see how you can equate a functioning justice system (your example) with one that runs on 'you torture people, so we will torture you.'
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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by NecronLord »

Alkaloid wrote: It does not. But you'll excuse me if I find any and all instances of people being imprisoned, starved and beaten to death by cogent fully functioning human beings equally monstrous, regardless of why its being done or how lawful it is?
You said it makes you just as bad as they are. There is a fundamental difference; the evil does not come from their actions so much as the fact that those actions are taken against innocent people. The tough guy fantasies above are directed at people presuming their guilt.
Because I don't see how you can equate a functioning justice system (your example) with one that runs on 'you torture people, so we will torture you.'
Your sentiment that there is no difference between punishing innocent or guilty people, applied to all cases would also make every single prison guard a monster who unlawfully imprisons dozens and dozens of people, because if doing something to a guilty person is morally the same as doing it to an innocent person, then all prison guards effectively imprison dozens of innocent persons every day.
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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by Alkaloid »

You said it makes you just as bad as they are. There is a fundamental difference; the evil does not come from their actions so much as the fact that those actions are taken against innocent people. The tough guy fantasies above are directed at people presuming their guilt.
Ok, can you then give me an example of torture that is not evil, as your position appears to be 'the end justifies the means.'
Your sentiment that there is no difference between punishing innocent or guilty people, applied to all cases would also make every single prison guard a monster who unlawfully imprisons dozens and dozens of people, because if doing something to a guilty person is morally the same as doing it to an innocent person, then all prison guards effectively imprison dozens of innocent persons every day.
I don't believe there is no difference between punishing innocent and punishing guilty people. My sentiment is regardless of context, torture is a monstrous action, and torturing someone for whatever reason is equally monstrous.
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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by NecronLord »

Don't put words in my mouth. My position is that your claim is nonsense hurting the innocent is inherenly worse. No more, no less.
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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

Let's say you're an executioner in Iran.
You know:
1. This person was convicted according to the laws of your country.
2. Everyone wise and learned (ayatollahs) in your country says those laws are supremely commanded by religion.
3. Those wise and learned people have concluded the evidence says this person is guilty of a crime;
4. For which the religiously mandated punishment is death.
5. You're quite possibly illiterate, but you're still a decent person: You love your wife and even though you legally could in Iran, you've never raised a hand against her, because you don't have to, either. When some kid stole your TV, you accepted it back and some token resitution and got the charges dropped against him per Islamic law instead of having his hand cut off, because he deserved a second chance, and that, too, is lawful for you to choose to forgive and have the punishment reduced. You taught your children to always be charitable, respectful to others, and look for ways to improve society.
6. Nonetheless, your job is to drive a bulldozer, pushing a wall over on this legally convicted and condemned person, slowly crushing them to death, and you have done it hundreds of times.


Is this hypothetical executioner seriously just as morally bankrupt and evil as Jeffrey Dahmer?
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Re: Philadelphia dungeon gang 'may have had 50 victims acros

Post by Alkaloid »

My position is that your claim is nonsense hurting the innocent is inherenly worse.
Fair enough.

Let's say you're an executioner in Iran.
You know:
1. This person was convicted according to the laws of your country.
2. Everyone wise and learned (ayatollahs) in your country says those laws are supremely commanded by religion.
3. Those wise and learned people have concluded the evidence says this person is guilty of a crime;
4. For which the religiously mandated punishment is death.
5. You're quite possibly illiterate, but you're still a decent person: You love your wife and even though you legally could in Iran, you've never raised a hand against her, because you don't have to, either. When some kid stole your TV, you accepted it back and some token resitution and got the charges dropped against him per Islamic law instead of having his hand cut off, because he deserved a second chance, and that, too, is lawful for you to choose to forgive and have the punishment reduced. You taught your children to always be charitable, respectful to others, and look for ways to improve society.
6. Nonetheless, your job is to drive a bulldozer, pushing a wall over on this legally convicted and condemned person, slowly crushing them to death, and you have done it hundreds of times.


Is this hypothetical executioner seriously just as morally bankrupt and evil as Jeffrey Dahmer?
No. I never implied this was my opinion on almost anything except torture. What I said was
You do realise that treating them like they treated their charges would make you just as much a monster as they are, right?
In relation to this case, had they been tortured by the state as punishment for torturing someone else, then the entity responsible, in this case the state legal apparatus that allowed or encouraged it, is just as monstrous as anyone else torturing anyone for any reason.

That said, a lot of whether or not this man is a monster is riding on how and why he got this job, and if he is trying to get a different one.
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