Durran Korr wrote:http://www.nytimes.com/2003/03/04/opinion/04KRIS.html
You don't have to read the whole article, this is the most important quote;
"A new Gallup poll shows that 48 percent of Americans believe in creationism, and only 28 percent in evolution (most of the rest aren't sure or lean toward creationism). According to recent Gallup Tuesday briefings, Americans are more than twice as likely to believe in the devil (68 percent) as in evolution."
I hope this isn't an accurate poll!
I know I'm generalising here, but this is nearly a Uniquely American problem. When I first heard about Creationism (on the Net, no less), I had to look it up as it had never got more than a passing mention in R.E. (Religious Education - learning about various belief systems and how they are structured) class at school when I was 13. The only model of Human creation taught in the UK is Evolution, where it is considered a science not a belief. If you asked the majority of people in the UK what they believed in : Evolution or Creationism, they'd probably look at you as to ask "There's another way except Evolution?", then ask you what the hell Creationism is.
I know from Netsurfing, that Creationism does have adherents here in the UK, but they number about the same as Flat Earthers, and have the same credibility. How America got to thi state is amazing to me.
People here have no problem having a faith in God and still accepting Evolution as fact, so what's the problem in the States? I still remember laughing when I heard about the Kansas education board fiasco, when it happened, and then the horror at realising it wasn't a joke, it was reality!
Britian may hav a few problems with education at the moment (dropping exam standards to raise pass Levels - which has been arrested by the way as Employers are complaining about the standeard of young workers and the subsequent increase of Dole Applicants has forced the Government to do something about it far faster than teacher protet ever did

), but it never got to the level where Science got confused with religion. I hope the Education standards start raising over there, or my joke made in the 'thirty years from now' thread might just become reality.