omegaLancer wrote:Oh the Popular mechanic article is not good enought why? They make no prejugdement, they state several cases that Have ot been proven to be hoaxes ( one case that even was witness by the Brazilian Navy, with photos).
Even if the picture is not doctored, the conclusion in the audience's mind (that they are visiting aliens) is clearly illogical. As for the fact that there was an article in Popular Mechanics, big deal. They know how to sell magazines.
Then their is the Report from the French Miltary think tank last year stating that UFO's are real ( a case of a group of real Scientist and Miltary poeple that study europian cases in France and Beligum)
Need I remind you that the French Military once thought that the Maginot line was the perfect defense against the German military. If you're going to appeal to authority, you need to do better than that
The problem is yes there are alot of nuts associate with UFO, but I can give tons of Web pages that carter to Pseudo science, with theory ranging from antigravtiy to Zero point energy from lowering the obrital energy of Hydrogen atoms ( and guess what Nasa even look into this one) some from actual PHD bad science is not reserve only to UFO fields.
So? Ufologists aren't the only charlatans out there. Doesn't mean they aren't charlatans.
The continue lack of interest by main field science community only invites the nuts and the space cases ( no pun meant).
The mainstream science community has no interest because it's a waste of time. These "UFOlogists" are kooks.
You cannot predict the action of Human intelligent ( Social science and other so call human studies have never come up with a predictable theory of human behavior) so you are demanding that observing a event by a non human intelligent would be held to this...
Don't be silly. You are trying to argue that aliens will do incredibly stupid things because they are presumed to have a different society? That's nothing more than a flimsy escape clause; cultural values are relative, but stupidity is universal. There are limits to the stupidity of any group which could construct interstellar space craft; the pilots of such a craft are not going to be their equivalent of fundie morons.
We have alot of scientist today rethinking the UFO Pheomena, and the fact is that out of the thousand of UFO's sitting there are small percentage that should be look over.
Creationists say the same thing: "scientists are being forced to start giving serious attention to creation theory, yadda yadda yadda"
Alot may be contribute to Black box operations by the US goverment ( the recent flying Triangles are believed by several europian intelligent agencies to be Secret american lighter than heavy air lift vechiles and may be moving armor into forward position for attacking Iraq)
Most, I suspect. There is a strong correlation between UFO sightings and military airbase locations. Connect the dots.
I remember 40 years ago a small device was found in a dig in Iraq, the item a small clay pot with two metal rod was dated at 2500 years old. it was discover that when wine was place into it provided an electrical current.. the Item was then place into storage and any one who mention that this was a battery was label a nut case... not till recentily has then been accepted. The fact is that it would be easy to to denie any proof with study it with an open mind..
So? People found a primitive battery; this hardly overturns anthropology, since they also had metallurgy at the time, not to mention fairly advanced structural engineering skills. You're not giving a lot of detail; initial reluctance to accept this particular item could have come from any number of sources, such as poor procedure at the site, or a disreputable researcher. However, the fact that it
was eventually accepted (assuming you're reporting this accurately) disproves your implicit point about the scientific community being close-minded. Why do you feel that continued scientific rejection of UFO theories stems from some sort of dogma rather than good objective reasoning?
In any case, how does this lead to aliens violating the laws of physics and travelling at superluminal speeds to achieve the incredible feat of getting here, only to do stupid things like mutilate cows and make crop circles?
I my self doubt that UFO are real ( are little green men or BEM), along with Ghost and other things. But I have witness alot of things that some time make me wonder the nature of the universe we live in. Like Einstein I believe that there is some hidden Reality that we just are not getting and UFO are not a glimpse into either the nature of the Human relationship with the universe or human longing not to be alone...
I see no reason not to conclude that UFO's are either optical illusions, military aircraft, or hoaxes. We have plenty of reason to suspect human dishonesty or military secrecy, since both are known to exist. We have no reason whatsoever to suspect alien visitation, since that implies violation of the laws of physics, and if you're going to postulate that our understanding of physics is in error, you'd damned well better come up with stronger evidence than some grainy pictures of a grey-ish blob in the sky at night.