Alyrium Denryle wrote:Various sexual acts with a person of the same sex.
Riiiight. The use of the term homosexual lifestyle is bigot dog-whistle. When ever someone says that, they usually mean this:
In fact, when a fundamentalist person says "gay lifestyle" they almost always mean that. If a counselor who refuses to deal with gay clients says it, you can increase the probability to 100%
Dont insult my intelligence.
Ah yes more assumptions about this woman's thoughts and feelings that already permeate this thread. If you'd read the op you would have noted that it wasn't that she didn't want to "work with gays", rather she didn't want to affirm certain sexual behavior, including gay, adulterous, or promiscuous lifestyles. So it would seem she's pretty conservative in her views on sex. Nothing wrong with that, she's free to hold her own views so long as she doesn't force them on others.
She didn't "refuse to deal with" gay clients, rather she dealt with them in the manner that would get best results for the client - referring them to someone who could help them properly in a way she knew that she couldn't. It would have been unethical to take on those clients knowing she would only be able to half-ass counsel them because of her personal beliefs.
By the way, I suspect she'd have a problem with a similar video called "straight pimp" with similar behavior from heterosexuals.
Where was it affirmed that "high school guidance counselor" was her only option? Was this degree specific to that profession? Based on the OP it was just a masters degree in counseling, but maybe I missed additional details somewhere. If we're making this statement based on the notion that high school counseling is what she thought she wanted to be when she started taking courses, then this event might have served as a wakeup call that an occupation in the field of general counseling might not be best for her.
I am going to spell it out for you:
There is no counseling context where she will be free from gay clients.
We've already established that. However, she could choose a field where the likliehood of encountering gay clients is lower than others, and as long as she has a plan for referral for rare cases where she has a conflict of interest be it with gays, adulterers etc then there is no reason why she wouldn't have an effective career.
Drug counseling? Gay people are more likely to use drugs because they are subjected to intense psychological trauma imposed by persecution. It will come up, and may come out after many counseling sessions.
Drug counseling would not be a field she would want to be in. One more career choice eliminated by her religion. So what?
Marriage Counseling? Marital problems--->many counseling sessions later, it turns out that hubby married her because he was in denial. Trying to make such a marriage work not being a waste of time? Yeah, you just said she should try to ex-gay them, something which she knows from her academic work is not effective and causes psychological harm to patients. Try again.
It would be up to the person counseled whether or not they'd wish to make the marriage work. That's the only way marriage counseling ever works is if both parties want to make it work. Perhaps you can't envision a scenario where a gay man and straight woman would still wish to find a way to make a marriage work, but its entirely possible that they aren't basing their whole relationship around sexual attraction and want to find a way to make it work despite the difficulty and without having to go to any lenghts "ex-gay" anyone. In much the same manner that if a heterosexual man's wife were no longer attractive to him (for whatever reason), yet other women were. Does he HAVE to get divorced then? Or can they realize that the relationship is built on more than where he wants to stick his penis and thus try to make it work anyway.
If they came to the conclusion, after many sessions, that the man simply would never be able to accept his marriage to a woman then she would refer them to someone better suited to dealing with situations like this with the very reasonable excuse that her speciality is in counseling couples who wish to stay together. Its true, sometimes the only thing a counseling does is show them both that it's not going to work. And at that point the "marriage counselor's" role is over.
Suicide Counseling? See drug counseling
Another job she wouldn't want to take. So what?
General social work? Yeah... gay kids in abusive households, households headed by gay parents, and she cannot pick her clients in that context.
Of course general social work would result in encounters with homosexuals. Probably why she wouldn't work as a social worker.
The list goes on. She simply cannot be an effective and ethically operating counselor with her attitudes. The reason "ex-gay" therapy is permitted to continue is because those individuals lie during their practicum, operate in states with no ethics requirements (not sure how prevalent that is), or are simply not licensed to operate as counselors, but instead operate as "life coaches", "ministers" and other such less regulated titles or classifications.
That is your opinion, one to which I disagree. No doubt she's limited her own career options, but that is her choice. That doesn't mean that she couldn't be a wonderful counselor in a specific field. The only time it would be unethical would be for her to try and force her views on the client, "ex-gay them" as you put it, or whatever else happens to arise but she specifically seems to be taking the opposite approach.