Vympel wrote:Perinquus wrote:
And given Clinton's lying under oath, given pardongate, given the obstruction of justice during the investigation of Vince Foster's death, given the Clinton Presidential Library scheme to accept numerous gifts and cash donations while still in office, I think experience shows that Bill Clinton is a dishonest. Therefore he had less credibility than Aldrich and others who accuse Clinton of wrongdoing and moral turpitude.
And which of them are true, and which are false? I'm skeptical. And I'm far less interested in credibility than I am in actual evidence.
You do know that a person's first hand testimony
is a form of evidence I trust? That's why we allow people to testify to things in their own personal experience in court. And credibility is a
very important part of that. Aldrich was an FBI agent in good standing, with a distinguished career behind him (he is now retired), serving in a very desirable post that many aim for and few get, which means he displayed a certain level of merit and competence to get there. That makes him a very credible source. Clinton on the other hand ia a man who has been caught lying on occasions too numerous to mention. That makes his credibility rather less than stellar, to say the least.
Now, just to set the record straight, there are parts of ALdrich's book that are not from first hand evidence, and are not corroborated elsewhere. For example, he contends that Clinton frequently visited a downtown Washington hotel to a room rented by a woman, and says she may have been someone well known, but there is no corroboration for this story, nor does he have personal knowledge of it. I am not prepared to believe such assertions as this until some corroborating evidence can be found. But where he speaks from first hand knowledge, or his assertions can be corroborated, it's a different story, even allowing for a certain level of exaggeration.
Vympel wrote:Perinquus wrote:That Clinton is dishonest, and that you have already decided to disbelieve arguments that show this to be true before ever giving them a fair hearing. I should think that's pretty obvious.
No, I've decided that they are bullshit until proven otherwise. This is called not believing in something until proof is actually presented. I don't believe, as you seem to, that one is 'guilty until proven innocent'.
In a head of state, one certainly ought not to be in a position where people can make so many credible accusations of wrongdoing. Even for a politician Clinton was an oily bastard. There's certainly no question that Clinton lies with facility. And there's no question that pardongate was as shabby a bit of business as any president has carried on. There's no question that the Clinton Presidential Library was a very convenient way of allowing him to accept gifts and donations that he was not permitted to accept as a sitting president. And these do not cover all Clinton's supposed misdeeds by a longshot.
Vympel wrote:Perinquus wrote:Aldrich already gave his proof, a whole book's worth of it in fact (published under the title Unlimited Access). Rather than refute the arguments he makes; rather than say: "he is wrong because... (insert comments here)" You just dismiss it all as "outrageous bullshit claims".
Lol! Because it's in book from, it's EVIDENCE rather than ASSERTIONS, is it? You obviously don't know the difference between evidence, and testimony. Do you think the Bible is evidence of the existence of God, perhaps?
As I said, first hand testimony
is evidence. We recognize it as such in a court of law. In his book, Aldrich is describing things he himself personally had experience of, and given that his credibility is greater than Clinton's, and given that much of what he asserts can be independently corroborated, I find Mr. Aldrich's assertions credible enough that they certainly ought not to be dismissed as "outrageous bullshit claims" without ever even reviewing them. Those which are not based on first hand evidence, and cannot be corroborated elsewhere, I view in a different light, but the difference is, I'm making my mind up after reviewing the claims, not before.
Vympel wrote:Perinquus wrote:Well, sorry, not good enough. When someone makes an assertion and supports it with evidence
Where's the evidence? He wrote a book? You set the bar real high there- maybe I can start calling Ann Coulter books 'evidence' now too.
Ann Coulter, not having worked inside the Clinton White House, would not be in position to testify about Clinton's behavior from first hand experience. But given Clinton's dishonesty, I would even look at her claims and weigh them against the evidence before I dismissed them as "outrageous bullshit claims", rather than simply dismiss them without bothering to examine their veracity.
Vympel wrote:Perinquus wrote:it is not enough just to say he is wrong; you have to give some evidence of your own to say why he is wrong.
I don't need to do anything of the sort. If someone makes a claim, it is entirely on him to provide the proof, as he is asserting something.
And if he makes a credible assertion, you have to do just a bit more than say "outrageous bullshit claim". That is no refutation, merely an unsupported statement.