There's a difference between "hostage tacking" and "execution". I think the media trip to whip up a frenzy over this, but really, the US executes US citizens every year.CJvR wrote:Well it seems as if the Ayatollahs don't approve of the recent sanctions introduced against them. Sabre rattling & hostage taking - they are annoyed.
I don't know - was this guy working for the CIA or not? It is certainly possible, but is it likely?
Also - developing what could be seen as anti-Iranian video games, then traveling to Iran, is probably not the smartest thing ever.
Maybe I'm just tired of getting worked up about Americans who travel to places that are either enemies of the US, or have wildly differing laws/customs they don't bother to research before going, or just generally get in trouble abroad doing less than smart things. Maybe I'm just getting cynical.