SpaceMarine93 wrote:I judge Victory and Defeat by results.
If you're capitalizing those nouns in English, that's probably already a Bad Start[sup]TM[/sup] to what you're trying to argue.
If whatever anyone does couldn't create a benefitial result in the long run regardless of what you do in the short and long run, which I recall there isn't, it is a meaningless action.
It's been going on a
month and a half, man. Give it some fucking time.
Has the wealth gap been narrowed? Does war continue to rage at an unchanged level? Has worldwide poverty been reduced overall? Has the government been effective overall against the upper class and capitalists in forcing them to change for the better? No that I recall any good results.
Even Tunisia is still trying to get a workable government after 10 months of their own revolution, why are you expecting miracles?
It is simply my deduction that the people the protesters are going against, being better at this game than anybody, is virtually impossible to be convinced to change or remove unless drastic and unconventional methods are used. Its not defeatism, just a deduction based on how little the world has got better over the last few decades... and how much it actually got worse recently.
Are you and I living on the same planet? Gay people can get married in several states in the US, while Europe isn't wracked by continual warfare and in spite of this recession, there aren't people starving in the streets in developed nations, while in undeveloped nations, everyone's toting smartphones and are starting to get access to modern technology beyond that. Polio is on the way out, while smallpox has been eradicated except for a few random vials in the US and Russia. It's not all great, but we're a damn sight better off now than in 1911 or 1961.
And as for methods, you got a better idea than voting people out of office (which doesn't work, since nobody is free from Big Business influence) and protesting where majority of the people doesn't care about your message?
Slow down there, sparky. Elections are going to come up soon enough and we'll see how much change OWS can affect. Violence at this point is more apt to end up as the Spartacus Revolt in Germany than in War of Independence 2.0.
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