Let me make it easy for any Liberal apologists. When I write a medical certificate it consists of eitherOpposition presses Craig Thompson on tummy trouble Save this story to read laterby: BY MALCOLM FARR NATIONAL POLITICAL EDITOR
March 19, 2012 11:20AM
Craig Thompson granted sick leave for stomach pain
Opposition grants a pair - but only for today
Three opposition MPs take extended sick leave
LABOR'S problem MP Craig Thomson will consult a specialist doctor today as the Opposition demands full medical details before granting a leave pass from Parliament.
Opposition Whip Warren Entsch today said Mr Thomson would get a “pair'' - a matching reduction in the Coalition's House of Representatives numbers - for today only.
If he wanted to be away longer he would have to divulge his most private medical information, a demand never made before.
Mr Thomson wants to be away all week and has a doctor's certificate to that effect, but the Opposition leadership has made unprecedented demands for more details on his condition.
In effect, the Opposition is claiming either that a doctor has issued a false certificate, or that it is better at diagnosing a condition than a trained medical practitioners.
“It says abdominal pain. It has no further information,'' Mr Entsch said of the medical certificate on ABC radio today.
Mr Thomson's absence would not alter relative numbers because independent Bob Katter, who usually votes with the Opposition, will be in Queensland all week helping his newly-formed party in the final days of the state election.
The increased pressure on Mr Thomson, whose actions when national secretary of the Health Services Union are under investigation, is simply the Opposition being as ruthless as it can.
Mr Entsch is carrying the argument in public for the Opposition but the tough stand has been demanded by Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and Manager of Opposition Business in the House Christopher Pyne.
Labor is furious at the sudden change in parliamentary practice and the insistence by the Opposition that it knows better than a doctor.
Government Whip Joel Fitzgibbon tweeted over night: “Instead of a fluro vest and a nail gun Tabbott's stunt tomorrow will involve a white coat and a stethoscope to test Craig Thomson's health!''
There have been at least three Opposition MPs absent on extended sick leave over the past year - Judi Moylan, Alby Schultz and Mark Coulton. In no instance did the Government demand even a basic medical certificate before allowing a pair.
It has long been accepted practice on both sides that no certificate is needed, and that MPs can be taken on their word.
Trade Minister Craig Emersion today said the Opposition should be reasonable and accept the certificate, and wait for the investigations into Mr Thomson's past to be completed.
“It's entirely reasonable for people to allow those investigations to take their course and not pre-empt them,'' he said.
a. This person has a MEDICAL CONDITION and will not be fit for work until <insert date here>. or
b. This person has been hospitalised from <date range> and not fit for work until <insert date here>.
In other words, my description is even more vauge than on Craig Thompson's certificate, which supposedly gave abdominal pain.
This article is being quite generous to Mr Entsch. The replays on ABC shows Mr Entsch saying "Abdominal pain. Whats that?"“It says abdominal pain. It has no further information,'' Mr Entsch said of the medical certificate on ABC radio today.
Hmm. Let me think about that one Mr Entsch. This is just a wild guess, but maybe it means Mr Thompson has pain in the abdomen.

Maybe Entsch is trying to ask what is the aetiology (in violation of patient confidentiality) but he lacked the language skills to ask properly (since abdominal pain is a symptom, not a diagnosis per se). So he gets mocked for his blatant stupidity.
When a right wing union - the Australian Medical Association has to come out and argue for patient confidentiality then we know the Conservatives have lost the plot further. What are they trying to do? Change themselves into an equivalent of the Tea Party, but only down under.