A 50 Dumbest Fundies list.

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Post by Ted »




I love that pic.
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Post by Joe »

This guy is not very well-known, but he is REALLY out there.


A little background. This guy is a former LSD addict who believes that he at some point was visitied directly by Jesus Christ, who revealed to him all sorts of stupid bullshit. I used to lurk a forum this guy posted in, and he really is as crazy as you'd think him to be from this site. It's not very popular and his views aren't very well-known, thank god, but it ranks pretty high up there on the insanity scale.

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Re: A 50 Dumbest Fundies list.

Post by jegs2 »

fgalkin wrote:Let's make one. We can rate websites and fundie morons.

My idea is that everyone nominates a fundie, then a comittee of SD.net members who volunteer for the job assigns each one a rating on a Stupidity and Bigotry scale, and arrange them into the top 50 list.

What do you guys think of this idea?
Have a very nice day.
I think it's a stupid idea.
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Re: A 50 Dumbest Fundies list.

Post by Sir Sirius »

fgalkin wrote:Let's make one. We can rate websites and fundie morons.

My idea is that everyone nominates a fundie, then a comittee of SD.net members who volunteer for the job assigns each one a rating on a Stupidity and Bigotry scale, and arrange them into the top 50 list.

What do you guys think of this idea?
Have a very nice day.
Excellent idea, but 50 sounds a like rather high number to aim for. How about if we just start listing well know cretins, with a short explanation for why we think that they are stupid and different gategories giving a rating of their stupidity (see the list of suggestion by fgalkin), and see how many we can come up with. We can then create a final alphabetically sequenced list of fundie morons ascending from the dumbest fuck down (+ the list could be stickyfied).

I think that the scale should range from 0 to 5, 5 being the highest level of stupidity. Over all score would be the average of the different scales.

IE. something like this
Lastname, firstname. <Ie. Brown, Walt. >
<short description, like a few lines.>
Stupidity: <a line or two about his stupidity (why we think he is stupid Etc.)> Stupidity rating: <a numerical value for stupidity> Ie. 4.
Ignorance: <a line or two about his ignorance (possibly including an example of ignorance).> Ignorance rating: 3
Bigotry: <a line or two about his Bigotry (a specific example of bigotry would be good).> Bigotry rating: 5
<Other gategories we can come up with...>

Overall score: 4

Special: <Provide links to sites bashing this particular dumbfuck and various other items that don't really fit anywhere else>

Oh, I suggest that we include "Dishonesty" in to the gategories of stupidity. Creationists lie a lot.

*Edited to fix a thousand and one typos*
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Post by Peregrin Toker »

Durran Korr wrote:This guy is not very well-known, but he is REALLY out there.


A little background. This guy is a former LSD addict who believes that he at some point was visitied directly by Jesus Christ, who revealed to him all sorts of stupid bullshit.
A former LSD addict?? His website makes him look like he still is on LSD.
Or maybe he's just having acid flashbacks.
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Re: A 50 Dumbest Fundies list.

Post by fgalkin »

jegs2 wrote:
fgalkin wrote:Let's make one. We can rate websites and fundie morons.

My idea is that everyone nominates a fundie, then a comittee of SD.net members who volunteer for the job assigns each one a rating on a Stupidity and Bigotry scale, and arrange them into the top 50 list.

What do you guys think of this idea?
Have a very nice day.
I think it's a stupid idea.

Have a very nice day.
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Post by fgalkin »


Have a very nice day.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Top 50 list? Wouldn't that take a little long? I mean we won't have any problems finding material to nominate but sorting through them all and choosing 50 would take a while. I think a top 10 initially owuld be more pratical.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »


#1 on my list
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Re: A 50 Dumbest Fundies list.

Post by jegs2 »

fgalkin wrote:
I wrote:I think it's a stupid idea.

Have a very nice day.
No particualr reason; I think all ideas that call for a creation of a top [fill in the blank] list are stupid -- unless it serves a useful purpose. For example, if one creates a top 10 list of recommended lubrication products for high-end sports cars or Harley Davidsons, that would serve a constructive purpose, IMO.
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Re: A 50 Dumbest Fundies list.

Post by fgalkin »

jegs2 wrote:
fgalkin wrote:I think it's a stupid idea.

Have a very nice day.
No particualr reason; I think all ideas that call for a creation of a top [fill in the blank] list are stupid -- unless it serves a useful purpose. For example, if one creates a top 10 list of recommended lubrication products for high-end sports cars or Harley Davidsons, that would serve a constructive purpose, IMO.[/quote]
But we can use this list as reference. Also, this would prove to be an excellent resource for those who are seeking fundie stupidty on the net.

Have a very nice day.
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Post by fgalkin »

Yet another bump. If you people actually want to do this, don't let the thread die. :evil:

Have a very nice day.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

hehe, nice idea but I doubt that anyone would take all there time to do this.
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Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
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Post by Frank Hipper »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:(snipped piccie of evil)
#1 on my list
THAT'S Phelps??? Eewwww! *vomits*
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Post by Crayz9000 »

James Dobson could be in the top 100, maybe, but he's not quite... stupid enough to be in the top ten. At least he makes sense sometimes, and some of his criticism about modern American family lifestyle is accurate.
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Post by Captain tycho »

Frank Hipper wrote:
Alyrium Denryle wrote:(snipped piccie of evil)
#1 on my list
THAT'S Phelps??? Eewwww! *vomits*
*goes into murderous rage, then just vomits* :shock:

KILL KILL IT! :twisted:
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Post by Nathan F »

What about that snot nosed zit faced kid that runs the website that looks like:

A) Something from 1984
B) A Nazi manifesto
C) A Communist manifesto
D) A stupid guy who hasn't ever gotten any nor will ever get any so he takes his wrath out on anyone who is different than him.

Crap, what is his name!

He wants to set up government agencies to patrol pornography, homosexuality, and people who MIGHT commit a crime (all of which is illegal).
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Post by Frank Hipper »

NF_Utvol wrote:What about that snot nosed zit faced kid that runs the website that looks like:

A) Something from 1984
B) A Nazi manifesto
C) A Communist manifesto
D) A stupid guy who hasn't ever gotten any nor will ever get any so he takes his wrath out on anyone who is different than him.

Crap, what is his name!

He wants to set up government agencies to patrol pornography, homosexuality, and people who MIGHT commit a crime (all of which is illegal).
The Anti-Porn Guy! I can't remember his name either...
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