There is some truth to that, but the show has introduced new villains recently and honestly, I doubt its all that much more silly than its always been, though I haven't seen that much of the old series.Stark wrote:Hey Romulan Republic, I don't know if you've heard of this show called Doctor DW Who, but it's about this guy who has fun adventures and constantly defeats the same guys doing increasingly stupid things with ever more contrived plot devices! It's just like in comic books!
That just means they should be used less, and only by good writers. Not that they should never be used again.When you overuse something, it gets boring. They've cut back on the tired old Daleks, but they're still a tempting cop-out for any lazy writer to inherit some pathos rather than having to actually create something. While Smiths period is pretty dodgy at least they're honestly trying something, instead of endlessly rehashing the same old fan service like RTD was wont to.
No, I wouldn't, because I haven't watched every Dalek story since Doomsday, and I honestly don't know one way or the other. I am not, as you seem to believe, a Dalek fanboy, nor do I have any real emotional investment in defending them. But I expect that won't stop you from making arrogant assumptions about me and my motives.If I said 'every Dalek story after Doomsday has been shit' you'd just get upset.