Darth Tedious wrote:Cesario:
The Avatar script is right here at IMSDB, fucktard.
I've been reading it whilst laughing at your bullshit through this whole thread.
You should probably make good with all those quotes supporting your claims, instead of continuing to try and weasel your way out of PROVING YOUR POINT.
Why thank you, my good fucktard. This may turn out to be worth the effort after all.
Hm, it seems I misremembered where I learned the purpose of Grace's botanical research. The film has her on a research/diplomatic mission with no mention of restoring the earth's biosphere.
The population of earth is also not mentioned. You know, I think I got the number from another poster in this thread. For all we know, the entire population of the human species by this point are the characters we've seen on screen, at least two shareholders, and the guy who knifed Jake's brother, assuming he wasn't one of the shareholders.
Oh, let's see what else we have:
There's a lot of crap like that. She's
always going on about the flow of energy--
the spirits of the animals and what not --
VIDEO-LOG IMAGE -- HUMAN JAKE talks into the lens. He's
changing -- un-shaven, cheeks hollow. Pale.
I just hope this treehugger shit isn't on
the final.
Visible behind him, Grace is hunched over her samples.
(without looking up)
This isn't just about eye-hand
coordination out there. You need to
listen to what she says. Try to see the
forest through their eyes.
Excuse me -- this is my video-log here,
Yep, one of these two is being respectful and is interested in learning about the Na'vi culture and the other is full of preconceptions, all right.
What's next...
Why did you come to us?
I came to learn.
We have tried to teach other Sky People.
It is hard to fill a cup which is already
My cup is empty, trust me. Just ask
Doctor Augustine. I'm no scientist.
What are you?
I don't know. I was a Marine -- uh, a
warrior. Of the Jarhead clan.
A warrior! I could kill him easily!
No! This is the first warrior
dreamwalker we have seen. We need to
learn more about him.
What's going on? What are they saying?
(to Neytiri, subtitled)
Daughter. You will teach him our way, to
speak and walk as we do.
Specifically identified as a Warrior. They think him more capable of understanding them than the scientists because of this trait. They say they want to learn more about him, but this entire exercise comes down to them teaching him rather than the other way around.
Hm, how about the "reveal"...
A great evil is upon us. The Sky People
are coming to destroy Hometree. They
will be here soon.
A murmur of fear and anger goes through the crowd.
You have to leave, or you will die.
Are you certain of this?
They sent me here to learn your ways. So
one day I could bring this message, and
you would believe it.
They didn't believe it. Instead they lash Jake and Grace to a post and go out to fight the mercs.
Also, I didn't remember this little scene right before the firebombing. Quaritch makes a good point here:
IN THE DRAGON COCKPIT Quaritch watches a targeting screen --
a telescopic image of Jake and Grace tied to posts.
Well, I'd say diplomacy has failed.
TSU'TEY and another HUNTER hold knives to the throats of the
two avatars, glaring defiantly at the gunships.
I think they mean to cut their throats if
we don't back off. Make sure you get a
nice close-up of that. I can tack it onto
the after-action report.
Let's see, the relevant scene from the dozer briefing:
Look, Sully -- find out what these blue
monkeys want.
SELFRIDGE (cont'd)
We try to give them medicine and
education. Roads! But no -- they like
mud. I wouldn't care except --
Selfridge turns to a large 3D GRAPHIC DISPLAY, pointing. A
road runs from Hell's Gate to a proposed new mine miles away.
Their damn village is sitting right over
the richest unobtanium deposit for a
hundred klicks in any direction. Which
sucks -- for them -- because they need to
(taking that in)
Does Augustine know about this?
Yeah, she does, and she's on the next
ship back if she tries to cock-block me
on it.
So -- who talks them into moving?
What if they won't go?
I'm betting they will.
Killing the indigenous looks bad, but
there's one thing shareholders hate more
than bad press -- and that's a bad
quarterly statement. Find me a carrot to
get them to move, or it's going to have
to be all stick.
Jake is shaken by the enormity of this new responsibility.
You got three months. That's when the
dozers get there.
I'm on it.
This one is particularly useful when you note the mission Selfridge gives Jake. Find out what they want. Selfridge is trying to negotiate. He's willing to use force, but the first thing he notes is his desire for Jake to find a peaceful settlement. In his mind fighting and killing the Na'vi is not the best choice, but the Na'vi aren't negotiating. It takes the multimillion dollar skin suit they got Jake and litteral divine interevention to get him to the point of maybe being able to get them to tell him what they want, and Selfridge is trying to use this oportunity to ask what they want. What a mostache twirling villain, right?
Looking over Quaritch's initial briefing we have this:
We have an indigenous population of
humanoids here called the Na'vi. They're
fond of arrows dipped in a neurotoxin
which can stop your heart in one minute.
We operate -- we live -- at a constant
threat condition yellow.
Either they ran a lot of weirdly unecessary chemical analasys on a random discarded arrow, or they know how fast the neurotixin works on a human being precisely the way you would expect them to learn this fact.
This is also a fun bit of context regarding how the RDA have been behaving up to this point:
Hey, I got one of the natives blockin' my
blade here.
This attracts the attention of Selfridge, who comes over to
the workstation.
ON THE SCREEN -- Jake, in his Omaticaya loincloth and
ceremonial body paint, is unrecognizable.
(to Selfridge)
What do we do?
Roll on. He'll move. These people have
to learn that we don't stop.
They've never so much as played a game of chicken with the Na'vi with their mining equipment up until the incident with Jake. Whatever happened with those "kids" (given that Jake's love interest was included among them, I'm not so sure how well that term applies) must've been a pure strike by the Na'vi in question. Can you see it taking this long before even getting to the point of "they need to learn to move out of the way of the construction equipment" stage with any other imperialist power?
And just because I happened upon it:
I am with you now, Jake. We are mated for
We are?
Yes. It is our way.
Oh. I forgot to tell?
He rouses up, making her look at him.
Really, we are?
We are.
Jake considers this.
It's cool. I'm there.
It's nice that Jake is all cool with this, but this is actually pretty dispicable behavior on her part. Especially considering what this ends up triggering with Tsu'tey later.
Another scene with our evil corporate monster:
Good of you to stop by. How's it going
out there? Our blue friends all packed
up yet?
Selfridge swings his DRIVER with good form.
See, I keep hooking it. It's the damn
THE BALL drops into the mud just past a marker which reads
220. A TROOPER walks over to retrieve it.
The low gravity and the high air density
cancel out so --
You called us back to report -- you want
to hear it or not?
Go ahead.
Jake is making incredible progress, years
worth in just a few months. But -- we
need more time.
Not what I was hoping to hear.
It starts to rain. Selfridge calmly pulls an umbrella from
his golf bag and snaps it open.
Parker, it's their ancestral home.
They've lived there since before human
history began. You can spare them a few
more weeks.
This thing is inevitable. What does it
matter when it happens? I'm sorry, Dr.
Augustine. You're out of time.
Callous as they're trying to make Selfridge here, he raises a good point. They've had three months, and accomplished absolutely nothing in terms of finding out how to negotiate with the Na'vi. Grace asks for a few more weeks, but doesn't have an answer in terms of what difference it will make. She does look like she's just trying to delay the inevidable at this point.
He wanted to hear that they've been successful with their assigned mission of negotiating with the Na'vi, but they can't even bring him a single thing that indicates that real progress has been made. Not one want or need the Na'vi have that could be used as the carrot he asked for three months ago. Just Grace's assurance that they've been making incredible progress, which, realistically, they haven't. Not towards the goal that Selfridge had them working on. Maybe anthropologically, and from a pure research prospective, but Jake learned nothing about how to negotiate with or trade with these people. In three months of living as one of them. That's pretty good evidence from his prospective that they aren't going to be able to negotiate in a couple weeks or ever.
From Quaritch's briefing on the Well of Souls attack:
People, you are fighting for survival.
There's an aboriginal horde out there
massing for an attack. First slide.
The display shows an overhead image of the Well of Souls. It
looks like Woodstock in the jungle.
These orbital images show the hostiles'
numbers have gone from a couple of
hundred to over two thousand in one day,
and more are pouring in. By next week it
could be twenty thousand. Then they'll be
overrunning our perimeter here. We can't
wait. Our only security lies in pre-
emptive attack. We will fight terror
with terror.
TRACKING ACROSS the grim faces of the miners and troopers.
Fear transforming to hatred in their eyes.
Next slide. This mountain stronghold is
supposedly protected by their deity.
When we destroy it, we will blast a
crater in their racial memory so deep
they won't come within a thousand klicks
of this place.
He could have bombed Jake's army into oblivion since Jake was conveniently gathering them all up in one place. Plus, he was being kind enough to do it in a place that wasn't suffering the electromagnetic disruption that made it even thinkable that Jake's army could stop the bombers. Instead, Quaritch went for the symbolic target, with the stated goals of making them too afraid to attack the humans. He was targeting, in his mind, a nonexistent spiritual diety as a demonstration of power, which means killing the Na'vi's will to fight without needing to kill their army.
What's more, he's doing this in order to avert an immenent attack by an army in the thousands.
And note the response from our evil imperialist Selfridge:
This thing is completely out of control!
Quaritch ignores him, turning away to focus on ordnance
Listen to me! I am not authorizing you to
turn the mine-workers local into a
freakin' militia!
I declared threat condition red. That
puts all on-world assets under my
You think you can pull this palace coup
shit on me?! I can have your ass with
one call --
Quaritch grabs him and PINS him against the side of an
You're a long way from Earth.
Selfridge is paralyzed. Physical force -- against him?
Quaritch releases him and walks away.
(to his men)
Get him out of here.
Several troopers converge on Selfridge.
You touch me you're so fired.
He pushes through them and they escort him toward the door.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the attrocities from the imperialists in real life generally things that are callously approved of or looked the other way from by the corrupt corperate executives in charge?
Though it is interesting that Jake isn't at all taken aback by this. Are these sorts of military coups something he's used to? Sure seemed to surprise the hell out of Selfridge. Maybe it's got to do with him having already fully adopted the Na'vi mindset by now.
Just another fun note about things that the Na'vi might just not have enough imagination to ask for:
Tsu'tey weakly clutches his severed queue.
I can never ride again, or bond with my
woman -- or hear the voice of Eywa. I can
not lead the People. You will lead them,
No. I'm not officer material.
It is decided. Now do the duty of
Olo'eyctan. Set my spirit free.
I'm not killing you.
I am already dead.
It is the way. And it is good. I will be
remembered --
Tsu'tey's voice is weak, but thick with emotion.
-- I fought with Toruk Macto, we were
brothers -- and he was my last shadow.
TSU'TEY'S HAND clasps with Jake's in a fierce grip. Jake
draws his knife.
TSU'TEY'S POV -- Jake leans forward, blocking the sun.
HIS SHADOW falls across Tsu'tey.
Forgive me, my Brother. Go now to the
Mother Spirit.
By his movement, we know that he has ended Tsu'tey's pain.
Jake's eyes well with tears as he continues reciting the
prayer for the dead, and his Na'vi words carry over as we --
We know Selfridge offered medicine, and Tsu'tey is opting for ritual suacide because of a specific kind of neurological damage will leave him a cripple for life. We know that human medical technology can fix this sort of thing, as it's what they were offering Jake in the film. Pity it was impossible to negotiate with these people, since there was nothing stopping a mutually beneficial trade agreement except the Na'vi's own arrogance.
Since Jake is the Na'vi's leader at this point, I think we can take his narration as the Na'vi prospective on the cycle of life and death:
The forest will heal, and so will the
hearts of the People. New life keeps the
energy flowing, like the breath of the
If they didn't take the "ruined forever" additude towards the ecological damage that's been done, why would they not take the same prospective towards the earlier mining the RDA was doing? Is it just that the filthy humans are off their pristine planet now? Do you have an alternate explaination for it?
I'm going to leave off there for the moment, but let's see how the conversation goes from there.