Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homophobia

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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by Serafina »

I really like how Chocula ignores all evidence that having gay men mixed with other gay men and lesbian women mixed with other lesbian women doesn't lead to violence and disorder.
But then again it probably takes some imagination to consider that most people are decent individuals, and that gay people really aren't some horrific other one can not possibly be comrades and friends with. And that those few bigots will mostly be held in check by everyone around them being accepting of those they hate.
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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by SirNitram »

My favorite thing on this video is Perry's campaign folks being sufficiently moronic as to not disable like/dislike. More than 122,000 dislikes to 3,000 likes is funny to see.

Re: Muslims and suspicion: By Chocula's braindead argument, Christians should be constantly harassed given how they have a tendency to throw firebombs at clinics. What? It's only a few? Chocula's argument says we still have to harass them!
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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by Mr Bean »

SirNitram wrote:
Re: Muslims and suspicion: By Chocula's braindead argument, Christians should be constantly harassed given how they have a tendency to throw firebombs at clinics. What? It's only a few? Chocula's argument says we still have to harass them!
Don't forget our good friends the Southern Poverty Law Center who post this depressing long list of attacks by Christians against minorities.

Sure they are not bombings just simple murders and assaults
For the larger scale attacks you need their list including the Sovereign Citizens movement and their cousins the anti-abortion activities which have been responsible for hundreds of incidents since 2000. By Chocula's arguments we should pay special attention to all Christians because of that terrorism.

Or it be the fact that Muslims are responsible for attacks has little to do with religion and a lot to do with ideology which uses religion as a justification for secular goals? Nahh that's to much thinking. It's them damn Muslims and Christians fault!

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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by Mr. Coffee »

SirNitram wrote:My favorite thing on this video is Perry's campaign folks being sufficiently moronic as to not disable like/dislike. More than 122,000 dislikes to 3,000 likes is funny to see.
That's nothing. The real hilarity here is according to Rick the Dick, Obama is waging a war on religionChristianity. Thing is, Perry brings up DADT's repeal and prayer in schools as his evidence for Obama being a Jesus hating, gay loving, baby eater. Now, the DADT thing I could see being blamed on Obama (if I was a bigoted right-wing fucktard), but the prayer in schools thing? Hokay, two key cases that established the current ban on prayer in schools, Engle vs Vitale and Abington School District vs Schemmp, happened in 1962 and 1963 respectively. President Obama was born in 1961.

So either Rick the Dick's right and President Obama is a fucking Timelord or Rick the Dick is a delusional fucknugget.
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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by Akhlut »

Count Chocula wrote:
Connor MacLeod wrote:Oh right. I guess we ended religious intolerance in america long ago, or something. It's not like the Muslims ever face harassment or anything right?
Why yes, yes they do. I wonder why?

EDIT: Let's just say that Muslims in America get treated with more suspicion and skepticism because of the various bombings, beheadings, honor killings, and other unpleasantness perpetrated by others of their faith and justified by them by their faith. Nobody gave a shit that Tim McVeigh was Christian or not, he didn't cite the Bible as justification...and 8-10% of Christians don't support terrorism. Unlike the other white meat.
Abortion clinic bombers, the Westboro Baptist Church, the Ku Klux Klan, Nigerian witch hunters, the Lord's Resistance Army, the Christian Falangists, and numerous other Christian organizations are all terrorists, therefore, we should be crack down on the Christian menace, right?
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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by Flagg »

Holy shit, remember a few years ago when there was a giant shitstorm over the mess proposing exactly what Chocula is, only as an AFD joke? :lol:
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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by Broken »

Count Chocula wrote:I confirmed they face harassment. Not all of it is justified, but that "small number of them" have cast a shadow on the rest.
Just so I get my prejudices correct here, how many "small number" does it take to justify harassment? Is there a time limit on this harassment, because if you go back in my maternal family line far enough, you get Cossacks who could less then friendly peoples at times? Is it a decade? A human lifetime? A century, help me out here so I have my justified harassment list properly figured out. Should my friend Elizabeth harass me and my family; given that with her Eastern European Jewish roots, my ancestors may well have done horrible things to hers over the centuries. Or should she reserve her harassment for Germans, since her family lost several members in the Holocaust. Is there a hard cap on the number killed or maimed to justify harassment as acceptable or not acceptable; or is it more of a soft cap depending on how cruel or official the killings were?

As for Perry's disgusting video in the OP, this is less of a dog whistle then a train whistle for the Obama is the "other" that is ruining the country crowd. I am fairly sure this was aimed directly at the type of area I used to live in; a small city in the midwest that was over 80% white, 14% african-american, with small numbers of other groups. A place where racism was veiled or not-so veiled depending on the target; where the likelihood of meeting someone other then a Christian of one strip or another was tiny but for a small Jewish community centered around the hospital or university; where a multi-cultural student union group in high school was met with sneers and sidelong glances and even the idea of a LGBT group was unheard of and likely would have been stamped out. Thinking back to the adults I interacted with, my peers in school, and the general atmosphere of the place, I have little doubt what this ad is all about. Establishing Rick Perry as the Christian soldier who will fight Obama and his liberal, gay policies as God intended the righteous should, because only (certain) Christians are Real Americans anyway.
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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Jesus Christ. That kind of logic justifies the internment of Japanese-Americans and German-Americans in WW2.

Hell, if there was ever a hypothetical war between the USA and China, imagine, that kind of logic would work really great. Like, it won't even be "a bunch of bad apples" casting the rest in a shadow but like "more than a billion's worth of them" doing that. With that brain-logic, you might as well wall in Chinatown or some shit. :lol:

Choculoids you are a great man. I love you.


America can also, like, take a cue from the other western militaries that already have women and/or homobortionists actively serving.

Holy shit! You can have standardized NATO bunking arrangements for gays and lesbians! STANAG AN/YMCA-22 Block 6 LGBT Mk.1 Mod.0 TLA a.k.a. "Village People" (already waterproofed for service In The Navy!) :lol:

We can have fucking graphs, literally, comparing this and its Warsaw Pact equivalents! Gays and straights jam packed in a Bradley IFV are marginally less oily than those sardined and rubbing against each other in a tightly packed BMP!!! Spetznaz troopers look sexier in those striped shirts Russki troopers wear. It takes longer to strip a man off traditional American-style BDUs! Velcro companies are now officiated into the military-industrial complex! Dual purpose lubricants for cocks AND M16s! Army-issue contraceptives! Ridged menthol-flavored condoms in your MREs! Entrenchment tools... FOR MY ASS!

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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

You know when people look back on this election cycle, I am fairly sure that this will be seen as the nail in the coffin for Perry's chances.

I mean Dear FSM what the HELL was he thinking?
Scratch that, I know what he was thinking, he was thinking of running this largely in whit, fundi areas of the US and Iowa to drum up support, because after al, who would notice? I mean, the fact that this was ok'ed really shows either how disconnect Perry, and most of the GOP is from reality, or that they just really don't care.

I think Perry is an example of a quote I read recently that goes into the problem with the modern GOP. That "the GOP used to be controlled by those that spiked the Kool Aide, now it is being led by those that Drank the Kool Aide."

I mean, a decade ago, people in the GOP knew that a cardnal rule was that, no matter how bat sht Crazy you were, you always wore a mask of being a 'moderate" so no one ever knew how much of a racist asshole you were. Now.. Well now the modern GOP Is in a race to out crazy one another. An Add like Perry's isn't met with awkward silance or a polite "You should rethink this' but instead met with cheers and cries of "Not going far enough!"

The wheels really have come off for peole like him, there is no concept what so ever of just how much of a crazy nutcase he seems to be outside of his tiny little fundi bubble. And it is that reason that he, and most of the GOP don't stand a chance in hell during the general election.
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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by Mr. Coffee »

Crossroads Inc. wrote:You know when people look back on this election cycle, I am fairly sure that this will be seen as the nail in the coffin for Perry's chances.
I thought the nail/s in his coffin were 1. He was Chimpus Caesar's former Lt. Governor, and 2. He's from fucking Texas. Seriously, can we all agree now that politicians from Texas should be barred from being able to run for President?
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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by Lord Zentei »

YouTube wrote:4,029 likes, 188,317 dislikes

Adding comments has been disabled for this video.

That says all that needs to be said.

Except there's more hilarity in the comments on the main channel page:
Mindflayer911 (28 seconds ago)
Rick Perry if you want to deny science believe in impossible stories and sheer bullshit that's fine. But don't bring the rest of the country down with you. When i went to Sweden a few years ago and i told people i was American i got the "oh i see..." response from most people and its morons like you who give Americans a bad name in the rest of the world.

minabeads (36 seconds ago)
I cannot believe you did this. You make me embarrassed to be from Texas.

BadAssMusic1 (50 seconds ago)
ignorant fucktard. People like you make me sick

Khoraxgator (53 seconds ago)
Has anyone ever seen what happens when a strongly religious leader is placed in a position of power within a government, especially when his platform decries a specific individual and flat out lies about the current state of things? This is what totalitarian regimes and nightmares are made of. If you're American, believe in freedom of speech, freedom of religion and the right to pursue happiness, do NOT vote this man president. He will destroy all three in a heartbeat.

irllcd13 (55 seconds ago)
Mr. Perry, you seem to spend more time thinking about gay men than all the mebers of The Village People combined. I wonder why?...

NaumNaumers2 (1 minute ago)
Still thinking about that presidency?

catiedoucette (2 minutes ago)
It is one thing to push faith down the throats of citizens, it is another to tell people that their sexual orientation is wrong. I am straight and your message made me feel sick to my stomach - I can't imagine how someone with a different sexual orientation must feel. I hope all of your children become gay/lesbian and plot your bloody demise. Idiot.

CurtDogg (2 minutes ago)
Fuck off you cunt

TheWalkingDeadMan147 (3 minutes ago)
You are a disgrace of a human being you are.

mattallenuga (3 minutes ago)
who liked this video? can somebody get these folks an education?
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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by Raw Shark »

In addition to the actual statistics that have already been posted regarding gay/straight integration in the Canadian military, I humbly present my own anecdotal experience from years in another subculture full of lusty young people of both gay and straight orientation: Live Theater.

Theater people change clothing in front of each other all the time, often live together in very close quarters on a tour bus, etc. I have never seen or even heard of hostility or a desire to remove oneself from the situation breaking out over "staring" or other related "misunderstandings," and I would be very surprised to, despite there being less pressure to get along in most such cases (compared to the military) due to the fact that many of these people are amateurs who do not depend on sticking around for their paycheck.

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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by Flagg »

Mr. Coffee wrote:
Crossroads Inc. wrote:You know when people look back on this election cycle, I am fairly sure that this will be seen as the nail in the coffin for Perry's chances.
I thought the nail/s in his coffin were 1. He was Chimpus Caesar's former Lt. Governor, and 2. He's from fucking Texas. Seriously, can we all agree now that politicians from Texas should be barred from being able to run for President?
The nail in the coffin was his saying something decent about the children of illegal immigrants rather than treating them like mud people. Well that and his hilariously bad debate performances.
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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by Pint0 Xtreme »

Anyone who's been paying attention to politics and doesn't think Perry is running at least partially on a homophobic platform needs their head re-examined for some serious denial or cognitive dissonance issues.

Wolf Blitzer recently confronted Perry on his recent ad as well as his policy stances revealing his obvious biases, ignorance and contempt for gay service members. He is explicitly for reinstating anti-gay discrimination into the armed forces. And of course, the segment also highlights his stereotypical fundie view of religious liberty, which includes the freedom for religious institutions to both receive tax payer aid as well as to openly practice discriminatory policies.
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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by Pint0 Xtreme »

The video above covered this but I also wanted to note that the Marine Corp Commandant who expressed the greatest amount of concern during the DADT repeal Congressional hearings have recently stated that those fears were unfounded. Gee, nobody sure saw that coming! :roll:
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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by Thanas »

Chocula, you wonder why you are being accused of being a racist and a bigot. Look no further than your comments in this thread.

I really want to salvage this thread but I think it is unsalvageable seeing how all of it is Chocs going on a trip right to bigotland. Thread may be moved to HoS at a later date, but I'll leave it here if Chocs wants to explain how he totally was not bigoted and racist in this thread.
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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by Count Chocula »

Caramba! Where to start...ok I'll start with Connor on Page 2. He cited a Canadian study where integration of homosexuals in the Canadian military had no negative effect on discipline. Point one for him and Canada. Spoonist makes logical arguments, as I did, then expands it into racism and endless segmentation. Can't agree with his reductio ad absurdium, but I agree with his paragraphs on added complexity and being singled out. I honestly hadn't considered that, but had been thinking that on a small (i.e. company) scale "like cleaves to like" would be the better. Conceded.

Back to Spoonist in his Swedish boot camp example. It's anecdotal but I'll accept it. Conceded. My personal experience was that when on duty professionalism was the rule and hanky-panky was reserved for (and indulged in!) at the enlisted club or in New Orleans. I was stationed in Biloxi after all.

I can't agree with Eleas' "forbidden fruit" analogy, but to be honest I did not realize I was making a "separate but equal" argument until he posted. I was thinking more in terms of unit cohesion military discipline. I'm still not sure that asserting the "separate but equal" argument applies to sexual orientation vs. race.

Serafina: I never said, and don't believe, that gay men or women are "some horrific other one can not possibly be comrades and friends with." My sole contention has been that mixing straight and homosexual men would be prejudicial to maintaining proper military order in barracks, and I have asked at practically every post for an opinion from people who would know better than I do. I believe I even said "I'm dyin' here, and don't know if I'm wayyy off base. Einie, Alyrium, somebody, chime in!" Congratulations on another post void of content but laden, like a jelly-filled American donut (see Testing) with snark.

The "CC vs. Connor on Mooslilms are TEH BAADZ" sidetrack was not on topic. I concede that I allowed myself to be sidetracked and apologize for the temporary derailment.

Pint0 Xtreme, thanks for the link to the AJC article. If the Marines are handling the integration of gays without affecting combat effectiveness or discipline, then my entire "what-if RAR" on separate companies becomes moot. Conceded.
Thanas wrote:Chocula, you wonder why you are being accused of being a racist and a bigot. Look no further than your comments in this thread.

I really want to salvage this thread but I think it is unsalvageable seeing how all of it is Chocs going on a trip right to bigotland. Thread may be moved to HoS at a later date, but I'll leave it here if Chocs wants to explain how he totally was not bigoted and racist in this thread.
Go chomp on a strudel, Thanas. Fuck your hairy eyeball. I made an argument for an alternative way to deal with gays in the military, I was wrong based on the evidence and anecdotes presented (yes yes I know anecdotes are not proof but they are persuasive) and conceded. If you still decide to HoS this thread you're disrespecting the other posters.

And once again on the OT, Rick Pertorum/Santerry's video was IMO poorly staged political grandstanding. Another bad ad for a mediocre campaign.
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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by Thanas »

Count Chocula wrote:Go chomp on a strudel, Thanas.
Already did, boy. It tasted delicious.
Fuck your hairy eyeball.
I see your knowledge of anatomy is as bad as your knowledge of how to achieve tolerance.
I made an argument for an alternative way to deal with gays in the military, I was wrong based on the evidence and anecdotes presented (yes yes I know anecdotes are not proof but they are persuasive) and conceded. If you still decide to HoS this thread you're disrespecting the other posters.
Yes, because everybody will think they are the reasons why this might be HoSed. :lol:

And here I thought you might understand why people jump on your case so often. Instead, more hilarious outrage. Way to display maturity here, boy.
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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by Tomzilla »

After watching that video, one word quickly comes to mind: desperation. Perry really, really wants to impress the evangelical Christian community. So much so he's concentrating on what they take very seriously, gays and religion. He's also trying to appeal to all fanatical Republican voters by accusing Obama of launching a war on religion. Bashing President Obama is sure to win some support, however small.

It'll all be for naught though (at least I hope so). This blind hate won't appeal to everyone, especially since I think most Americans are getting tired of it.
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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by Alerik the Fortunate »

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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by Flagg »

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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Count Chocula wrote:Go chomp on a strudel, Thanas. Fuck your hairy eyeball. I made an argument for an alternative way to deal with gays in the military, I was wrong based on the evidence and anecdotes presented (yes yes I know anecdotes are not proof but they are persuasive) and conceded. If you still decide to HoS this thread you're disrespecting the other posters.

And once again on the OT, Rick Pertorum/Santerry's video was IMO poorly staged political grandstanding. Another bad ad for a mediocre campaign.
He has a point. I don't know if you have this idea in your head that you're scoring points for "nobly defending your position against all comers" or what, but you deserve the backlash. Yes, you conceded the argument (because I am sure you are going to point this out) and it's good you did that, but this coudl have ended much sooner had you not been so bloody stubborn. Particulariyl since you were engaging in a great deal of speculation without a shred of proof.

More to the point, I can't speak for the LGBT members of the board, but I would have found your 'arguments' downright insulting for the reasons I outlined. If I am out of line there or it didnt bug them they're free to correct me (I'm sure I can count on someone like Mr Coffee to set me straight in that regard) but that alone earned you alot of the responses you get. Fuck, you were pissing me the hell off with your stubborness and I wanted to flame the hell out of you too. Seriously, did it ever occur to you you might be annoying people or offending them?

You're not going to salvage your reputation if you keep acting this way on the board if such things matter to you. Next time you're faced with an argument you aren't certain about don't persist in arguing the goddamn point, hold back until more information at the very least if you can't concede for lack of evidence.
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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by Straha »

I was all ready and pumped to go completely Queer Theory on Chocula and I come back to find he's conceded the argument?

So much for taking my time posting shit.

As consolation I'm posting this, for the West Wing fans out there:


I'm also curious as to where the Christian Fundamentalist vote is swinging. Certainly not behind Romney or Gingrich, but it doesn't seem to have gone for any of the other active candidates. Which makes me wonder if this will be, ironically in a way, the first election in almost thirty years where the Fundamentalists haven't had control over the Republican nominee?
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic

'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by weemadando »

That was the joke that I'd been seeing since this video started doing the rounds. I'd assumed someone had posted it already.
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Alyrium Denryle
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Re: Rick Perry's new campaign ad unleashes a blast of homoph

Post by Alyrium Denryle »

I'm dyin' here, and don't know if I'm wayyy off base. Einie, Alyrium, somebody, chime in!
You asked. You are full of shit.

A straight guy and gal in a shower are different. Why? Because in order for something to happen, both parties must consent. Otherwise it is rape. A gay guy has very very little incentive to rape a straight man. In fact, it is ironically, usually the other way around. If gays serve openly, they will have their liasons with other consenting gay soldiers. If you segregate them, all you do is increase the likelihood of this happening and leading to breakdowns in military discipline. So, your best option is simply to integrate them.
What would you rather have in your armed forces: two or three out of 100 gay men who are mocked by their compatriots, or a battalion of gay men who are comfortable with each other and have esprit de corps?
You mean like the Sacred Band of Thebes? Yeah, they were all fucking eachother. Which A) is something you avowedly want to avoid and B) the cultural context was different in ancient greece. Back in ancient greece, being gay was the pinnacle of masculinity. This kept gay drama to a minimum due to social mores. Now, those Mores are different, and Gay Drama is a fucking epidemic. Best to have three gay men in a 100 man barracks.

As for "misunderstandings"... OK. I will make this perfectly clear. Any gay man learns very quickly which straight guys dont mind the occasional hug or affectionate nuzzle, where boundaries are, and how to check a guy out without being seen. There is a chapter on the subject inside the Gay Agenda Handbook, and we have regular regional meetings and quarterly training workshops in every american gay district, often held in Unitarian and Metropolitan Community Churches... or night clubs, if no other venue is available. We have developed our own form of Morse Code calibrated to work inside public bathrooms. We have our shit together and efficiently packed.
Staring, however, is a different matter, and a young gay guy has just as much control over his sexual urges as a young straight guy...not much.
You are fucking kidding right? No no no. We learn that shit early due to a degree of necessity straight guys dont experience. A straight guy who sees a girl naked probably already has permission to stare. Seeing straight guys in the gym... well, I know from personal experience that one learns not to so much as focus your eyes very quickly.
EDIT: Let's just say that Muslims in America get treated with more suspicion and skepticism because of the various bombings, beheadings, honor killings, and other unpleasantness perpetrated by others of their faith and justified by them by their faith. Nobody gave a shit that Tim McVeigh was Christian or not, he didn't cite the Bible as justification...and 8-10% of Christians don't support terrorism. Unlike the other white meat.
No one puts christian churches on watch list because they regularly engage in terrorism against abortion providers. PETA and its offshoots are not terrorist groups despite their actions. You are defeating yourself. The whole reason people care about islam is because it is NOT CHRISTIAN and NOT WHITE. Christians can murder their children in the name of God. Scientologists can murder people, infiltrate the IRS and do other terrible things.. nothing happens to them. But muslims cannot even build a god damn mosque, no matter how non-violent their sect is.

Yeah. You are a bigot.
That goes for you to Alyrium Denryle, its easier to get a military culture that prevents rape in a mixed environment if you do it right.
I know. I just wanted to take a swipe at the military's rape culture, because apparently, we dont do it right.
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