Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
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- Imperial528
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
More lighting detail that I did: ... render.jpg (Posting link only due to size)
Working on a render of firing the main weapon today, if I can get max to animate the doors properly and figure out how to make the primary and secondary radiators glow.
Very nice work with it, the new radiators and textures are beautiful with the new lights. ... render.jpg (Posting link only due to size)
Working on a render of firing the main weapon today, if I can get max to animate the doors properly and figure out how to make the primary and secondary radiators glow.
Very nice work with it, the new radiators and textures are beautiful with the new lights.
- Kenny_10_Bellys
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
How about this version then? Increased the size of the radiators and improved the texture a bit (simplified it) and added a couple more lights. I think overall the si\e fits better with the huge ship, certainly when you compare it side by side with the previous versions.

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- Imperial528
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
So, if anyone remembers the first ship I posted in this thread, the Warlord. I'm remaking it:
Here's a render of the original that Kenny made:

And here is my current WIP of the remake:

Here's a render of the original that Kenny made:

And here is my current WIP of the remake:

- Kenny_10_Bellys
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
Nice start so far, somewhat sleeker and the weapons are much more to scale. Keep detailing away at it and you'll have a very nice model.
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- Imperial528
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
More changes:

Added hangar space, changed hull shape a bit, placed missile launchers and a spinal weapon.

Added hangar space, changed hull shape a bit, placed missile launchers and a spinal weapon.
- Imperial528
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
I added some more things, then got a mindblock, so in the meanwhile I decided to texture it:
Screenshot, with the Normandy SR2 added in for size comparison. (Model from the 3d warehouse):


Screenshot, with the Normandy SR2 added in for size comparison. (Model from the 3d warehouse):


- Imperial528
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
Here is a more proper render made in 3dsmax:

I had to shrink it because imageshack didn't like the size and flickr won't recognize any of my passwords.

I had to shrink it because imageshack didn't like the size and flickr won't recognize any of my passwords.
- Padawan Learner
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
Like I said a while ago: You're really improving. The concept for the updated version of your old battleship looks nice,
- Kenny_10_Bellys
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
Its an improvement and shows your skills are improving, but I'd ask you not to stop here. You need to add a lot of detail to sell a model this size as being large. You have to go to town sticking on panels, vents, hatches, antennae, sensors, greebles, nurnies, windows, anything that will sell the scale of the ship. It's a pain, but every bit of detail you add makes the ship more believable.
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- Imperial528
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
Will do. In the mean time, I added hangar lights:

- Kenny_10_Bellys
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]

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- Imperial528
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
Imageshack's thumbnails are broken, so I gave up using them. I'll just upload a small version and provide links to the large ones.
Also, I added more detail. Getting a render will take some time though because my previous import did not save. And I have to make the lights right again.
Also, I added more detail. Getting a render will take some time though because my previous import did not save. And I have to make the lights right again.
- Imperial528
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
It shoots, the main weapon at least:

Oh, and the little dots on the side area are 40x80' recesses that hold two 10x10' docking tunnel hatches and one 20x20' tunnel hatch.

Oh, and the little dots on the side area are 40x80' recesses that hold two 10x10' docking tunnel hatches and one 20x20' tunnel hatch.
- Kenny_10_Bellys
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
Have you actually modeled those docking tunnel details into the little holes? If they were 1 foot wide windows it would be a massive ship, but when you tell us its 80 times larger than that you're getting up to Death Star style fantasy proportions. When people start building battleships n miles long by x miles wide they rarely model enough detail in to sell it, and it all becomes a bit daft. The winner is still the guy who made the 15 lightyear long ubership out of 3 rectangles and a cylinder.
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
Eh? I remember this one fucking wanker known as Deimos Anomaly had a starship 50000km long and shaped like a shampoo bottle with a dildo nose housing a superlaser. It was drawn in mspaint, the bad way. Alyrium and I TGODed the thing out of existence over Spacebattles nine years ago.Kenny_10_Bellys wrote:The winner is still the guy who made the 15 lightyear long ubership out of 3 rectangles and a cylinder.

- Kenny_10_Bellys
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
Yeah, I remember that dude. Someone else there asked me to make an Ubership for Star Trek once. He said it would be pretty much the Enterprise-D but 10km long with 1000 phasers and torpedo launchers, and to illustrate it he sent a tiny doodle on the back of a napkin which looked like a badly drawn figure 8. "Just fill that out and send him the finished model later that week", he said. " Fuck off, clueless", said I.
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- Imperial528
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
I have some placeholder marks, and I am debating whether or not to make them into the actual front of the tunnel or some sort of hatch the tunnel extends from.Kenny_10_Bellys wrote:Have you actually modeled those docking tunnel details into the little holes? If they were 1 foot wide windows it would be a massive ship, but when you tell us its 80 times larger than that you're getting up to Death Star style fantasy proportions. When people start building battleships n miles long by x miles wide they rarely model enough detail in to sell it, and it all becomes a bit daft. The winner is still the guy who made the 15 lightyear long ubership out of 3 rectangles and a cylinder.
This is a close-up on one of the forward ones:

The inner borders are of the tunnel dimensions provided earlier.
EDIT: I also made a quick comparison image between the original Warlord and the new version:

Second EDIT:
I have made actual docking tunnels in the withdrawn position:

For reference, the circular hatches on the smaller tunnels are 8' in diameter.
- Imperial528
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
I took a break from space ships to re-work my tank design a bit, here is the current WIP next to an Abrams model:

I found the Abrams on the 3d warehouse.

I found the Abrams on the 3d warehouse.
- Kenny_10_Bellys
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
Nice start. I wonder that you may have created a shot trap at the front, allowing shells to explode nice and tight under the turret.
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- The Romulan Republic
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
That space ship looks like a mix of Corelian and Old Republic/Galactic Empire styles. Like a cross between a Corillean Gunship and a Venator class Star Destroyer. This is not a criticism- I am fond of both designs, and this ship looks really nice. Though the black colour gives it a more menacing and stealthy appearance.
- gigabytelord
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
You sir have skill, I wish I had that kind of skill.
- Imperial528
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
Thanks, it's taken a lot of practice though. Here is a shrunken version of a render I made of recent detailing:

And a link to the almost full-size version: ... medium.jpg
I had to shrink it a bit and cut off some of the background just to get it uploaded.

And a link to the almost full-size version: ... medium.jpg
I had to shrink it a bit and cut off some of the background just to get it uploaded.
- Padawan Learner
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
It looks very sleek from the side.
- Alan Bolte
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
When I saw your sig I thought at first I was looking at the GTCv Chimera (from a mod for FreeSpace 2), which in my mind at least is a favorable comparison. Looks like Kenny_10_Bellys is saturating this thread with good advice so I won't throw in my 2 cents, but I like what you've created so far.
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- Imperial528
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Re: Imperial 528's Starship Thread [No 56k]
Well, I haven't been working on much due to a lack of inspiration, but today I did do some modification and addition to the laser sailer I made some time back:

Click for full size. (Warning: Full size is very large, 9000 x 3946 pixels)
I've doubled the passenger capacity, quadrupled the number of cruisers it carries, and added battleship carrying capability. Still working on re-doing the engines.

Click for full size. (Warning: Full size is very large, 9000 x 3946 pixels)
I've doubled the passenger capacity, quadrupled the number of cruisers it carries, and added battleship carrying capability. Still working on re-doing the engines.