Here's what I've got so far :
Original French (for those interested) :The basic duties of a Government :
First Duty – Ensuring that any people present on the territories under its jurisdiction can :
- Drink an healthy water and feed itself to satiety with food which will not endanger his/her health in the short-, medium- and long-term.
- Benefit, without expense of their own, of any and all vital care that could prove necessary during their existence.
- Benefit of a decent housing reasonably close from their workplace or mean of subsistence.
- Benefit of a guaranteed minimum income allowing them to lead a decent existence.
- See his/her Fundamental Rights, as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, respected, guaranteed and protected.
- Work under decent conditions respectful of the norms instituted by the International Labour Organization.
Second Duty – Protect the environment, biodiversity, and limit all kind of pollutions on the territories under its jurisdiction ; for this end undertaking all the reasonably applicable measures and initiatives permitting to limit the impact of human activities on the natural environment, this in a way compatible with the First Duty.
Third Duty – Ensure the perpetuation of a government respectful of the First and Second Duties.
What are your thoughts :
- On the idea itself (ideally, formatted such that it could be proposed at the United Nations and adopted on the same footing as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights).
- On what I've put so far in the declaration.
- On its structure.
Personally, I think that any kind of "Universal Declaration" should be kept as simple as possible in order to be understood by everyone, and sufficiently vague that it does not impose one method of achieving an end