Well, I didn't present the unwillingness to be defined as fact, it's just my opinion and I'm guessing from a long long way away. It might be because people are scared of splitting the movement - in fact such methods have been used historically time and again to undermine minority groups. A broad church invites more people, rather then incredibly detailed economic policy discussions. If it's the latter you're after, you probably already participate in politics or the tea party.Lord Zentei wrote:That's fair enough, but the Tea Party moved fairly quickly past the sandbox stage, and OWS needs to do the same if they want to keep people's attention with things other than scuffles with the police.
And that's a fail. Incidentally, it also contradicts any apologism on their behalf which is made in response to the critique that they don't communicate their message or demands well enough.madd0ct0r wrote:I think they're worried about their message being defined at all.
Mistakes such as the ones I'm mentioning?madd0ct0r wrote:... It's a good time to make your mistakes and learn from them.
Training community leaders is all well and good, but a future generation of community leaders will need a community to lead. They're not cutting it yet, and this whole movement risks becoming a wasted opportunity.
It might be an instinctive distrust of authority - we're talking about webheads after all, coupled with the sense 'Well, we're doing ok without them.' The increasing pressure the Occupy groups are coming under might well resolve that, isn't the normal ratio one person in a dozen rising naturally?
You think that without crystallizing into a solid political group, their voice will be lost and with it the opportunity for change?
I disagree, the moment has not yet come, I'm not sure that its possible in the current political environment. However, the diffuse generalised voice of protest IS changing the political environment, putting items contrary to the interests of Big Business back on the table.
America is arresting it's race to the bottom. thank god.