There appear to be a substantially more pro-Ron Paul items on the internet than are presented on this forum. I should take time to post them all, but concede to laziness at chasing and cleaning up after the hate-Paul bandwagon.
1. Ron Paul is Anti-War and no chickenhawk. When he was drafted, Ron Paul had a wife and two kids, and he went, serving as a flight surgeon from 1963-65 in the USAF.
Ron Paul is against wars of choice, whether Iraq, Afghnistan, or Iran or the American people themselves via the so-called war on drugs and would legalize marijuana and very likely disband the TSA. Maybe he knows something of the sacrifice service to the country really is even when you're not the one doing the bleeding and dying, physically or figuratively.
Ron Paul: ... I think it’s much worse because kids today have an easier time finding marijuana than they can alcohol. And how many cases of drug addiction were prevented by the laws? Do the laws really do it? Would putting you in prison for about 5 years, do you think that would have helped you? Would that have cured you? No, this is a medical problem, it’s not a legal problem. You shouldn’t be a criminal because you have a problem with drugs. So I just don’t think putting you in prison would have been helpful at all.
Link: ... ition-now/
2. Ron Paul want to end he Fed and the fiscal abuses that came with it. He won't mind prosecuting the banksters and having America live within realistic financial means. He does mind the attitude of entitlement the wealthy elite have towards taking the taxpayer's money.
At this point, I don't care what holy books Ron Paul quotes to excuse balancing the budget.
3. Ron Paul has fought for the Bill of Rights and Constitution for decades. From these documents come come womens and minority rights, not the indulgence of the faux liberal elite hiding behind politically correct facades while they do very politically incorrect things to people of race and different religion abroad.
Gitmo and the NDAA and FISA and a host of other arbitrary measures do not square with these documents or Ron Paul.
On racism, Ron Paul had this to say:
"True racism in this country is in the judicial system," he said in his counterattack to the ABC News panelist at the New Hampshire debate. "And it has to do with enforcing the drug laws.
"Look at the percentages. The percentages of people who use drugs are about the same with blacks and whites. And yet the blacks are arrested way disproportionately. They're prosecuted and imprisoned way disproportionately. They get the death penalty way disproportionately.
"How many times have you seen a white rich person get the electric chair or get, you know, execution?"
Link: ... cism-issue
Nobody on the right challenges institutional racism, and few enough on the left, and never from so high a platform. America can be a puking racist country at times, and the while veneer of civilization isn't thinnest at the top, its thick, brittle, cracked and worn.
Ron Paul is no more or less racist than the majority of Americans and his reactions to the accusations reflect both embarrassment for the incompetence and annoyance at the hypocrisy o some of his accusers, and he has said he is not a racist. Claims that he wants to back-door racism through states rights make no sense to me at all and seem to be really reaching, coming as it is in de-facto defense of violent Islaomophobia, which is what dumping on the only candidate in favour of ending wars amounts to.
4. Ron Paul is no friend of the corporations. He has supported the Health Freedom Protection Act, which makes alternatives to conventional medicine available to those who would seek it.
"The Health Freedom Protection Act will force the FDA to at last comply with the commands of Congress, the First Amendment, and the American people by codifying the First Amendment standards adopted by the federal courts. Specifically, the Health Freedom Protection Act stops the FDA from censoring truthful claims about the curative, mitigative, or preventative effects of dietary supplements, and adopts the federal court's suggested use of disclaimers as an alternative to censorship. The Health Freedom Protection Act also stops the FDA from prohibiting the distribution of scientific articles and publications regarding the role of nutrients in protecting against disease."
If he says the EPA is flawed and may have to go - I believe him. If alternative medicine works but screws big pharma, that's not my problem.
5. I concede and withdraw any statements made about Ron Paul being bottom of the barrel. I believe I was was just catering to the audience, and am ashamed of doing so. I would apologize to Ron Paul for making that claim for spurious and dishonourable reasons.
The more I search for the truth on Ron Paul himself, the more I tend to like what I find even with all the bad stuff. As far as politicians go, he's got integrity enough for the high office and his only flaw seems to be lacking the teams of handlers other candidates have to shape their image.
If this forum is to become nothing but a place to run attack ads on political candidates, then I don't belong here for now, my own attacks on Obama, however heartfelt, notwithstanding. Its far less taxing to sit back and watch the dark art of defamation play out than try and get in its way.