My Little Pony

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Re: My Little Pony

Post by lordofchange13 »

PhilosopherOfSorts wrote:Just to be clear, Rabid isn't the terrible person, I am.

Though I wonder, am I a terrible person because of the sex joke or the terrible pun?
Both are equably terrible things!
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Re: My Little Pony

Post by Crazedwraith »

Looking back at the last episode, is anyone a bit saddened that Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo aren't present at all? I mean i suppose the episode had enough characters as it was. But still I'd like to think they were at least as much as part of the extended apple family as the mane six.

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Re: My Little Pony

Post by Rabid »

Maybe they were at school with the other kids, while Applebloom sacrificed some of her education in order to help her family run the farm and earn a living ? [/applebloom_abuse]

I wouldn't read too much into this. In my opinion that's just the creator not wanting to cram everyone of the show's (important) characters into each episode, an hypothesis that the current trend in Season 2 of not showing each of the Mane 6 in every episodes tend to support.

If you want to examine it under the prism of "Friendship", maybe it's to show that even if your friends are important, you can still do things without them, that you aren't forced to always rely on them ?
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Re: My Little Pony

Post by Zixinus »

Why would they be there? We saw none of the other fillies there, so it is reasonable that Scotaloo and SB were doing something else or could not go.

School doesn't make sense because we saw Cherilee, remember? By the looks of it, entire ponyville was there.

EDIT: I actually hope that we see more of Flimflam brothers. Unlike Trixie, they had style and were definitely competent (assuming that their machine worked as advertised in the first place).
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Re: My Little Pony

Post by Rossum »

Were there any foals there other than Applebloom? Perhaps the adult ponies didn't want their kids drinking cider yet and and... I dunno, had all the towns children getting babysat somewhere while the adults waited in line for a chance to drink.

Pony: What's going on? First Pinkie got in line and I stood behind her and some other pony stood behind me and now the whole town is standing... OH CELESTIA THEY'RE SERVING CIDER!
Fry: No! They did it! They blew it up! And then the apes blew up their society too. How could this happen? And then the birds took over and ruined their society. And then the cows. And then... I don't know, is that a slug, maybe? Noooo!

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Re: My Little Pony

Post by Dominus Atheos »

Since some people still don't seem to get this, IN AMERICA CIDER IS NON-ALCOHOLIC. Fermented cider is called "Hard Cider" but regular cider just means raw, unfiltered, fresh squeezed apple juice; usually made by putting apples in a non-waterproof wooden bucket and using a screw press and collecting what comes out.
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Re: My Little Pony

Post by RogueIce »

Now that my Saturday is 20% cooler, I shall discuss some of the highlights.

Indiana Dashie rocks my socks.

Security/Police Pony. Complete with a badge Cutie Mark. Die a slow death, fanon. :D

Ashleigh Ball changes up her voice for Daring Do/Indiana Dashie. That was a great touch. Seems to be about halfway between RD and AJ, actually. Intentional? It sure fits.

All the Mane Six plus Spike, who gets a small cameo in the end. That was a pretty good cameo, though. Funny and worth it.

One scene was great. RD, on the run from the Security Pony and hospital staff comes across a river which she jumps across, swinging on a vine ala Daring Do. The people chasing her just cross the bridge that's always been there. :mrgreen:

Also a great little gag at the end of the chase, as there was the sound of dogs barking as they chased Dash. Turns out the "barking dogs" was a crazy Pony (in straitjacket, no less) and when they saw her, they had Security Pony run after her. A good little gag, plus realistic reaction to the situation presented. My kind of humor. :)

All in all, another fun episode. Also counts as an "adventure" ep, except the adventure was totally in RD's imagination.
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Re: My Little Pony

Post by Starglider »

Dominus Atheos wrote:Since some people still don't seem to get this, IN AMERICA CIDER IS NON-ALCOHOLIC.
I know, but I found the episode signficantly more entertaining due to the unavoidable image of all the binge-drinking ponies desperate for a few pints of Strongbow.
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Re: My Little Pony

Post by RogueIce »

Oh, another thought I had but forgot to post.

Rainbow Dash's quickly hiding of her book whenever her friends came to visit? Totally not a metaphor for Bronies changing the channel/minimizing YouTube when someone walks in...right?

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Re: My Little Pony

Post by lordofchange13 »

B-Day is now 20% cooler!
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Re: My Little Pony

Post by Bright »

That villain in the Daring Do story - whatever the hell it was exactly - was kind of awesome.
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Re: My Little Pony

Post by Crazedwraith »

As I watch:
Ai-ai-ai! Alpha 5 Pony is in the house?

Wait Rainbow was actually hurt in a crash? first time for everything I suppose.

Aha, The book of course has superduper relevance for Dash. How could it not?

'I'd hate to admit to my friends'. Yep, this is about bronyism isn't it?

Ahahahaha. Ceiling alligators?

Obvious Dash is obvious.

:D Worst trap sense ever. I was totally expecting another interruption in the lava rising scene.

And the RD swings across... the chasers just use the bridge. Olden but good un.

Best RD episode this season.
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Re: My Little Pony

Post by lordofchange13 »

Best Rainbow Dash episode yet!
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Re: My Little Pony

Post by SpaceMarine93 »

Looking at how Rainbow Dash is doing at the beginning of the episode, I recall hearing from some of my friends that many bronies are actually running around applying science to many of the Ponies' unique abilities.

Of course, that's just silly. How can we use any Physics, Biology and Chemistry to explain Twilight's Unicorn magic, teleportation and telekinesis? Or Rainbow Dash' Pegasi ability to fly at Mach 10 speed, endure extreme G-force, and create a Sonic Rainboom? Or Applejacks' and other Earth Ponies ability to grow apples and other plants so quickly?

It's not like there's anyone on Earth who can do that, especially not anyone on the internet... Terry Pratchett maybe, but he does it for comedy...

It would be an interesting challenge though. How can we explain Friendship being Magic?
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Re: My Little Pony

Post by Zixinus »

Thoughts as I watch:

I wish we actually saw what RD did to actually injure her.

Predators that want to eat ponies confirmed! Interesting as to how they are portrayed to relate to ponies.

Kitten! I knew they would reuse that character model/ref!

"I love reading!" Gee, that was fast.

I like the filmgrain effect and Daring Doo doesn't say anything.

It looks like an analog to Battleships.
Terrible liar, RD. I mean, it's not just your lie being not credible but that you are an asshole while at it.

Daring Doo spoke! Commented too soon. Damn, I wish she didn't. Not that the voice or acting is bad (if cheesy), it's just a visual-medium thing.

Am I the one that found the big creature having Pinke's voice somehow fitting with its manecing malevolence?

RD! You're a pony, not a pig!
Still nicer than lying though.

"This dude" is probably the guy you didn't read because you skipped chapters. :P

Fireflies. It makes sense as to just release them, but how do they capture them in the first place?
That, and don't they already use candles? There is something called a safety lantern (though that would be hard to use under a blanket).

RD, they don't take kindly to hypocondriacs here!

Just push her out of the hospital? That's weird.

Are those pygamas? XD They have the feel and look of pygamas.

They have hospital security guards?

Besides, if you want to steal the book, why not steal it from Twilight?

For hospital staff, they sure are vindictive.

Screw-nut seems to be the reason for the security guard it seems....

Taking him for granted a bit, eh RD?

What is that Ali-Zoro anyway? He appears to be a monekey-cat hybrid.
Oh, and what is with the statue?

Huh, her bedroom is different from season 1. There it was just a cloud. Here, it's a proper bed and everything.

Conclusion: Very fun and a bit more character-driven than the last one. I particularly liked Dash in her "catsuit", it was just adorable. Her performance here was adorable too. She was a bit assholish, but unlike otherwise, the reason was clear.
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Re: My Little Pony

Post by Zor »

If any one wonder what that creature that Daring Do faced was here it is.


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Re: My Little Pony

Post by lordofchange13 »

Zor wrote:If any one wonder what that creature that Daring Do faced was here it is.


That's some pretty scary shit, for a kids show. Though i do like that the writers went the more obscure rout for picking a story monster.
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Re: My Little Pony

Post by Narkis »

Ah, I'd been wondering what that thing was. Excellent episode though. Among my favourites definitely.
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Re: My Little Pony

Post by LadyTevar »

I actually like the fact we don't see what broke her wing, as imagination makes a better story.

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Re: My Little Pony

Post by Revy »

Even though she's fictional in-universe, I kinda wish Daring Do would get her own episode. Maybe if it turned out the books were based on the life of an actual pony? I'm sorely tempted now to write a Daring Do fanfic spoof of one of the Uncharted games. Uncharted: Daring's Fortune. Uncharted 2: Among Ponies - with Zoran the zeebra as the villain.

Great episode anyway, love it. Just when I was starting to dislike Dash, they go and make me like her again. Also ninja pony = awesomeness.
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Re: My Little Pony

Post by lordofchange13 »

@Revy if you got an idea for Daring Do... Please God write it!

The Episode was pretty damn good. I liked the allusion from Rainbows book to this fandom. You have to wonder what Rainbow Dash did to brake her wing, through out the series she has done things like mach 10 flight,smashing into cliffs, and nuking building with out any obvious injuries.
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Re: My Little Pony

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Well better then I thought it was going to be
I like the idea some are putting forward that the Ep was a metaphore for bronies in general. "How can I like this? Only eggheads(girls) like books(ponies).

Maybe a bit of a stretch, but I can see how it works.
Over all very good, love seeing other parts of Ponyville in general, so all the time building up the hospital and hospital staff was good to see. Though it says something about their healthcare they boot you out the moment you start getting better :P

Also so the return of the Screwball Pony! For those that missed it, the darks you hear chasing Dash arn't dogs but a barking pony in a stright jacket.
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Re: My Little Pony

Post by Zixinus »

Did we she him/her before? I think he might have only been around when Discord was playing around in Ponyville.
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Re: My Little Pony

Post by Narkis »

Twilight visited him for Spike's greed-fuelled growth spurts.
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Re: My Little Pony

Post by Rossum »

Screwball appeared for a few seconds when Discord was loose but she was purple with some kind of purple/white striped mane.

The barking pony in this episode was light blue with a wild white mane (kind of like Trixies coloration except more wild and had a screw cutie mark).

I don't know if the two are related (Screwball and Barking Mad) or if screw cutie marks appear on ponies who go sufficiently insane. Or if they go crazy as foals and get ¨be insane” cutie marks.

Or, who knows... maybe that was Trixie after she went nuts. Then the doctors put a screw-shaped sticker on her flank to better identify her as insane in case she escaped.
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