Matt Romney Suggests His Father Won’t Release Tax Returns Until Obama ‘Releases His Grades And Birth Certificate’
By Judd Legum on Dec 30, 2011 at 11:36 am
Appearing in New Hampshire as a surrogate for his father, Matt Romney suggested to a group of voters that Mitt Romney would not release his tax returns until Barack Obama released “his grades and his birth certificate.”
Concord Patch has the video. Here’s a transcript:
Q: Will Romney eventually open his tax returns, so we can see what’s going on like most candidates will do and have done?
TAGG ROMNEY: We have no idea.
MATT ROMNEY: He has not said that he will not do it. He has also not said that he will. It’s a matter of time until that issue comes up because I think everyone has to get a chance to do that. So I don’t know the answer to that. I’m not sure he knows the answer to that. But he will do everything that he needs to do. He’s certainly not afraid of anything. Hiding anything. I heard someone suggest the other day that as soon as President Obama releases his grades and birth certificate and sort of a long list of things then maybe he’d do it.
Of course, responding to a cacphony of conspiracy theorists, Barack Obama has already released his birth certificate. Matt Romney can view it here.
Mitt Romney would be the first major party candidate since Watergate to refuse to release his taxes. He recently told MSNBC that “I don’t intend to release the tax returns. I don’t.”
Anything to get daddy elected, I guess. Remember when Romney said his sons weren't serving in the military because it was a more important job to get him elected in 2008? Apparently it hasn't prevented at least one of his Mormon spawn from developing a traumatic brain injury.
We pissing our pants yet?
You got your shittin' pants on? Because you’re about to Shit. Your. Pants!
He who can, does; he who cannot, teaches.
-George Bernard Shaw
This could be very unpleasant for him in the general election if he keeps it up.
The conspiracy nuts will have a field this with this methinks.
Turns out that a five way cross over between It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the Ali G Show, Fargo, Idiocracy and Veep is a lot less funny when you're actually living in it.
Solauren wrote:More of this Birth Certificate crap? SOmeone, please hit him with a clue stick. Repeatedly.
Well, in fairness, Matt Romney seems to have been repeating something that he apparently overheard. Still makes him an idiot for repeating it.
Turns out that a five way cross over between It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the Ali G Show, Fargo, Idiocracy and Veep is a lot less funny when you're actually living in it.