If only because of this frankly amazing graphic from Huffingpost which itself is from their Election Dashboard which You can find here detailing all the polls they averaged to come up with this.

Is that not frankly amazing exactly how in retrospect steady things have been with the three big jumps only. The first jump being Bachmann after the Iowa Straw poll and no real follow through for her. Then the Perry surge and the Perry flop. And then the Cain trains arrives and keeps right on going into self destruction. Then all of a sudden here we are with Newt Gingrich who started this race by having to get down on his knees and kowtow to Rush for criticizing the Paul Ryan budget way back in the spring and having his entire staff quit on him, to leading the pack. And not just leading the pack by a little but by the highest margin to date.
Have the Republicans in fact settled for Newt Gingrich? Has the "anyone but Romney crowd" decided it that fuck it if we can't have a bad GW Bush impersonator or the pizza guy we will take the Newt because it sure as hell is not going to be the damn Mormon... or the other damn Mormon. Bachmann, Santorum have been kept around for sympathy's sake and the fab three (Buddy Roemer, Gary Johnson, Fred Karger) where never allowed to the debates to begin with so no one knows who there are so that leaves....
No one really since the media dismisses Paul, and paint Santorum and Bachmann as crazy (When they are not busy doing it themselves). That leaves only Huntsman (Like Romney but more liberal so he's out) and... Newt Gringrich and Rick Perry. Except everyone despise Rick Perry and the more we get to know him the less everyone likes him. But Newt Gingrich is in the exactly the same boat and he's pushing 33%+ of the vote so what the heck is going on here?