Gandalf wrote:It mentioned that only four people applied for the ballot.
Does this mean that Bachmann, Huntsman and Santorum are out of the picture? Or is Virginia an aberration in the primaries process?
No Virigina is far enough along there's an excellent chance it will be a three man race (Mitt plus Paul plus other) and if the third man is Newt or Rick Perry it means that Virgina will be a two man race between Mittens and Dr Paul.
Virigina is a super Tuesday state anyway so it's not on it's own.
January 3, 2012 Iowa (caucus)
January 10, 2012 New Hampshire (primary)
January 21, 2012 South Carolina (primary)
January 31, 2012 Florida (primary)
February 4, 2012 Nevada (caucus)
February 4–11, 2012 Maine (caucus)
February 7, 2012 Colorado (caucus)
February 28, 2012 Arizona (primary) Michigan (primary)
March 3, 2012 Washington (caucus)
March 6, 2012
(Super Tuesday) Alaska (caucus)
Georgia (primary)
Idaho (caucus)
Massachusetts (primary)
North Dakota (caucus)
Ohio (primary)
Oklahoma (primary)
Tennessee (primary)
Vermont (primary)
Virginia (primary)
Full list is here
General idea is by Virginia there will be nine states already having voted and there are nine other states voting that Tuesday.