The T-50-2 gets predictable on hills because it loses serious speed if it goes uphill, especially if it turns to do so. I've heard it said repeatedly that you do not turn uphill. Basically it is going to weave a little bit as it tries to get downhill as fast as it can. That means that if it's trying to get off a hill contested by mediums it's going to want to waggle as it goes downhill. This means you can likely guess the driver's next turn and makes it much easier for the contesting mediums to wing it twice and get the kill. Since you can only run uphill or downhill, you don't want to directly show your rear, and you can't go up, that leaves a very small range of directions to drive to get off the hill. I've seen a bunch of -50-2s getting killed trying to get off a hill contested by mediums. Hills seem much more dangerous to scouts than other places for this reason.Simon_Jester wrote:Ah, how, exactly? In what way does the T-50-2 gets predictable on hills?
Also, I am somewhat pleased to notice that in my Matilda I've got roughly a 60% win ratio with fifty games played. I have found Tankvana.
I'd tend to recommend the French heavies, the lights take a good few tiers to get good, while the tier V heavy is solid and the whole line after it. The 12t is painful to drive in combat because its gun elevation is so phenomenally bad, and its depression isn't much better. In fact it might be in the running for the worst in the game. It's relatively quick, but dies easily and is hard to get xp in because it gets kinda suck matchmaking. It takes the 13t 75 to be really fun. If you don't like kinda slow tanks though, the heavies 5-7 are not particularly fast.