Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

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Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by Akhlut »

MSNBC Article
Govt. agencies, colleges demand applicants' Facebook passwords
By Bob Sullivan

If you think privacy settings on your Facebook and Twitter accounts guarantee future employers or schools can't see your private posts, guess again.

Employers and colleges find the treasure-trove of personal information hiding behind password-protected accounts and privacy walls just too tempting, and some are demanding full access from job applicants and student athletes.

In Maryland, job seekers applying to the state's Department of Corrections have been asked during interviews to log into their accounts and let an interviewer watch while the potential employee clicks through wall posts, friends, photos and anything else that might be found behind the privacy wall.
Previously, applicants were asked to surrender their user name and password, but a complaint from the ACLU stopped that practice last year. While submitting to a Facebook review is voluntary, virtually all applicants agree to it out of a desire to score well in the interview, according Maryland ACLU legislative director Melissa Coretz Goemann.

Student-athletes in colleges around the country also are finding out they can no longer maintain privacy in Facebook communications because schools are requiring them to "friend" a coach or compliance officer, giving that person access to their “friends-only” posts. Schools are also turning to social media monitoring companies with names like UDilligence and Varsity Monitor for software packages that automate the task. The programs offer a "reputation scoreboard" to coaches and send "threat level" warnings about individual athletes to compliance officers.

A recent revision in the handbook at the University of North Carolina is typical:

"Each team must identify at least one coach or administrator who is responsible for having access to and regularly monitoring the content of team members’ social networking sites and postings,” it reads. "The athletics department also reserves the right to have other staff members monitor athletes’ posts."

All this scrutiny is too much for Bradley Shear, a Washington D.C.-lawyer who says both schools and employers are violating the First Amendment with demands for access to otherwise private social media content.

"I can't believe some people think it's OK to do this,” he said. “Maybe it's OK if you live in a totalitarian regime, but we still have a Constitution to protect us. It's not a far leap from reading people's Facebook posts to reading their email. ... As a society, where are we going to draw the line?"

Aside from the free speech concerns, Shear also thinks colleges take on unnecessary liability when they aggressively monitor student posts.

"What if the University of Virginia had been monitoring accounts in the Yeardley Love case and missed signals that something was going to happen?” he said, referring to a notorious campus murder. “What about the liability the school might have?"

Shear has gotten the attention of Maryland state legislators, who have proposed two separate bills aimed at banning social media access by schools and potential employers. The ACLU is aggressively supporting the bills.

"This is an invasion of privacy. People have so much personal information on their pages now. A person can treat it almost like a diary," said Goemann, the Maryland ACLU legislative director. "And (interviewers and schools) are also invading other people's privacy. They get access to that individual’s posts and all their friends. There is a lot of private information there."

Maryland's Department of Corrections policy first came to light last year, when corrections officer Robert Collins complained to the ACLU that he was forced to surrender his Facebook user name and password during an interview. The state agency suspended the policy for 45 days, and eventually settled on the “shoulder-surfing” substitute.

"My fellow officers and I should not have to allow the government to view our personal Facebook posts and those of our friends just to keep our jobs," Collins said to the ACLU at the time.

Agency spokesman Rick Binetti confirmed the new policy, but wouldn't comment on it or the proposed law which may ban it.

It's easy to see why an agency that hires prison guards would want to sneak a peek at potential employees’ private online lives. Goemann said that prisons are trying to avoid hiring guards with potential gang ties -- the agency told the ACLU it had reviewed 2,689 applicants via social media, and denied employment to seven because of items found on their pages.

"All seven of these individuals' social media applications contained pictures of them showing verified gang signs (signs commonly known to law enforcement which are utilized by gangs)," the Department of Corrections told the ACLU in response to questions it asked about the program. It stressed the voluntary nature of social media inspection, noting that five of the 80 employees hired in the last three hiring cycles didn't provide access.

For student athletes, though, the access isn't voluntary. No access, no sports.

"They're saying to students if you want to play, you have to friend a coach. That's very troubling," said Shear, the D.C. lawyer. "A good analogy for this, in the offline world, would it be acceptable for schools to require athletes to bug their off-campus apartments? Does a school have a right to know who all your friends are?"

There have been many high-profile embarrassing moments born of the toxic combination of student-athletes and Twitter. North Carolina defensive lineman Marvin Austin tweeted about expensive purchases on his account two years ago, then became subject of an NCAA investigation about improper conduct with a player agent. The incident led, in part, to the school's aforementioned aggressive social media policy.

So it’s not surprising that many schools want to keep a careful eye on what students are posting online.

But avoiding an uncomfortable moment is not a good enough reason to squash free speech, Spear says. Plenty of settled case law in the U.S. sides with students' rights to express themselves publicly, he said, including numerous cases involving student newspapers. Public displays of protest are also protected: A landmark 1969 Supreme Court decisions known as Tinker vs. the Des Moines School District said school officials couldn't prevent students from wearing armbands protesting the Vietnam War as long as they weren't inciting violence.

Colleges have legitimate concerns about the things students post on social media accounts, but they should "deal with that issue the way they deal with everything else. They should educate," Shear said.

"Schools are in the business of educating, not spying," he added. "We don't hire private investigators to follow students wherever they go. If students say stupid things online, they should educate them ... not engage in prior restraint."

Goemann also noted that the rush to social media monitoring raises an often overlooked legal concern: It's against Facebook's Terms of Service.

"You will not share your password ... let anyone else access your account or do anything else that might jeopardize the security of your account," the site says in its policies.

Frederic Wolens, a Facebook spokesman, wouldn't comment on the Maryland legislative proposals, but he said many of these school and employer policies appear to violate the site's terms.

"Under our terms, only the holder of the email address and password is considered the Facebook account owner. We also prohibit anyone from soliciting the login information or accessing an account belonging to someone else," he said in a statement to Wolens said Facebook has yet to take a position on collegiate social media monitoring.

Social media monitoring on colleges, while spreading quickly among athletic departments, seems to be limited to athletes at the moment. There's nothing stopping schools from applying the same policies to other students, however. And Shear says he's heard from college applicants that interviewers have requested Facebook or Twitter login information during in-person screenings.

The practice seems less common among employers, but scattered incidents are gaining attention from state lawmakers. The blog last year showed what it said was an image of an application for a clerical job with a North Carolina police department that included the following question:

"Do you have any web page accounts such as Facebook, Myspace, etc.? If so, list your username and password."

And the state of Illinois has followed Maryland's lead and is considering similar legislation to ban social media password demands by employers.

But Shear says a patchwork of state laws isn't good enough when the stakes are this high.

"We need a federal law dealing with this," he said. "After 9/11, we have a culture where some people think it's OK for the government to be this involved in our lives, that it's OK to turn everything over to the government. But it's not. We still have privacy rights in this country, and we still have a Constitution."
This seems rather worrying, to say the least. I'd really rather not have some HR shithead having access to my account where he/she can start ogling my wife's pictures (or my son's...) at his/her leisure or decide that my Leftist tendencies aren't a good fit for the job or something. This sort of despicable demand for control over an employee's/student's private life is troubling, and I greatly fear that it will get worse before it gets better.

Although, I do wonder how many companies use their IT people to spy on workers who get onto facebook during work hours anyway.
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by Thanas »

Orwell, is that you? What next, they want to mic you up so they can listen to what you say?

Justifiable only for agencies like the CIA, I would think, but any CIA agent who wants to commit treason or divulge secrets is not going to use facebook anyway.
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

And people wonder why I don't have a facebook. As for those colleges and employers, I'd sooner die under a bridge than hire on with them.
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by Ryan Thunder »

Bahahaha. Private organizations do it, we call it 'controversal'. The government does it, we freak the fuck out and call it 'Orwellian'.

Turns out private orgs can ruin your life just as if not more effectively with that information. Where's the outrage?
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by Simon_Jester »

...Aimed specifically at those organizations?

I mean shit, Thanas just called what those organizations are doing "Orwellian."
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by Ryan Thunder »

Simon_Jester wrote:...Aimed specifically at those organizations?

I mean shit, Thanas just called what those organizations are doing "Orwellian."
I meant in the general public.
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by Simon_Jester »

The general public doesn't notice when it's the government doing it, either.

Frankly, most people don't get offended by violations of their rights or privacy that don't have direct consequences these days. The government is too adept at giving calming press releases, and the media is too willing to overlook crimes for the sake of keeping 'access.'

The privacy/rights hawks notice in both cases, the average people don't notice or don't worry about it as long as they personally aren't being set on fire or robbed.
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by Bakustra »

People don't express outrage because only a small percentage of people are being forced to have their privacy invaded as things stand currently, and it isn't yet normatized. In addition, at least some percentage of the American population think that the idea of having any sort of rights vis-a-vis your employer or other authority is nothing but entitled whining. I suspect that these are mainly people who have little to no investment in social media and are likely to be in positions of authority, thereby requiring them to be extraordinarily empathetic and working against their own self-interest to oppose this.

Anyways, we already agree to be treated as guilty until proven innocent for the vast majority of jobs, so what's this but a logical extension of drug-testing and the like?
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by Ziggy Stardust »

Why not just tell your employer you don't have a Facebook? I mean, most names are common enough if you search it hundreds of profiles show up (and my account settings are such that you can't search for my name anyway ... or you could do what some people do and not even use your real first and last name). Besides my name, there's no other information on my profile that could be used to identify me. The only way an employer could get my profile would be to figure out the e-mail address I used to sign up or my IP address and contact Facebook for access, which I don't see happening.
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by UnderAGreySky »

Ziggy Stardust wrote:Why not just tell your employer you don't have a Facebook? I mean, most names are common enough if you search it hundreds of profiles show up (and my account settings are such that you can't search for my name anyway ... or you could do what some people do and not even use your real first and last name). Besides my name, there's no other information on my profile that could be used to identify me. The only way an employer could get my profile would be to figure out the e-mail address I used to sign up or my IP address and contact Facebook for access, which I don't see happening.
Because they've already vetted you when you first sent your application, traced your FB account through your search. So they know you have a facebook account. If you deny it in front of them, you don't get the job. Now you could say "I don't need such an employer", but many people - especially n recessions - have no choice.
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by weemadando »

Once again, this is something we don't have to worry about in Australia as we've already had cases where unfair dismissal was proven after workers were fired for things said on Facebook (within reason of course - excluding criminal behaviour).

Not being hired (or being fired) because you refused to hand over your passwords? Good luck with that one employers.
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by Akhlut »

UnderAGreySky wrote:
Ziggy Stardust wrote:Why not just tell your employer you don't have a Facebook? I mean, most names are common enough if you search it hundreds of profiles show up (and my account settings are such that you can't search for my name anyway ... or you could do what some people do and not even use your real first and last name). Besides my name, there's no other information on my profile that could be used to identify me. The only way an employer could get my profile would be to figure out the e-mail address I used to sign up or my IP address and contact Facebook for access, which I don't see happening.
Because they've already vetted you when you first sent your application, traced your FB account through your search. So they know you have a facebook account. If you deny it in front of them, you don't get the job. Now you could say "I don't need such an employer", but many people - especially n recessions - have no choice.
What? While a lot of companies will do credit checks and background checks, how does that get to a FB profile?
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by Akhlut »

Bakustra wrote:Anyways, we already agree to be treated as guilty until proven innocent for the vast majority of jobs, so what's this but a logical extension of drug-testing and the like?
Makes me wish the US had strong unions again to help with this shit. I can understand drug testing after a major work accident in order to receive workman's comp, but simply to get a job?
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by Tribun »

Good thing that the situation in Germany is clear: thing like that are none of the employer's damn business. What you do in your free time is your thing an no one else's. Damn, I love the sharp divide between work-time and private time in my country.
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by UnderAGreySky »

Akhlut wrote:What? While a lot of companies will do credit checks and background checks, how does that get to a FB profile?
If I didn't make myself clear, I meant that an employer, on receiving your application, would do a cursory internet search with your name and email ID, and if you've provided a correspondence address then a search using your name and suburb. A little more sneaky employer would look up your school and then search, or try to find friends from your batch.

Once they narrow down a profile - the photo will give it away for most people.
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by Akhlut »

Hopefully most people applying for a job will block searches from everyone but friends of friends, then.
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by UnderAGreySky »

Yeah, but considering how smart the average person is... :)

I do hope that this is a passing fad. Stuff like this, and at the other end those "trick" interview questions both serve very little purpose in figuring out whether your candidate is up to it or not.
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by Thanas »

Ryan Thunder wrote:Bahahaha. Private organizations do it, we call it 'controversal'. The government does it, we freak the fuck out and call it 'Orwellian'.

Turns out private orgs can ruin your life just as if not more effectively with that information. Where's the outrage?
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by Broomstick »

This is just another reason I don't have a Facebook account...

Of course, these days, if you tell a potential employer you don't have a Facebook account they might not believe you.

Thank Og my current employer doesn't give a shit about my private life. Well, OK, she'd like me to be a born-again Christian, but I was upfront about NOT being one at the time of hire so that's not a make-or-break thing. Actually, I'm not sure my current employer is even aware of the existence of Facebook. She sure as hell doesn't have my on-line info. She isn't going to, either.
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by JointStrikeFighter »

I dont exactly think your industry is the target of hr policies broomstick.
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by Broomstick »

Ha ha ha - no, likely not. But my prior one was.
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by Norseman »

Broomstick wrote:This is just another reason I don't have a Facebook account...

Of course, these days, if you tell a potential employer you don't have a Facebook account they might not believe you.
Not only do I not have a Facebook account, but I don't have any social media accounts whatsoever. I never saw a point. I really fail to see the appeal of Facebook, why would anyone want a facebook account?
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by J »

Norseman wrote:I really fail to see the appeal of Facebook, why would anyone want a facebook account?
Without facebook, how would all your friends know that you're falling over drunk?

Getting badk on topic, I see a market for sanitized facebook & social media accounts. Soneone would make a nice clean profile of you with pretty pictures of safe & socially acceptable things & events which you can then submit to colleges, employers, and anyone else demanding an online profile.
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by weemadando »

Or you could a) use privacy controls and b) live in somewhere that isn't aiming to be a Rand-ian shithole and actually has worked protections?
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Re: Some Govt. Agencies, Colleges, Demand Facebook Passwords

Post by Broomstick »

Or, better yet, just use some discretion as to what you do and don't put on line.
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Now I did a job. I got nothing but trouble since I did it, not to mention more than a few unkind words as regard to my character so let me make this abundantly clear. I do the job. And then I get paid.- Malcolm Reynolds, Captain of Serenity, which sums up my feelings regarding the lawsuit discussed here.

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