Alright. A few hours with no objections? Really?
Here's my strategy.
0. Make more SDN posts so I can be in the crew.
1. Recover Ra's Gate, and the Nazi DHD. Drop them on the moon. This way, you can only enter and exit via puddle jumper, or similar enclosed craft.
1a. This will protect earth from Gate exploding weapons
1b. In case we fail, Earth still has a chance to take over from us, as soon it gets it act together, and establishes a real space program again.
1c. Random Gauld, like a curious Apophis walking through will get a fun suprise.
1d. We could even put it under a forcefield to hold in air, and keep our radiation. This way we could still use the moon for walking tours, without endangering the Earth.
1e. We'll have to blast the area around the moon gate with microwaves to keep the dust down. Shits itchy and bad for lungs.
1f. Robot doubles won't even need the forcefield in place.
2. Now we need some guns and supplies.
2a. There is an Armory on the Aurora with those stupid little stun daggers.
2b. Make money on earth from Billgates, Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos and other wealthy geeks by selling spaceship rides. We might even through in a few freebees to get on their good side.
2d. Hire Blackwater and other Mercenaries. They come with guns and special training. Offer use of a sarcophagus. This saves them millions on long term medical costs. (We transport their frozen dead and wounded to our facility, they don't get to control it).
2e. Buy Guns from the Serakins and Hebridans. In fact the Serakins/Hebridan are the best bet for a long term trading partner. We know the address, and we can trade knowledge for LOTS of guns. They also fought the Goa'uld themselves, and have no love.
2f. Armor a couple skid steer loaders. Nothing says WTF! then Ringing up a couple armored/sheilded mini killdozers into a hatak and letting loose with flamethrowers and heavy machine guns.
3. We have only one week to prepare for killing Ra.
2a. Zip to Abydos, copy the Cartouch down immediately.
2b. Acquire Guns, Money, and Lawyers. See section 2.
2c. We can kill him with a cloaked puddle jumper and a drone, if the Cheops is anything like a Hatak.
2d. Of course, Ra once possessed an Asgard, so his ship might have better shields and detection equipment.
2e. Luckily, we have an Aurora, So If he detects the jumpers, the Aurora can rush in and pound him from orbit.
2f. We can force his ship to crash, Simply ring up a few tones of Ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder on a short fuse during the landing sequence, with not enough time to react.
3. I personally, want to grab his Cheops space ship. Damn things got a porch. Classy.
3b. Fortunately, Goa'uld technology is vulnerable to EMPs. Ancient Tech is not so vulnerable to EMP. Carburetors and machine guns are also not vulnerable to EMP.
3c. We can build a powerful EMP from Death Glider parts, very very quickly. We can obtain the parts by raiding a Goa'uld faculty, attacking a patrol, or possibly by using parts from the Needle threader hidden by Bra-Tac a hundred years prior. We'll want to recruit Bra-tac anyway.
3d. We can ring up the mini Killdozers, and a squad while the Horus Head Guards are ringing down the first time.
3e. Once the ring room is secure, detonate the EMP.
3f. Fly the Jumpers into the death glider bays, and offload more squads to prevent escape.
3g. Fly at least one Jumper up to the porch on top. Stun and rescue the children and other slaves with lantan stun guns from the Aurora armory.
3h. Flood compartments with asphyxiating gas. Drill holes in doors, and pump gas through holes.
3I. After the battle, Freeze all the bodies for preservation. Resurrect anyone you want alive with the Sarcophagi. (Ras, and Marduks)
4. So what do we do with Ra?
4c. We could remove the Goa'uld and hope the host retains Ras memories, and is willing to work with us.
4a. We could have Jaye Davidson impersonate Ra. Possibly De-Age them a little with the sarcophigas.
4b. We might even try to give our fake Ras a Tok'Ra host to make the act more realistic.
5, What to do with the Cheops?
5a. Defend Earth. The Aurora is faster for projecting power, the puddle jumpers are stealthier.
5b. It probably has data on board we can use.
5c. Land it at Giza for shits and giggles.
6c. Remove the Ring platform from the Pyramid. Mount it near the moonbase.
7c. Use the Cheops to transport the Stargate. Any Anubis superweapon attacks on the stargate are voided. Besides, it's not like they need it anyway. Drop the Gate on Mars.
6. What to do with the Smaller vessels inside the Cheops.
6a. We don't know if we have an Alkesh, but we do have death Gliders.
6b. Start the 302 project.
6c. Give these shitty fighters a good 3C system, missiles, and remove the megalomaniac voiced anti-traitor devices.
6d. Any Alkesh will be used for covert raids.
7e. A ring platform could be removed from one, and placed on earth. Use to transport to and from the SDN moonbase.
7. Look for Heliopolis.
7a. With two stargates, one on the Moon, and one on Mars, we can quickly brute force the Heliopolis dialing sequence.
7b. Once on Heliopolis, send through a team to secure the library, shore up the building, and explore the surrounding area.
7c. The team will remove the stargate from the building, and move it outside so the planet is accessible by puddle jumper.
7d. An iris will be installed.
7e. A puddle jumper will be used to map the planet.
8. Contact the Tollans.
8a. If we contact the Tollans early enough, perticularly before with big cataclysm, they were at that point much more willing to share technology, like unlimited energy and ion canons. Though I do suspect someone may have actually planned on killing off the Seritans.
8b. We can't doom an entire civilization just because Omac is a dickhead.
8c. Have the Tollans settle on Heliopolis. We'll use the library as our Embassy.
8d. The Tollans new planet, Tollana, was found accidentally by Klorel, and later wiped out by Anubis.
8e. Giving the Tollans a new Homeworld near Earth will make mutual protection easier.
8f. After the Tollans have evacuated the planet Tollan, clandestinely pick over the ruins for technology.
8g. Instead of burying the stupid gate, load it on a starship and take it somewhere useful. For instance, A moon of jupiter, or a large asteroid in Sol system. You could also establish an Alpha site with it.
8h. Now that the Tollans are somewhere other than Tollana, you can establish a mining colony on Tollana, and mine for Trinium. If Klorel Crashlands there, simply remove the Goa'uld, or blow his brains out. Kill Niirti with an Ion Cannon.
9. Establish Trade: Note: For trade to work, we only need a comparative advantage. Primitive worlds can still supply things like food, labor, call centers, raw materials, R&R, etc.
Orban - Higher Tech level to earth. Have Naquada reactors,but no idea how to run a public school.
Gala- Similar tech to earth but also have with super mind uploading/downloading training equipment
Edora - Naquada mines
Altair - Robot duplicates
Latona - Primitive world protected by a superweapon.
Langara- Nawuadria
Hala - Mead
10. Grab the ZPMs
10a. Proclurash has one.
10b. Look for the time machine on Arkans world. If it's not there, then you know what's going to happen as soon as you get to Atlantis. If you DO find a time machine there, head back to Earth, and dig in Egypt for RasZPM.
10c. If You didn't dig up Ra's ZPM with the stargate cameo videos, then it's because our Earth replaced the Stargate earth. You can optionally go back in time and try to steal Ras ZPM. If you are comfortable fucking with the time stream.
10d. You can grab a ZPM on Dagon.
10e. Leave the Asurans alone. For now.
10. SDN Atlantis Expedition
10a. Grab as many ZPMs as possible. Fly the SDN ship to Pegasus.
10b. Maybe able to bring along a Tollan energy device since we caught them early and in a good mood.
10c. Land on Taranis. Pick up the Hippaforalkus from the storage bay. Fix it, and Give them some Naquada generators and tell them NOT to overuse the geothermal powerplant. Offer to Evacuate the population of hot geeky women on the Hippaforalkus, and move them to Atlantis.
10d. Power up Atlantis with a ZPM right away. Raise it to the surface. Check for Time machine in jumper bay if not look for Frozen Dr. Weir in the basement.
10e. Fly to the Lord protectors planet. Load up on all the drones, ZPMs. and spare parts. Evacuate the population of hot renfair women to Atlantis.
10f. Use Atlantis sensors to detect the original Aurora. Fix it, kill the wraith, Kill the wraith cruiser (assuming it's awake)
10g. Plunder Atlantis Database. Find Dornanda. Salvage stuff from the orbital battle, and surface weapons, carefully dismantle Arcturus.
10h. Say hi to Althosians. Give them some anti-dart weapons,and some machine guns. Get an introduction to the Genii.
10i. Say hi to the Genii. Ask if they want help making bombs. Use lucky dart memory to find sleeping hive ships.
10j. Kill a few wraith, grb samples. Engineer the Carson retrovirus. Beam the airborn Virus onto the sleeping wraith ship. Watch Hilarity ensue.
10k. Contact the Travelors. Sell the empty hiveships to the Travelors in exchange for
nude pics of Larrin an alliance, in which they keep an eye on the Asurans. If they don't want the hiveships, use them for compost, or Kamakaze strikes. They cannot reach the Milky way and are therefore useless against the Goa'uld.
10i. Fly Atlantis Back to Sol System, Land on Mars. Move mars gate to Io or Europa. Establish bases therei
10j. Modify the Aurora for return to Sol. Revive Crew with Sarcophogi.
11. Long Distance call to Thor.
11a. Visit Cimmeria. Activate the teacher, Call up Thor.
11b. Have they encountered the Replicators? No? Good. When you find them, please leave them alone....
11c. If the Asgard are not at war with the Replicators, they can fight the Goa'uld. Yay!
11d. Oh, you HAVE found them, and they are eating you alive? I have some good news. Due to OP fiat, we have knowledge "equivalent in depth to that displayed by Stargate-Earth in the last season of Stargate Universe." So we can make, you know, replicator disruptors for you, how's that sound? Thor: "FABULLOUSS"
11e. If the OP fiat doesn't translate that far, then we can at least explain the basic operation, and start hunting for the ancient supositories.
11f. Visit Reese's World, which we have the coordinates off. Find Reese, and dismantle her. Examine her, and melt her down.
11g. Inform Thor About the Vanir. Ask to Tag along for the Ride.
12. Favors to Ask of Thor.
12a. Ask for a few anti replicator planet busters.Visit the Asuras. Blast the Planet,Take the ZPMS.
12b. Ask thor to find the Tria. Tow the Tria to Asuras. New home for Ancients. K-Thanks-Bye.
12c. Grab some Asuran Ships. Yay!
12d. Drop off the newly revived crew of the Aurora of Asuran. (Revived with the Sarcophagi)
12e. Ask nicely for transport beam, shields, beamweapon technologies.
13. SND Atlantis Part 2
13a. Start populating Asuras with the humans from all over the pegasus Galaxy.
13b. Rapidly train these humans how to live in Lantien society with the Galor memory devices.
13c. If the Lantians can build gates, build a McKay-Carter style Bridge. Instead, require the cargo/people, to move via an airtight canister. Essentially a can with retro rockets. On the Milky way side, Collaborate with the Nox and Tollan to build gates. Or you could just grab unused gates.
13d. Now it's time to Finish off the Wraith. Evacuate all the Humans from Pegasis to starve them out. The only populations left should be there to fight.
13e. Use the bridge. Don't Build a Gateway station unless you plan on guarding it. Instead, build it without the gates, and add the gates later.
13f. Instead of Quarantine facilities on the station,Gate the population to Mars, and quarantine them on Atlantis.
13g. Kill as many wraith sleeping as possible, then wake them up with visions of Earth projected by an Althosian.
13h. If any populations do not want to evacuate, check their supply situation, and take their stargate away. Drop it outside the range of the Atero Device.
13I. Activate the Avenger Virus. Turn off All stargates. Activate the Atero.
13j. Using Lantian ships launched from Asuras,kill and starve the remaining Wraith.
14. Colonize Locally.
14a. Mass produce force fields. Force fields can be used to hold in a breathable atmosphere, and keep out cosmic radiation. Using Lantian force fields. We can quickly Para-terraform a planet. Para-terraforming, means building domes, and habitation under the domes until you've completely covered the surface.
14b. Move the population of humans from the galaxy to Sol, settle on Mars, Io, Europa, Nearby planets, in cities towns under force fields and domes, create a defensible network of nearby star systems.
14c. The Goa'uld will not have slaves,the Wraith will not have food.
14d. If the resettled humans don't get along with their neighbors, their neighbors can block off access throughthe forcefield.
14e. Some human colonies will be moved by actors pretending to be Goa'uld ordering them off their land.
14f. We the good guys offer to take them in.
14g. To move people through the gate quickly, it may be a good idea to build a sort of train system for large worlds, and for village planets, just beam everything, including the buldings, through the gate.
14h. Large populated planets with a billion or more either get an entire planet, or
15. Take on the Goa'uld.
15a. After we start moving humans through the gates, take the gates too. Use them for a Galactic bridge, or a time machine, or stack them up and make huts. The idea is to deny the use of them to the Goa'uld.
15b. Continue the Tok'Ra style campaign againts the Goa'uld.
15c. By using actors who played the system lords and jaffa leaders, pit the Goa'uld against each other convincingly. If you can tap into their comm network, you can threaten each other to the point of war.
15d. At a certain point, Apophis is due to walk through the Earth Gate. Capture him. This is when you start playing the Gou'ld.
15e. With Apophis captured, you send the actor right back through the gate. The actor Sends Teal'c to Earth. On Earth Teal'c is breifed by Bra-Tac. Or more likely he'll have been briefed earler.
15f. Teal'c and the Fake Apophis wlll fight the other Goa'ld. The Jaffa will be promised freedom.
15g. If you've managed to Capture Ra, you can do the same thing with him. Fake Ra, and fake Apophis will go into an alliance, with Free Jaffa.
15h. The Fake Ra/Apophis will have military advisors from Earth, us the SDNancients, and the Tok'Ra.
15i. Next we replace Qetesh. Ba'al, and as many as we can.
15j. Some of the Actors could be blended with Tok'Ra to make the ruse more convincing. We'll only use Tok'Ra who were not assholes on the show, so we can start trusting them. If they get untrustworthy, we replace them.
15k. As the Goa'uld lose power, their infrastructure will be taken by us, so the lucien alliance will never form.
Clean House
16. Build bigass Earth/Tollan/freejaffa/Serikan Fleet
16a. Bigass human/freejaffa/robotduplicate army.
16b. Clean house
16c. Put back the stolen stargates, and settle the galaxy slowly.
16d. I'm getting tired here, when will this pointless meeting ever end?
Bonus. Destiny.
17. Dial Destiny without the stupid planet blowing up.
17a. We don't need to find Icarus base, we could dial from Langara.
17b. Since we won't stupidly blow up a planet, they won't see why not to let us.
17c. I Should mention this is a shortcut to Atlantis in the Pegasus Galaxy too.
17d. Send the right crew, with some recovered ancients, and some supplies.