Do you think the citzens could....?

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Alyrium Denryle
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Do you think the citzens could....?

Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Well, do you think the citizens would vote for a gay atheist secular humanist provided the following conditions.

1. he is in their tax bracket. (ie. middle class, proffessor)

2. Does not have a degree in political science or law. This would get the stigma of politician or lawyer out of their mind. But rather has degreees in...Biology, and german, for instance

3. If he is honest and forthcoming with his ethics, lack of religion, and sexuality

4. If he is honest with issues. Or in other words, states his position, why, and doesnt avoid questions.

5. Tells them that what he is about to say may offend people, but that it needs to be said.

Do you think the American public would vote for that kind of person for say...president or some other important position of power?
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Post by Luke Starkiller »

Logically they ought to. Of course when talking about voters that means nothing. I think it would depend on what kind of public support he could get from other political figures.
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Post by Frank Hipper »

People in the U.S. might vote for a gay candidate.
But never an atheist.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

2. Does not have a degree in political science or law. This would get the stigma of politician or lawyer out of their mind. But rather has degreees in...Biology, and german, for instance
Biology and German? How does that make you remotely qualified to hold office?
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

there are no education qualifications to hold office. You must be a native born Us citizen, 35 years old, and living in the US for 14 of those years. That is it. I picked random subjects(or not so random considering my interests)
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Well, legally, yes, but I certainly wouldn't vote for someone who held degrees in completely unrelated subjects.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Well, would you rather have a person who has been taught how to lie to people? Assume he has a good knowledge of diplomacy, psychology, and public speaking. And has read the constitution a few times.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Why not?
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

The majority of the world likely wouldn't vote for that.
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Re: Do you think the citzens could....?

Post by Joe »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:Well, do you think the citizens would vote for a gay atheist secular humanist provided the following conditions.

1. he is in their tax bracket. (ie. middle class, proffessor)

2. Does not have a degree in political science or law. This would get the stigma of politician or lawyer out of their mind. But rather has degreees in...Biology, and german, for instance

3. If he is honest and forthcoming with his ethics, lack of religion, and sexuality

4. If he is honest with issues. Or in other words, states his position, why, and doesnt avoid questions.

5. Tells them that what he is about to say may offend people, but that it needs to be said.

Do you think the American public would vote for that kind of person for say...president or some other important position of power?

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Re: Do you think the citzens could....?

Post by Enlightenment »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:Well, do you think the citizens would vote for a gay atheist secular humanist provided the following conditions.
Which part of the world? A gay atheist wouldn't be much of a big deal in the more liberal parts of Europe, but he would stand a snowball's chance in hell in somewhere like Poland, Iran, or Texas.

America in general? Forget it.
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Alyrium Denryle
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Well it would be say....40 years from now.
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Post by Joe »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:Well it would be say....40 years from now.
Possibly. Most likely not.

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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

stupid bigoted americans
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Post by Joe »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:stupid bigoted americans
I do, however, think that in 40 years, Americans might be able to elect a gay, secular humanist like the one you've described. But an atheist? Give it a hundred years. I would be surprised if there were a single open atheist head of state in the world today.

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Post by Ghost Rider »

Even forty might be too short(remember some of the old fogies still alive in the Senate and White House)

For a canidate that you are describing socially America as a whole would have to change in some unusual fashion...and politically the climate would have to become a lot more accepting.

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Post by Joe »

Well, I think America is starting up another Great Awakening (if not midway through it) right now, so when it starts to wind down, which should be within maybe 50 years or so, the prospects of electing a gay secular humanist will increase.

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Post by Joe »

Well, I think America is starting up another Great Awakening (if not midway through it) right now, so when it starts to wind down, which should be within maybe 50 years or so, the prospects of electing a gay secular humanist will increase.

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Post by Cal Wright »

No, and not for the reasons or surface reasons you might think. Yes, people might cry that he is gay, and that goes against the god fearing beliefs this country was 'supposedly' founded on. They might crow because he is atheist and their god fearing ways 'supposedly' say they should stone his ass. What is really frustrating is that the outspoken will ignore Christ's words and stone a man even if they are sinners in the same or for different themselves. It's frustrating because the most outspoken are ignorant and they cock thier heads at the folks in the middle east because thier 'koran (sp)' says to kill the infidels and non believers. Give me a fucking break.

The real reason though is because it's the truth. Everyone seems to want the truth, but so many fear it justly. If it was rumored that he was gay and/or atheist then there'd not only be arguments for people to bicker over, but the little sunshine ray of hope that this fucker was NOT either of these, much less both at the same time. So for the underlying reason, being that the truth comes out, no. In fact, not just the truth about how he thinks and feels, but he would be shoving the truth in thier face that he will actually do things other politicians would not do. So why vote for him anyways? Goody toe shoes.

p.s. Tell your gay-atheist prof I said hi, and I'll pencil him in on the next election.

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Post by Wicked Pilot »

Correct me if I'm wrong, but there is currently or has been a gay mayor of San Francisco. As to the athiest, probably only in a stealth campaign could one be elected. Lincoln is the obvious example.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

p.s. Tell your gay-atheist prof I said hi, and I'll pencil him in on the next election.
I was kind of refering to myself 40 years from now :D
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Wicked Pilot wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong, but there is currently or has been a gay mayor of San Francisco. As to the athiest, probably only in a stealth campaign could one be elected. Lincoln is the obvious example.
The mayor of Tempe Arizona is gay, so is Jim Kolbe on of our representatives in Congress.
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Post by Joe »

It's ironic; the first Presidents ever elected were all either deists or atheists, but over 200 years later it's hard to imagine a deist or atheist getting elected.

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Post by Wicked Pilot »

Here is a list of open homosexuals serving, or recently serving, in high level political positions:

Jim Kolbe (R) United States Representative, Arizona [8]
Barney Frank (D) United States Representative, Massachusetts [4]
Tammy Baldwin (D) United States Representative, Wisconsin [2]

Michael Guest United States Ambassador to Romania

Dale McCormick State Treasurer, Maine

Carole V. Migden (D) State Board of Equalization, California

Kenneth D. Cheuvront(D) State Senator, Arizona [15] Phoenix
Sheila James Kuehl (D) State Senator, California [23] Los Angeles
Susan Walsh Longley (D) State Senator, Maine [11] Knox/Waldo Co.
Jarrett T. Barrios (D) State Senator, Massachusetts [Middlesex, Suffolk and Essex] Cambridge
Cheryl Ann Jacques (D) State Senator, Massachusetts [Norfolk, Bristol and Middlesex] Needham
Scott Dibble (DFL) State Senator, Minnesota [60] Minneapolis
Thomas K. Duane (D) State Senator, New York [27] New York
Kate Brown (D) State Senator, Oregon [7] Portland
Tim Carpenter (D) State Senator, Wisconsin [3] Milwaukee

Jack C. Jackson, Jr. (D)State Representative, Arizona [2]
Robert Meza (D) State Representative, Arizona [14]
Wally Straughn (D) State Representative, Arizona [15]
Jennifer L. Veiga (D) State Representative, Colorado [3] Denver
Evelyn C. Mantilla (D) State Representative, Connecticut [4] Hartford
Arthur J. Feltman (D) State Representative, Connecticut [6] Hartford
Karla Drenner (D) State Representative, Georgia [66] Avondale Estates
Larry McKeon (D) State Representative, Illinois [34] Chicago
Scott W. Cowger (D) State Representative, Maine [92] Hallowell
Michael W. Quint (D) State Representative, Maine [33] Portland
Richard Madaleno, Jr.(D)State Representative, Maryland [18] Montgomery Co.
Maggie L. McIntosh (D) State Representative (Majority Leader), Maryland [42] Baltimore
Elizabeth A. Malia (D) State Representative, Massachusetts [Suffolk 11]
Christopher Kolb (D) State Representative, Michigan [53] Washtenaw Co.
Karen J. Clark (DFL) State Representative, Minnesota [61A] Hennepin Co.
Tim C. Van Zandt (D) State Representative, Missouri [38] Kansas City
Christine Kaufmann (D) State Representative, Montana [53] Helena
McKim W. Mitchell (D) State Representative, New Hampshire [Cheshire 03]
Raymond C. Buckley (D) State Representative, New Hampshire [Hillsborough 44]
Corey E. Corbin (R) State Representative, New Hampshire [Rockingham 09]
James R. Splaine (D) State Representative, New Hampshire [Rockingham 34]
Christopher L. Hughes(D)State Representative, New Hampshire [Strafford 14]
Michael S. Pisaturo (D) State Representative, Rhode Island [21] Cranston
Jackie Biskupski (D) State Representative, Utah [30] Salt Lake City
William J. Lippert (D) State Representative, Vermont [Chittenden 6]
Robert Dostis (D) State Representative, Vermont [Washington-Chittenden 1]
Joe McDermott (D) State Representative, Washington [34] Seattle
Edward B. Murray (D) State Representative, Washington [43] Olympia
Jim Moeller (D) State Representative, Washington [49] Vancouver
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Post by Temjin »

Well, Winnipeg currently has a gay mayor who was recently re-elected for a second term, so I don't think being gay is much of a problem anymore. Could be wrong though.

But as for being an atheist.... Good Luck, you'll need it......
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