DID YOU KNOW that yetis are REAL human-alien hybrids created in a laboratory by the US government?
DID YOU KNOW that the CIA has hidden secret monitoring equipment in everyday objects in every one of our homes? Your wife's bra may contain a transmitter wire RIGHT NOW!
DID YOU KNOW that the chemicals added to your drinking water are intended to enslave and control you? And also ATTRACT YETIS?
Dear Fellow American:
You may not have much time left.
Next year, or next month, the New Money could wipe you out — destroy everything you’ve worked and saved for — and leave your family destitute.
It could happen any time. And I don’t mind telling you I’m scared. For myself, for my family, for my friends, for my country.
We’ve seen a lot of financial tyrannies from Washington in this century. This one could take the cake. And popping out of the cake, with a big Surprise!, will be an IRS agent with an AK-47.
Picture this: your feet are aching, your back is sore, and your patience ran out about two hours ago. How dare these bureaucrats treat you like this? How dare they make you wait in this line, this incredibly tedious line, to turn in your greenbacks? Then, when it’s finally your turn, it’s not so tedious after all.
An IRS agent with the dead eyes of a mako shark, asks — with that chilling police politeness — for your name, address, Social Security number, and “explanation.” From his tone and body language, you expect the Miranda warning next.
While muggers, robbers, and rapists run free on the streets, the power of the state is focused on you.
And no wonder. You’re a suspicious character. You’ve always kept some emergency cash. And now you’re in trouble. . . because you tried to take care of yourself and your family, because you saved and planned ahead.
When President Bush announced the New Money during a War-on-Drugs speech, few realized what it meant, or just how bad it would be — for innocent Americans, not drug dealers. Turning in all your old money for a new currency wasn’t so bad. They’d done it often enough in Latin America, after all.
But as someone with more cash than the secret federal ceiling allows, you’re treated like a possible drug dealer or a tax evader. Who else deals in cash?
You’re not arrested, though the tax man would obviously love to clap the cuffs on you right now. No, he just marks you down for the most horrifying ordeal at his disposal: the new SCA — Suspicious Cash Audit — and moves on to the next victim.
Months later, after the tax police have put you and every aspect of your life through the wringer, you’ll wish you’d used your old Federal Reserve Notes for wallpaper, or flushed them down the toilet.
It will be that bad. And it will only be the beginning.
But you don’t need to be a mark in this federal scam. You don’t have to be ripped-off. Won’t you let me send you my brand-new report, Surviving the New Money? It normally costs $50, but I want to hurry it to you, at absolutely no charge.
First the feds claimed the New Money was an anti-counterfeiting measure. But that lame excuse, in a time of dwindling counterfeiting (non-Fed, of course), went down the memory hole.
Now — when not pretending it doesn’t exist — they claim the New Money will nab money launderers and drug dealers. But just as before, they’re lying.
Not that they don’t pursue criminals, but we’re their real targets. The politicians and bureaucrats want to tax and control us to their hearts’ content — if they can he said to have hearts — and the New Money will make this possible.
Remember that money laundering — despite its evil ring — has nothing to do with taxation or drugs. It is the crime of using your own after-tax, honestly earned cash without filling out a government form. And tine banks are ordered by the Controller of the Currency to report customers who display the Orwellian infraction of “reluctance” at filling out a Treasury CTR (currency transaction report).
The feds see us as rats in a maze. And they want to own the maze. And the New Money is a key part of this scheme.
I uncovered the New Money plans during my last term in the U.S. Congress, and I held the ugly new bills in my hands. I can tell you — they made my skin crawl.
These totalitarian bills were tinted pink and blue and brown, and blighted with holograms, diffraction gratings, metal and plastic threads, and chemical alarms. It wasn’t money for a free people. It was a portable inquisition, a paper “third-degree,” to allow the feds to keep track of American cash, and American citizens.
As one federal scientist confirmed to me, these bills can be computer imprinted and read, to lay a paper trail hundreds of transactions long. Who uses them, when, and where. The taggents — chemical alarms — will set off federal cash-detection machines at airports and anyplace else they choose. And there are other swindles involved as well.
Thank goodness, a patriotic American within the Federal Reserve told me about this financial Manhattan Project. But this time, the government wants to drop the bomb on us.
To manufacture the New Money, the feds have built a colossal blockhouse in Ft. Worth, Texas, as ugly as it is evil. Designed in Stalin-style, guarded by KGB-level security, and full of three-color printing presses and spy device embedders, it belongs in Moscow, not Texas.
Stage One of the New Money — microprinting and a polyester thread — was meant to lull us to sleep, before the knife fell. But the bureaucrats’ scheme went awry when the old Bureau of Engraving and Printing plant in Washington, D.C., couldn’t handle the new technology.
They’ve fixed that now, and Stage Two will chill your blood.
The New Money will steal our freedom and our prosperity; it will accelerate the transfer wealth and power from the people to the government and its friends.
No wonder the Establishment is cheering. And ex-Treasury Secretary Don Regan is the head cheerleader. Regan, who was also White House chief of staff and president of Merrill Lynch, is the personification of special-interest government. When I fought him on the U.S. Gold Commission, he was as nasty a statist as I encountered in Washington. A man who hates hard money and our Constitution, and lusts after power.
How appropriate that they chose Regan as the front man for the most vicious currency switch possible, including a “National Finance Guard” to enforce the New Money and destroy our privacy. The Romanians get rid of Ceaucescu’s Securitate, and we get the cash police.
The government loves war because it can commandeer more power over the people, and the War on Drugs is no exception. The feds want to eliminate our privacy and our independence, so they can track and tax every dime we earn, save, and spend.
Drug Czar William Bennett says we have no right to privacy. Drug Hitlerite malarkey.
Justice Brandeis said the most important Constitutional right the founding Fathers gave us was the “right to be left alone.” He said it was the right most cherished by “civilized’ men and women.
You and I have the right to keep our intimate financial affairs private from a snoopy but harmless brother-in-law. How much more right do we have when it’s a power-mad bureaucrat who seeks to do us harm?
Americans have the right to be free. We are born free. And we must live free.
We have a duty to our country, to our families, and ourselves to preserve our liberty and our assets from the government wolves, and to bequeath our freedom and prosperity to generations yet to come.
Washington, D.C. — HUD, Barney Frank, the IRS, the whole bunch — is our declared enemy in this. But we have a model to follow.
The founding Fathers didn’t hesitate to pledge their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to battle tyranny.
We don’t want to have to follow Thomas Jefferson’s advice, and have a revolution every once in awhile to toss out despotic government. And thanks to the remnants of the system he and the government of 1776 established, we don’t have to. We can battle for our freedom, and protect our savings, within the law.
Politicians and their big bank pals don’t like it. But when did free Americans ever let the pique of moral pygmies stop them?
Let me show you how to do all of this. Let me rush you my new $50 report on Surviving the New Money — absolutely free of charge — and each month mail you my Ron Paul Investment Letter and Ron Paul Political Report.
Dollars are held and used by people all over the world. It is the defacto currency in many hyperinflationary countries. What will happen to these dollars when the greenback is declared defunct? When I confronted a startled Treasury official about a world dollar panic brought on by the New Money, he said: “So what? People who hold large amounts of cash are drug dealers or tax evaders. Let them suffer!”
But we’ll suffer too. Such a panic could cause a depression here. But you can protect yourself, and those you love, from all of this.
In Surviving the New Money, I tell you all I have learned. What the feds plan to do and how. The effect on your investments, especially gold and silver. The chances for a ten-to-one revaluation or currency inflation. The trial-run in Hawaii. The holocaust of the underground economy. And how to protect yourself.
We can’t let those swindlers destroy our country. Please join with me in fighting them, for the sake of your finances and your freedom.
Thanks to Americans like you, I was able to work for our ideals for four terms as a U.S. Congressman. Inside the belly of the beast, I saw what these devils plan.
In office, I never joined the federal mafia. Out of office, I didn’t become a bandit lobbyist. Unlike most public officials, I never had one of those For-Sale-to-the-Special-Interests signs on my forehead.
I swore to uphold the Constitution and I took that oath seriously. That’s why I am free to share with you the knowledge, insights, and sources I developed.
While on Capitol Hill, I developed extraordinary sources in House and Senate committees, the White House, the Treasury, the Fed, the Justice Department, and even the IRS. These patriotic Americans won’t talk to the liberal media, but they do trust me. And they want you to know what’s really happening.
No matter what’s in the Constitution, Washington runs our economy. You can ignore that ugly fact. Or you can seek to neutralize it. What you do will determine the fate of the nest egg you have built — or hope to build.
The powerbrokers don’t want you to know about their plans, of course. It’s so much easier to shear the sheep if they don’t recognize the barber.
But you and I aren’t sheep, and we won’t stand still to be fleeced. That’s why I wrote Surviving the New Money. That’s why I publish the Ron Paul Investment Letter and the Ron Paul Political Report. To protect middle-class Americans and their savings from the federal shears.
Large investor or small, my newsletters will armor you against the politicians and the big banks. Each month I give you the facts and analysis — and specific recommendations — that you need to protect yourself, and dramatically increase your wealth, in the spastic economy of the 1990s.
Every American who has worked hard and saved — or who wants to — needs this guidance. And as the only former high official to publish a financial letter supply facts and analysis available nowhere else.
I have exposed the war on cash, and what it means for honest Americans. The little-known law, rushed through Congress, that lets the feds declare bank holidays nationwide, or just in your town, and freeze your accounts indefinitely. The “money laundering” laws that can wash away our freedoms. And the international bankers’ pipeline into your wallet.
I have unmasked the plot for world government, world money, and world central banking. Planned exchange controls to hold you hostage…while the dollar drops down a hole. High officials who are wholly owned subsidiaries of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations. The FEMA plan to suspend the Constitution in a “national emergency.”
I revealed the Red debt bomb set to explode in your bank account. Schemes to force pension plans to “invest” in federal debt, with coerced rollovers and more debt in lieu of interest. The real, financial reasons Bush invaded Panama. The nightmare of a “cashless society” (watch out for it, if they get away with the New Money). And the Establishment assault on hard assets that will make us nostalgic for FDR.
I’ve been told not to talk, but these stooges don’t scare me. Threats or no threats, I’ve laid bare the coming race war in big cities. The federal-homosexual cover-up on AIDS (my training as a physician helps me see through this one.) The Bohemian Grove — perverted, pagan playground of the powerful. Skull & Bones: the demonic fraternity that includes George Bush and leftist Senator John Kerry, Congress’s Mr. New Honey. The Israeli lobby, which plays Congress like a cheap harmonica. And the Soviet-style “smartcard” the Justice Department has in mind for you.
Most important, I tell you how you can save yourself and your family, and help our country.
The politicians — and their Establishment buddies — won’t be happy until they own you lock, stock, and barrel. And you’ll be wearing the barrel. You must act now, or watch helplessly as they strip you bare.
The feds have taken all the old investment rules and thrown them out the window. We have to forget the old-fashioned methods. Or we’re sunk.
Those who act decisively — and have the right information to act on — will survive the New Money and big government’s other economic calamities. In fact, history shows that bad times offer the greatest profit opportunities.
A liberal clergyman sneered: “Isn’t it immoral to benefit from catastrophe?” I told him, “No, not if you didn’t cause it.” In fact, the few who preserve and even increase their wealth in the coming chaos will be needed to rebuild America.
That’s why I must send you Surviving the New Money, the Ron Paul Investment Letter, and the Ron Paul Political Report. I want to show you how to preserve — and enhance — your money, your privacy, and your freedom.
These remarkable publications armor you against the government and the Establishment. Each month I give you the trustworthy information, analysis, and recommendations you need to protect yourself, and increase your wealth, in the 1990s.
To the unthinking, everything may seem OK. But you and I know it isn’t. What’s a middle-class American to do?
Gold? Silver? Platinum? Rare coins? Real estate? Gemstones? Farm land? Penny stocks? A small business? Collectibles? T-bill? Mutual funds? CDs? Corporate bonds? Municipal bonds? Gold stocks? Common stocks? The futures market? Overseas banking? Foreign investments? Privacy and tax strategies?
Some investments will protect you. Others are like walking into the IRS and saying, “Take me; I’m yours.”
The bureaucracy is massive and powerful. But like a big, ugly dog, it is also slow and stupid. Our job: to avoid its lumbering paws and slobbering teeth. And I can help you do exactly that.
I fear there will be welfare riots in the big cities. Massive unemployment. The destruction of wealth. The erosion of personal liberties. Vicious economic controls. The exaltation of envy. The suppression of privacy. Authoritarian clamp-downs. Bank and S&L closings on a massive scale. A world dollar crisis as the greenback (or “pinkback”) is rejected for almost any non-paper alternative.
Maybe the “recovery,” which the politicians are always trumpeting, is permanent. Maybe Bush and company will give us the balanced budget, sound money, and drastic spending and tax cuts we need. Maybe they’ll curb the IRS and the Fed. Maybe lasting prosperity is around the corner. Maybe there’s a tooth fairy. But i don’t believe it.
Trouble is coming, and you must be prepared.
Surviving the New Money, the Ron Paul Investment Letter and the Ron Paul Political Report will be your survival kit, and if you act now, you can get this $224 value for just $99 — 55% off!
(Or increase your savings and protect yourself against price increases with a two-year subscription for $189 or a three-year subscription for $279.)
For just $99, get all this wealth-saving intelligence: 1) Surviving the New Money ($50); 2) The monthly Ron Paul Investment Letter ($99); 3) The monthly Ron Paul Political Report ($50); 4) The unlisted phone number of my Financial Hotline for fast-breaking news ($25); and 5) My manual for investors, The Ron Paul Primer. A $224 value for just $99!
And there is absolutely no risk.
If you ever feel the Ron Paul Investment Letter and the Ron Paul Political Report are not indispensable, let me know and I’ll send you a full pro-rata refund. And you can keep Surviving the New Money, my Hotline number, and my investors’ Primer with my compliments. You can’t lose.
Please, help me help you survive the New Money and other financial debacles. You must conic through not only unscathed, but richer.
Send your check today, or charge your order to American Express, Visa, or Mastercard (by mail or on my toll-free 800 number: 1-800-RON-PAUL). Let me welcome you as a subscriber.
Congressman Ron Paul
P.S. Your subscription may be tax-deductible. See the enclosed subscription form for details.
P.P.S. There’s no time to waste. The New Money may not come until next year. Or it may be imposed tomorrow. You should subscribe today.