Oh, the "it's fundamentally unknowable"-copout. Let's teach the controvercy!Simon_Jester wrote:That assumes the photo is indeed a photo of the real drone. I do not know if this is true. Literally do not know- nor am I qualified to guess the amount of damage the drone took hitting the ground, so I can't say the photo is reasonable or not.Skgoa wrote:THIS IS NOT TRUE. Goddamit, we have resounding visual evidence.Simon_Jester wrote:The argument, Skgoa, is that we have relatively limited evidence that the Iranians have a physically intact drone, as opposed to a pile of wreckage.
The "crash into the ground" part. All sources (both US and iranian) claim that the US somehow lost control over the drone and that it flew deep into Iran. Why do you assume it had to have had a hard crash? Might it be due to your whole argument being based on that made-up fact?Simon_Jester wrote:What unnecessary axiom? That planes usually get trashed when they crash into the ground? How is that not relevant?Which is why I brought up Occam's Razor: you are adding an additional, totally unfounded and unecessary, axiom. Or to phrase it in in a more german frank way: You are making a bullshit assumption so that you can arrive at a bullshit conclusion.Simon_Jester wrote:If someone thinks it likely that the drone would be reduced to wreckage by a crash, then "they built a mockup for that photo op" becomes the "simplest explanation."
WHAT high-speed collisions?Simon_Jester wrote:...Not even the physics of high-speed collisions?Stop muddying the waters by framing the "two option" as even remotely equal. The drone has come down relatively intact. There is NOTHING that suggests otherwise.Simon_Jester wrote:If someone sees no reason why the drone couldn't have come down more or less intact, then "that's the real drone" becomes the "simplest explanation."
Even leaving out the fact that I know of at least one such case - i.e. you just made a pretty good argument for my case -, you are still making a big assumption: that the drone fell from the sky like a stone. This in itself is an impropable thing.Simon_Jester wrote:Put it this way, Skgoa. Suppose I told you that a man had jumped out of an airplane at ten thousand meters without a parachute, hit ground in my territory, and I said "here he is." Then I show you a photograph of a happy, healthy man.
Will you assume that because there is VISUAL EVIDENCE that the man who jumped out of an airplane is happy and healthy, then he must be so? Or will you consider the possibility that I may be faking, for reasons of my own, on the grounds that no one who jumped out of an airplane at that altitude without a parachute would be in such good condition?
But you are also lying. The example you provided is nothing like what we are talking about. Pretending that the drone we did see was undamaged or even in one part is creating a false dichotomy. The drone we saw had damage that would be expected if it was brought down in a rather slow and horizontal "crash" landing on flat, open, and hard terrain - you know, exactly the kind of landing that would be expected.