Basic Plot Rundown: Its the Future and people don't age past 25. After which, you start burning Time. Good news is that if you can keep this topped up you can live forever. Bad news, if you run out you drop dead. And Time has become the currency. Rich get to live forever, poor literally live day to day and die young. A guy in the Ghetto played by Justin Timberlake one day finds himself the owner of a Century and circumstances lead him to be persued by the law, hooks up with a rich girl and play robin hood/Bonnie and Clyde.
I rather enjoyed it, it was a good action peice and the plot and acting was pretty good. Also enjoyed the exploration of the world that this movie has created for itself with the Sci-Fi idea of hours of your life being the form of cash. Its done by the guy who did GATTACA and Lord of War, both of which i rather enjoyed (especially the latter).