evilsoup wrote:Obama has had, what - three years to shit down gitmo? It is a military base, he's the head honcho of the military. If he wanted it gone, it would be gone by now.
The fact that you'd even say such a thing shows how ignorant you are of the situation. Obama signed an executive order his first year in office to do just that. The issue isn't whether or not to close Guantanamo Bay it's what to do with the inmates kept there that is the problem. Do a little research and you'll see why. You can start with the links I posted in my previous post, and then maybe look some shit up for yourself.
TheHammer wrote:If you don't think there was prisoner abuse, torture, etc occuring during every major conflict in world history then you are ignorant of history. The difference is that today we hear about it more often thanks to sources such as wikileaks and 24/7 news cycle.
I don't see how that's relevant? Especially since you lot like to present yourselves as defenders of democracy and freedom and so on.
I'm not going to say that there wasn't a single case of a German prisoner being tortured by the British in WWII, but the policy was that torture is wrong and that policy was followed according to everything I've read. Now if you want me to get into the various colonial rebellions,
then you get nasty shit. But do you really want to hold your country to the standard of Imperial Britain? Don't you think you should be aiming higher than that?
So you're going to tell me that Britain didn't use any
"enhanced interrogation techniques" of their own during WWII?
And to be clear, I'm not advocating their use merely stating the fact that they
were used despite your assertion to the contrary. And, as noted Obama put a stop the enhanced interrogation techniques aka torture that Bush approved. So you can kindly shut the fuck up about it.
TheHammer wrote:Sometimes when you get into the grey of the REAL fucking world its not as simple as a simple minded person such as yourself. You bash the idea of "realpolitik", but that's the game the nations of the world play. You can't opt out of playing, and an attempt to do so means you are only playing badly. People like simply come off to me as living in a fantasy world where its all so simple. An Idealist would make a terrible president because the world is not based around idealism. No recognition of the fact that sometimes you may not like it, but you have to get your hands dirty. Striving towards the ideal should always be the goal, but it's got to be a steady climb up that hill. You try to jump at it and you could well end up falling farther back than where you started, losing much of what you had gained.
Man it's the best thing ever when you pro-torture pro-United Fruits fucks try to say REAL WORLD RAR RAR DOG EAT DOG. Do you also think it's ok for corporations to dump toxic waste into towns' water supplies? I mean fuck that's the REAL WORLD right there maybe you should just suck it up and stop complaining, that's the game the corporations play.
So now I'm "pro-torture" because I recognize the fact that closing Guantanamo at this point isn't as easy as simple minded fucks like you seem to think it is? You then proceed to stuff that strawman with more bullshit. First sign that you're losing an argument is to try and change the position of your opponent into something easier to argue against.
There are plenty of murderous fucks in the world. There are plenty of people who'd chuck their own grandmother under a bus for advancement, or who'd scam people out of their pensions. Would you do those things? That's how the real world works. That's the games people play.
Yes and those same people use various loopholes in the rules to protect themselves. Sometimes it takes someone with the courage to compromise their ideals to prevent "murderous fucks" from using the system as a shield while they simultaneously stab that system in the back.
How many innocent lives is it acceptable to end for the sake of a 4% increase in corporate profits (which is what 'American interests' normally boils down to)? Hint: if the answer is more than zero you are a terrible person.
Irrelevent bullshit - more strawman stuffing.
Pragmatism in international politics is acceptable, but that doesn't mean becoming the national equivalant of a sociopath. Realpolitik is pragmatism devoid of idealism and is therefore worse than useless. Realpolitik is the realm of cowards and small-minded self-centred fools.
Regardless of your opinion, Realpolitik is the game the nations of the world play. They are all looking out for their own interests. As I said, whether you would like to or not you can't opt out of playing. Refusing to play means you are only playing badly, and the other nations of the world will chew you up at the first opportunity. Idealism should always be the goal, but not at the expense of pragmatism. You take what you can get when you can get it without losing everything you have already gained.
An Idealist would make a terrible president because the world is not based around idealism.
Idealists created the United Nations. Idealists created the European Union. And the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. And, hell,
your own country. Idealism doesn't mean you can't 'get your hands dirty' (though it does limit
how dirty you can get your hands, but I'd say not being able to run torture camps is a good kind of limit to have): it means you have a moral purpose behind your actions.
Ah yes the United Nations, EU, and UDHR. They are all working out wonderfuly right? And we're all well aware of your opinion of the United States, although I'd disagree with your notion that it was "created by idealists". Idealists come up with wonderful goals to aspire too, but they are absolutely terrible at getting those goals achieved. They see things far too black and white rather than the various shades of grey that the world really is. It takes a broader vision to move towards ever ligher shades of grey while being cautious not to mis-step back to the darker shades. And it is not a straight line progression.
Idealism DOES mean you can't get your hands dirty because then would mean you compromise your "ideals" and thus become a realist. Just for example, Idealists are the ones who want to keep letting men like Al Awlaki alive because he "deserves a fair trial". A realist knows that a trial was never going to happen. A realist knows that every day he is alive Awlaki is putting in motion plans to kill innocent people and that he had to die for the greater good.