Count Chocula wrote:Well, they believe in oblivion after death. Shit, I'll take the Protestant view for a minute (as I understand it): maybe there ain't no afterlife, but if there is, what does it cost you to live in the present in a way that doesn't fuck over your fellow man? Nothing. So why not do it?
What I don't know is the moral code, or codes, that atheists follow. Are there any? Does the Golden Rule pertain if you have no faith at all? Any atheists care to chime in here? Hitchens was all over the place on morality and personal consistency, but I somehow doubt he was a typical atheist.
Atheists follow whatever moral code they fucking want, just like religious people do when they mix and match bible verses they decide for follow. How the hell is that hard to understand? Atheism doesn't have any tenets or teachings, so there can't be a moral code that all atheists follow.
Bakustra, I will contend that the sort of confrontational atheism that Hitchens was known for is more constructive than silent atheism. Theists ALREADY view atheists negatively. They always have. Not all of them, of course, but the existence of non-believers is a threat to theism. Just reminding Christians that atheists exist will cause someone, somewhere, some offense! You can't put up a billboard saying "Don't Believe In God? You're not alone." - a very unthreatening message other than to say 'atheists exist' - without people protesting about it, complaining about it, and there being news stories about how people are TERRIBLY UPSET over the poster.
The more vocal and confrontational atheists are, the more acceptable atheism will be seen by more moderate religious people. Homosexuals didn't earn acceptance through quietly going unnoticed. They earned what they have now through forcing people to deal with it, by saying "I'm gay, fucking deal with it". Likewise, black people in the US didn't earn the freedoms they have through silence. And atheists will have to put up with being treated with disdain by the religious and having religiously motivated laws passed unless they stand up and say "Your religion is fucking retarded and I reject it".
And frankly it works fine in my experience. Allow me to anecdote for a second - and yes, I know anecdotes aren't evidence for shit, I'm just sharing one - I've had more luck getting people to accept my atheism by arguing religion with them, than I have by just saying "I don't believe that". I dislike religion, I want it gone, but I don't dislike religious people, and that's a distinction that most people I've spoken with seem to be okay with.
Hitchens took it a little further than even I'm comfortable with, by considering theists the "enemy". That's a bit too extreme for me.
Thanas wrote:Do you really think Atheists believe in nothing you can refer to? What can you refer to?
I think Destructionator was just quoting theists. I've seen many theists use that exact line, that they can't trust or identify with atheists, because atheists don't believe in anything and thus have no religious moral grounding. Nonsense like that.